Always The Hero.

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Midoriya: "No, you need to explain who you are! You gave me a spell or a power that gave me the power to kill someone!"

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

Midoriya: "It's a horrible thing! Why are you so calm about this?!"

"Because he was going to kill you! It's either kill or be killed, he was going to drown you and then who knows what he'll do with your body, maybe put his-"

Nana: "Okay, diving off-topic. Just tell us, we aren't getting anywhere and like you said, he needs to get back into the fight."

"Ugh...fine, Izuku, I'm Hisashi Midoriya. I'm Midnight's husband, and she's your mother. So..."

Midoriya: "You're my dad? My biological dad?"

Hisashi: "Bingo."

Midoriya: " are you here? Why did you say anything before? How long have you been watching...?"

Hisashi: "I've been watching since the start, ever since the Yagis stole you from me and your mother...I'm sorry. Really, for what they did."

Midoriya: "Why didn't you do anything...? You're able to give me power and help why didn't you...?"

Hisashi: "You didn't have an understanding of magic, you would've killed everyone and villains would've found you,'s a lot of things, but the main reason was because you would have destroyed your body. An eight-year-old casting incredibly powerful magic with no prior experience? Not a good idea."

Midoriya: "So you just watched?! You just watched them beat me?! Burn me?! Neglect me?!"

Hisashi: "What was I supposed to do? You would have exploded from casting powerful magic like that! You didn't even know existed!"

Midoriya: "You could have helped! Taught me! But you were just sitting there, in a dark corner watching me cry! You're my mom's husband, really?"

Hisashi: "I'm not good enough for your mother? I helped her escape, I gave my life for her! I gave her everything so she could live and find you someday!"

Midoriya: "Still! You just sat there!"

Hisashi: "What else was I supposed to do?! Do you think it would've been good for an eight-year-old to hear voices after facing a crap ton of trauma!?"

Nana: "Stop! Stop! Shut up! Can we stop yelling at each other and just connect the dots here?"

Midoriya: "Why? It's clear that he doesn't care about me! He let me get kidnapped, watched me be abused and neglected, starve!"

Hisashi: "If I didn't care about you, then why did I save you from drowning? That was me! I gave you that power so you could take in a nice breath of fresh air! And your kidnapping, I didn't even know about it until your mother told me, how was I supposed to stop it?!"

Midoriya: "Screw you!"

Hisashi: "No, screw you! Agh, god! I told Nemuri we shouldn't have kids!"

Midoriya: "So what?! I was unwanted?!"

Hisashi: "No! I purposely put my-"

Nan: "Shut up! Shut up, now! Both of you! Both of you are fighting like kids not being able to share something! Shut up!"

They both become silent, and Midoriya turns around. Hisashi sighs and looks at the ring around his finger.

Hisashi: "I didn't mean for you to interpret it like that, Izuku...of course, you were wanted. You're mother spent an entire year convincing me to get her pregnant...I didn't want you and I really did think about running away but I learned to love're my son, you mean everything, I'm sorry you were kidnapped and that you were treated like that..."

Midoriya stays silent.

Midoriya: "How are you here? How did you die? How did this all start?"

Hisashi: "You were born and Nemuri was a close friend of Inko, pretty much showing you off. She didn't know about Inko's miscarriages...Inko pretty much went insane and wanted her own child...she kidnapped you and...God, you're mothers yells...her kills me."

Nana: "I'm guessing she just broke down?"

Hisashi: "Yeah, her son, just gone...I tried to calm her down but nothing worked...she spent weeks without sleep or rest...even some time in bed wouldn't-"

Midoriya: "What is up with you wanting to constantly enter my mom?"

Nana: "That's like the fourth time you've said something like that."

Hisashi: "What? Your mother's a hot lewd hero! Of course I want to throw her in bed every other day...moving on...eventually, she collapsed and slept for a week, and within that week, Nezu contacted me saying they found you, we got a warrant and the police broke into the Yagi household."

Nana: "What about heros? None of them were there?"

Hisashi: "Nope. Nezu was luckily able to convince them to just give up. Your mother woke up and I gave her the news, she cried into my arms knowing you were safe and that you would be in her arms again, but..."

He looks up into the black sky with his arms folded.

Midoriya: "But what?"

Hisashi: "But Toshinori was there, him being the number one hero and having a bunch of cash, he bribed every official he could...officers, prosecutors, judges, government officials...we were framed for murder and the kidnapping of a child, that child being you. They had fake documents and a bunch of lawyers...we were sentenced to death."

Nana: "Death?! What?!"

Hisashi: "They bribed the judge and told him to make sure we died. We were seen as serial killers about to take the life of a child. Nezu fought and fought, but we lost. Over a hundred guns were pointed at us, and I used my magic to save Nemuri..."

Midoriya: "Why didn't you just cast Protego or something? Go on the run, have Nezu defend you."

Hisashi: "Your mother was already shot, and I was very, very, very close to exposing the Wizarding World, I used my magic to defend her, she was bleeding out and I healed her while having bullets go into my back...used Apparition to get her out of there, and I died by the beach while I forced her to run..."

Midoriya: "Then how are you here? Inside of my soul or my mind or whatever..."

Hisashi: "I used my remaining strength to send my consciousness into you."

Midoriya: "You can do that?"

Hisashi: "Yeah, but it's advanced magic and it's complicated...I'm hoping that you don't ever have to cast it."

Midoriya nods his head, and soon, it just becomes awkward. Midoriya looks around while Hisashi continues to look at the ring, and Nana is just standing there.

Nana: " did Inko meet Nemuri?"

Hisashi: "It was a few days after me and Inko, uh...after we got a divorce."

Midoriya: "You married here?!"

Hisashi: "Yeah, I was young and stupid...don't make that mistake with Itzuka, but a few days after she kicked me out of my home, I met your mother who wanted to get me my home back and she...she fought Inko and practically kicked her out."

Midoriya: "Then how did they become friends?"

Hisashi: "They were forced to work a lot together, and so they got to know each other more and more...soon my ex-wife became best friends with my current wife."

Nana: "That seems..."

Hisashi: "Yeah, I know, I know. You don't have to add insult to injury."

Midoriya: "What was life growing up for you? And what did you do before you met Mom?"

Nana: "And what you did do while you were with her?"

Hisashi: "Are we going to spend more time here or are we going to deal with the bigger problem?"

Midoriya: "Just make it quick."

Hisashi: " growing up was hard. Mom and Dad weren't there most of the time,  my older sister took care of me and soon I made my way to Hogwarts."

Midoriya: "You went to Hogwarts?! What was it like?"

Hisashi: "It was fun...if you ever go, you'll definitely make a bunch of friends, and a few enemies here and there. I was sorted into Slytherin and was the top of my class, but that didn't last long, I was kicked out for fighting one of my classmates...she was annoying."

Nana: "That makes a lot of sense coming from you."

Hisashi: "Yeah...soon, I became a wizard bounty hunter, taking down Dark Wizards, it was fun but soon I became one...I killed and robbed...I left that behind when I met Inko, and...y'know what? Let's talk about this some other time, you need to get back out there."

Midoriya: "Uh, sure...but I can't fight All Might or Green Tornado. Maybe Izumi and Katsumi but I'll die!"

Hisashi: "That's why I'm going to help you out again, I-"

Midoriya: "No! You made me kill someone! Nana! Can't you help me out here?"

Nana: "I'd give you One For All but guess who has it?"

Hisashi: "It isn't that bad, it's just another spell that makes people really's called Crucio."

Hisashi places two fingers on Izuku's head and soon his arm illuminates, Midoriya suddenly knows how to cast Crucio.

Midoriya: "How did-"

Hisashi: "Shut up."

Hisashi pushes him and he falls. He hits the ground and his eyes open, he's woken up. He gets up and looks out the building, 1A has been fighting for a while now but they just can't compete with All Might.

All Might: "Detorit Smash!"

All Might punches Kendo and she goes flying into a wall.

Midoriya: "No!"

Midoriya rushes out of the building and makes his way to the center. He jumps in front of All Might and pulls out his wand.

All Might: "Scamander...I just want you to know this isn't personal."

Midoriya: "It's been personal for a long time now."

All Might raises his fist and is about to crush Midoriya, but Midoriya quickly casts Crucio.

Midoriya: "Crucio!"

A green beam of electricity hits All Might. He starts to scream from pain.

All Might: "AGH! WHAT THE HELL?! AGH!!!"

Midoriya: "Hey! Hey! What the hell was that?!"

Hisashi: "It's Crucio."

Midoriya: "Why is he acting like that?"

Hisashi: "Oh. He's feeling immense pain. Imagine being lit on fire while having every part of your body crushed and twisted."

Midoriya: "Why would you teach me this?!"

From the glimpse of his eyes, he sees a figure move quickly. He turns around and is punched by Kutskui.

Kutskui: "I'm going to enjoy this! You look exactly like Deku!"

That sentence enrages Midoriya.

Midoriya: "Crucio!"


Midoriya pushes over Kutskui and starts to attack him. He punches him over and over until blood starts to cover his face.

Nana: "Stop! Stop! Calm down, Izuku!"

Hisashi: "Stop! Stop attacking him!"

Midoriya continues, but with some quick thinking, Hisashi says something to Midoriya that really affects him.

Hisashi: "Stop! You're being exactly like him! You're Kutskui and he's Izuku!"

Midoriya stops and looks at Kutskui, bloody and swollen face. He realizes Hisashi is right.

Midoriya: "Damn it...! God, I wish you wouldn't have said that!"

Hisashi: "Watching his dreams be crushed is better than killing him, watching him rot in a cell is more satisfying...don't kill him!"

Midoriya shakes his head and looks at his hands, covered in blood. He removes Crucio from Bakugo, bearly breathing.

Kutskui: "...Deku...Deku...Deku..."

Midoriya wipes off the blood on Kutskui's shirt and looks at him again. He sighs. He realizes that he's no better than Kutskui, who is now a villain. He's starting to see himself as everything he's hated.

Hisashi: "I know what you're thinking. Don't beat yourself up, kid. We all lose control."

Midoriya: "I'm deciding how much that means coming from you."

Nana: "Don't beat yourself up because of a mistake, everyone loses their temper."

Midoriya: "Thanks, Nana."

Hisashi: "Are you serious? Does my mystical father's advice not work on you?"

Midoriya: "Not really, and you watched everything that happened to me and not doing anything, so..."

Hisashi: "I've explained this like a hundred times now! You would've killed yourself!"

Midoriya: "I'm joking...I understand why you didn't help. I forgive you."

He hears a branch snap. He turns his head toward where the sound came from and points his wand toward it. He sees the Todoroki twins, Kutsumi, Izumi, and Inko.

Izumi: "Aren't you listening to us?! Stop! Stop whatever you're doing to my dad! Stop hurting Kutskui!"

Midoriya: "When did...when did you say that?"

Izumi: "We've been yelling at you this entire time! Don't you hear my dad screaming?!"

Midoriya suddenly starts to hear All Might scream in pain again. He looks at All Might who is on the floor, slamming his fists on the ground.

Midoriya: "I didn't hear..."

Hisashi: "Might've defended your was bringing me back memory of when Inko yelled at was annoying."

Midoriya: "You can do that?"

Nana: "Can we focus on them, please?!"

Hisashi: "Yeah, yeah!"

Midoriya looks back at Izumi.

Izumi: "You're a freak! You're speaking to yourself now?! And you've killed Kutskui?! You're a monster! You're nothing but a monster!"

Midoriya: "Your brother could say the same about you..."

Inko: "Keep him out of this! Kutsumi! Get your brother!"

Kustumi jumps toward her brother and places her hands on his chest. Midoriya backs away.

Kustumi: "Kutskui...wake up, please...say something!"

He doesn't say anything. Complete silence, but she can hear him breathing, taking small breaths, wheezing.

Kutsumi: "He's alive! He's breathing!"

She drags him toward Izumi and Inko.

Izumi: "Now my dad! Let him go?"

Midoriya: "Or what? It's not like you're going to attack me..."

Shoka: "Yeah, we will!"

Midoriya feels different. He feels anger, sadness, and pride. He just feels like destroying everything.

Midoriya: "You'll die trying, that's for sure. I'll beat you all the same way I did Kutskui!"

Nana: "What? No! What are you saying?"

Hisashi: "Keep talking to him, try convincing him not to do this. This is one of the side effects of these spells."

Nana: "Of course! Why didn't you tell us?!"

Hisashi: "It didn't seem like an important detail!"

Shoto: "Shut up! If anything, you're worse than us! You're torturing him! Stop!"

Midoriya steps over to Shoto and grabs him by his neck, he holds him up while Inko and Shoka try pulling him down, but his arm isn't budging.

Midoriya: "Me? Worse than you?! After everything you've done?!"

Midoriya throws Shoto onto the floor, his head hits the floor with such force that it cracks the floor, and Shoto starts to bleed not only blood but also cerebral fluid. Shoka tries to stop the bleeding.

Shoka: "Stop! Please! Just let us go!"

Nana: "Izuku! Stop! You don't want to do this!"

Midoriya is flooded with memories of pain, remembering all the blood that they spilled, all the bruises and scars that are on his body, and the tears he cried, it was because of them, and he becomes angry.

Inko: "Please! We don't want to fight anymore! Just let us go and we'll never bother you again!"

Hisashi: "Stop! Think of everyone this will affect! Newt, Aizawa, Ryukyu! Don't do this! Don't kill them!"

Midoriya: "I...agh! Fine! Get out of here! Hurry up! Leave!"

Izumi: "Let go of my-"

Midoriya: "I said now! Or I'll put you through the same pain as the others!"

Izumi becomes quiet, she helps Shoka drag away Shoto and Inko levitates Kutskui away. Kutsumi follows and gives a look of sadness at Midoriya before leaving. He calms down and breathes in, he lets it out and is stable again.

Nana: "You okay now?"

Midoriya: "Yeah, I'm in a better mood...what was that? Why was I so angry?"

Hisashi: "That's one of the bad things about these spells, they bring out the worst in you."

Midoriya: "Why didn't you-"

Hisashi: "We'll talk about this later! Let All Might go and let's get out of here!"

Midoriya removes the spell off of All Might and he collapses. He falls on the floor, practically dead. Other heros and police enter, and a few days pass.

Midoriya: "Wasn't there any other spell you could've taught me? Like a spell that makes me faster?"

Hisashi: "It seemed like a good time to teach you one...don't tell Newt."

Midoriya: "I'm going to tell him!"

Midoriya enters his dorm and opens the closet, he opens the suitcase and enters. He sees Newt asleep, his upper body resting on a table. Midoriya wakes up him.

Newt: "Hmm? Is everything alright, Izuku?"

Midoriya: "I need to talk to you, it's really important."

Newt: "Yes, what is it?"

Hisashi: "Don't tell him! Please!"

Nana: "Shut up!"

Midoriya: "You heard about the USJ accident, right?"

Newt: "Um...oh, yes! You were there, correct? Are you alright? Is everyone okay?"

Midoriya: "Yeah, everyone's in the nurse's office though, All Might, Inko, Izumi, and her gang turned on us and attacked us. They're with the villains."

Newt: "Oh, that isn't good. Was that all that happened?"

Midoriya: "No, I...I killed someone."

Newt: "What...? Are you joking?"

Midoriya: " was a villain dragging me underwater and I panicked and..."

Newt: "How did you take their life? Did you drown them or..."

Midoriya: "I casted a spell on them, called Avda Kadavra and-"

Newt grabs Midoriya's shoulder and looks him dead in the eyes. His eyes, filled with panic and fear.

Newt: "You what?! You casted Avda Kedvera?! Who taught you that spell?! Was it that witch?!"

Midoriya: "N-no! I-it was a my head...!"

Newt looks at Midoriya with concern.

Newt: "You're hearing voices? Izuku, is everything alright? Are you seeing things as well?"

Midoriya: "No! No! It isn't like that! They're actual people, one is my grandmother and the other...they're my biological dad...and they taught me the spell..."

Newt: "What? Izuku, please, stop playing around, this is-"

Midoriya: "I'm not playing around! I'm serious! Their souls or consciousness lives inside of me! I know it sounds insane but it's true!"

Newt continues to look at him. He pulls out his wand and creates a projector, he points it toward the tarp and starts it. He brings Midoriya to the tarp and points his wand at the temple of his head, he starts to bring out a white stream of light out of Midoriyas head, he throws it onto the tarp, and does it again. Soon, Nana and Hisashi step onto the screen.

Nana: "Whoa...this magic stuff continues to surprise me."

Hisashi: "You should see the animals in the Wizarding World, crazy."

Newt: "Hello? Can you two hear me?"

Nana: "Oh, Newt! Hello!"

Hisashi: "Hello, Newt..."

Newt: "Yes, his...what were you doing inside of his mind?"

Nana and Hisashi explain everything, Newt is astonished and angry.

Newt: "Why would you teach him two Unforgivable spells?!"

Hisashi: "He needed to survive! It was him or them, and I'm not going to let him die!"

Newt: "You couldn't have taught him anything else?! Flipendo or defensive spell?!"

Hisashi: "What is Flipendo going to do? It's just going to annoy the villain!"

Nana: "Calm down! Stop screaming at each other, this is like you and Izuku while we were at the USJ!"

Newt: "I don't want him teaching Izuku spells that will get the Ministery of Magic involved!"

Nana: "Why? What's an Unforgivable? Why can't he teach him these spells?"

Newt: "The Three Unforgivable Curses are three curses that should never be casted. If used, you will be deemed a criminal and thrown into Azkaban!"

Midoriya: "Isn't that the worst prison for magical criminals?"

Newt: "Yes. If the witch you've been spending so much time with saw you use those spells, she would've reported you to some kind of official, and you would be taken into custody!"

Nana: "What makes them Unforgivable? I'm guessing it's because they kill and inflict pain? And you said three, what's the third one?"

Newt: "Yes, it's because of those exact reasons, they are dark magic, it's evil and can corrupt anyone...the third one involves control over whoever the user casts it on. Don't you teach him the third!"

He points at Hisashi.

Hisashi: "I won't...probably because he'll teach it to himself..."

Newt: "Why would he do that?"

Hisashi: "The curses took over him and...he almost killed two of his attackers, and if they have any more influence, he'll learn the third..."

Newt rubs his eyes and turns to Izuku.

Newt: "Izuku, you must promise me, that you will never cast those spells again, and that you will never cast the third."

Midoriya: "Okay, okay, I promise. Never again. I swear."

Newt: "Thank you...I'll be keeping these two down here, I don't trust them...go check on your classmates..."

Midoriya leaves, leaving Newt, Nana, and Hisashi alone. Newt looks at Hisashi.

Newt: "I probably shouldn't allow you to do this but...he is your son. Please protect him, both of you. He's vulnerable and trusts very quickly, keep him safe for me...please."

Hisashi: "I will. Look, Newt, I'm sorry I taught him those curses, never again. I know you care for him too."

Newt: "Thank you..."

Nana: "So, what does this make him? Izuku Scamander Midoriya? If his name is that long, then we should just add 'the third'."


Nezu rings the doorbell. He has some lunch and drinks in his hand, waiting to eat them. He picked them up a few blocks down, they're from Midnight's favorite restaurant. He also got her some perfume and makeup supplies, she hasn't been taking Izuku's death well. Midnight opens the door, wearing some blue ripped pants, and a purple shirt with her face on it.

Midnight: "Oh, Nezu, hey."

Nezu: "Hi, Nemuri...I know you haven't been doing well, so I wanted to cheer you up...I got some lunch."

Midnight lets Nezu inside and he looks around, he sees a normal living room, a big TV with some photos of her husband and of Izuku as a baby. They sit down on her couch and she turns on the TV.

Midnight: "Do you want a drink?"

Nezu: "No thank you, I brought some...I got you your favorite."

Nezu lifts the food into Midnight's face, and she grabs it. She opens the plastic container and sees Katsudon and some pork cutlet rice. She smiles at Nezu.

Midnight: "Nezu, didn't have to do this."

Nezu: "I know...I know you're struggling with Izuku's don't have any more family, your mother, father, husband, and now son...I'm sorry."

Midnight: "It's okay...thank you for worrying...I just wish I was able to talk to him..."

Midnight: "Me too...let's not think about it now, let's just watch some TV."

Midnight switches to the news channel.

"Toshinori Yagi AKA All Might has been arrested for attacking the USJ, a UA-owned building. He has attacked students and staff, it is rumored that his family and close friends were also there. Students and staff are currently in critical condition."

Nezu: "God damn it...Toshinori, what the hell is wrong with you?! You dumb-"

Midnight: "I'll help you clean up when we're finished."

   Nezu: "Thank you, Nemuri...what would I do without you?"

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