Fallen From Grace.

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Nezu and Midnight finish eating and they quickly find All Might. He's in an interrogation room with multiple heros and S.W.A.T members. He's handcuffed and has been dosed with a quirk blocker. Nezu enters the room and sits across from All Might.

Nezu: "..."

All Might: "..."

Nezu: "What is wrong with you? Why did you attack the USJ? Why did you attack the students?!"

All Might: "..."

Nezu: "Are you really going to do this?"

All Might: "..."

Nezu: "Goddammit! Answer me!"

Nezu slams his fist on the table. All Might continues to stay silent, Nezu looks at him with hatred, disgust, and anger. He sees All Might in a new light, the number one hero, a symbol of peace, nothing but a fraud with mistakes from the past coming back to haunt him.

Nezu: "Is this about Izuku?"

All Might: "..."

Nezu: "You know what you did was wrong, and that is why he is dead."

All Might: "..."

Nezu: "You grew up quirkless yourself, and that is how you treat him? He never experienced any form of love or care for eleven years of his life, no one has said that they love him. He died without any kind of person to care for him."

All Might: "..."

Nezu: "You are the reason he's dead. You, your wife, your daughter, and her friends, and honestly, I can't blame Izumi, you spoiled her and inflated her ego. She is what happens when you fail to be a father. You are the main reason he is dead, the culprit. That's why he took his life."

All Might: "Shut up! T-that isn't true! I-I loved him and-"

Nezu: "You never loved him! You only started to care now because you knew it would ruin your career, your family, your perfect life!"

All Might: "I did care for him! I...Izumi! She had potential and..."

Nezu: "You cared more for her than you did him because she had a quirk and he didn't! Have you ever seen his room? He slept on the floor, with bloody bandages! You are a failure!"

All Might starts to break down, realizing how right Nezu is, everything is his fault. He let his pride for Izumi cloud his judgment. He should've loved his kids equally and kept watch over Izuku. Now he's dead and she's under house arrest and probably on the run. Everything he's worked for is falling apart, his dreams, his family, his life. It's over.

Nezu: "Unless you want to see your daughter again, then I suggest you tell me everything. Why did you attack the USJ? How did you get out of your ankle monitors? And why shouldn't I expose everything to the public?"

All Might can't do that. He's sworn to secrecy. If he tells them, then his family will be killed, but he still has a chance to save his reputation. No, he shouldn't think about that. It's practically worthless compared to his family, they're priority number one, but what's twenty more years after he does everything for the League? New wife, new kids, new life. He can just start over again, start over somewhere else.

Nezu: "Toshinori."

All Might: "...Okay. I'll tell you everything, we attacked the USJ because-"

A loud bang goes off and All Might's head slams into the table, he starts to bleed from the back of the neck. Nezu looks up and sees a S.W.A.T. member with a gun pointed toward his head.

Nezu: "Why...?"

"That's the name of the game."

Nezu: "No! Stop!"

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