Sports Festival.

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Today is the day, the Sports Festival, everyone has been looking forward to this, it's a one in a lifetime event. Hundreds of thousands of millions of people are watching from home and thousands more are going to watch it happen all unfold in front of them. Midoriya is excited, he gets to show everyone what he's made of, what he's learned the past few months since entering UA. He just wishes Kendo was there with him.

He walks behind the stadium and enters the locker room, everyone is there, everyone that was taken out of UA because of the All Might controversy was given a chance to participate. He says hello and changes into his traning uniform. He grabs his wand and puts it into his pocket, he breathes in and out slowly. He plans on winning, nothing is going to stop him.

Hisashi: "If you want a real chance at winning, make sure to use Avda Kadavra."

Nana: "Yes, kill a classmate, and don't expect consequences, that's going to be fun."

Hisashi: "Just saying, he's still a somewhat inexperienced Wizard, compared to kids who have had quirks their entire life, it'll be hard for him to compete."

Midoriya: "So you don't believe in me?"

Hisashi: "You're twisting my words, of course, I believe in you. All I'm suggesting is that this could be a challenge for you since you're still a new Wizard who recently discovered his power, unlike other children who have had almost sixteen years to figure out how their powers work."

Midoriya: "I've been doing well with my powers the last year. Nothing has gone wrong and I took down All Might! No one is going to stop me."

Nana: "You sound like Kutskui, you're getting cocky."

Midoriya: "Except he was a bully who wanted cash and fame, I'm just a kid who's chasing after his dreams."

Hisashi: "Look, Izuku, just play it safe, okay? Don't go out and take an unnecessary risk, it could cost you the entire competition."

Midoriya: "Not unless I remove all those unnecessary risks, I'll be fine, I'm possibly the best here."

Hisashi: "Are you listening to yourself? You sound exactly like Kutskui! This will be your downfall!"

Midoriya: "Not unless I win."

Nana: "He's being smart now, if he doesn't want to listen, then let him face the consequences on his own."

Hisashi: "You sure, I mean he's still a kid and he's been through a lot and-"

Nana: "I'm sure, come on."

Midoriya: "Wait, you're not mad at me, are you?"

No response.

Midoriya: "Fine, whatever. I'll show you that you're wrong and that I'm not being cooky! I'm just certain I'll win!"

He storms out of the locker room and waits outside the first activity. He sits behind a large metal door and pulls out his wand, he casts a spell, and a bright light flashes in front of him, and a book lands in his hands. It's his journal, pages are filled with notes and drawings of magical animals, and he likes to study them. He rights down new spells that he could practice, potion ingredients, and herbology tips. His journal clears his head of everything he's worrying about.

Ever since he left the Yagi household, problems seem to be piling up on one another. Before he left, all he had to worry about is whether he could hide from Izumi and her gang long enough that they would give up and do something else. Now, he has to worry about Kendo, villains, school, friends, and Izumi. He still hasn't gotten a letter from her, maybe she's forgotten or maybe really was running away from the consequences.

He's worried if he made the right decision, letting Izumi go and live a new life. He could've turned her in and been done with her but he didn't. He technically aided a criminal in escaping, she was quickly rising on the most wanted charts. He's just hoping that she's doing the right thing. He has his sister back and that's all he wanted from her, and all she wanted from him was her brother.

He closes his journal and looks at the cover. It is a beautifully crafted cover that gives the feeling of warmth and comfort. The oak brown color and feeling is was drew him to this specific journal. He shakes his head, pulls out his wand, and casts a spell, the book disappears. After a while, he sees the rest of his class walk up to the metal door.

Midoriya: "Oh, hey, guys!"

Ururaka: "Hey, Midoriya! How's it been?"

Midoriya: "It's been boring honestly, since you guys were pulled out, it's just kinda sad seeing the school like this."

Momo: "I agree, and to think that all of this happened because of what All Might did."

Mina: "It makes you think about other heros that could be hiding something like that. He was the world's number one fakest hero."

Iida: "At least he is gone, along with Izumi and the others."

Kaminari: "Man, was she annoying, all she would talk about was her brother, who's been confirmed dead, right?"

Jiro: "Yeah, but they opened the case again because his corpse turned into a glass jar and flew out. Everyone thinks it was a cover-up."

Kirishima: "So Yagi is working with a villain?"

Jiro: "I don't know, maybe, to get revenge probably."

They continue to talk as other students show up and wait. Soon, drones with cameras are flying around them. Present Mic's voice echoes around them.

Mic: "Yo, yo, yo! What's up?! We're live! Wave at the cameras!"

The students do as their told.

Mic: "Are you ready for the first challenge?!"

They all cheer in excitement.

Mic: "Then let's get going! The doors are open! First to fifty to make it to the end qualify!"

The doors quickly open behind the students and they start running. They see large robots, similar to the ones during the entrance exams, and drones shooting small rubber balls at them. Midoriya slowly walks past the robots and sees an obstacle course, he sighs and uses Apparition to teleport on top of a robot. He sees the rest of the course, a rope over a large drop, mines, and another obstacle course.

Midoriya: "That's going to be pretty annoying for everyone else."

He uses Apparition again to make it to the end. He walks down the tunnel and into the stadium, the audience is in complete shock, the race just started and he already finished it. In less than thirty seconds!

Mic: "Wha? I-I don't believe it! We already have a student who's made it to the end! Izuku Scamander is the first!"

Midoriya: "If there's more like that coming after this, it'll be pretty easy to win. Any Wizard could do this with ease."


Kendo and Tomura finally find their seats. After a while of arguing with security and members of the audience, they finally made it to their seats.

Tomura: "Man, that was a good way to waste thirty that Scamander?!"

Kendo: "So I couldn't convince him not to go, what's the worst that could happen?"

Tomura: "Did you forget what happened at the USJ?! He took out All Might with ease, someone Master has to take seriously, or else he'd be killed! This is going to ruin everything!"

Kendo: "Then you go do something about it! I'd like to see how you'd deal with it!".

Tomura: "Fine, I'll kill him using the Nomu."

Kendo: "Wait, wha?"

Tomura: "Just cut off security by the time this ends, and you better not mess this up."

Kendo: "I won't, just get out of here, you jerk."

Tomura leaves and starts to quickly make his way to the Nomu. Kendo pulls out her phone and puts in a number she plans on calling. She looks at Izuku as her thumb hovers over the bright green call button. Can she do this? She'll be killing hundreds of people, ruining this for Izuku, and getting herself stuck with the League. Maybe if she told Izuku, he'd be able to help and get her out of this situation, but there's All For One.

Sure, he took down All Might, but All For One? He doesn't have a chance, that guy is a hundred years old and has thousands of quirks that he could use to easily destroy Izuku. She shakes her head, that's a stupid dream, he'd never understand, he'd see her as a monster, as his sister. The only reason she's actually thinking about this is because she's really starting to feel a connection with Midoriya.

Before, she was just pretending, she didn't think he looked that attractive or handsome. He looked like a nerd, but after spending so much time with him, she's starting to feel different. She knows she can't have it but she loves what she's feeling, she's never experienced it before. She shakes her head again as she realizes she's ranting in her head.

Mic: "Looks like other students are getting here! Let's see who's next! ...Ah! It's Tenya Iida! He's the second student to qualify!"

More and more students qualify until there are fifty, Kendo gets a call from Tomura, and she answers. The audience cheering makes it hard for anyone to hear what they're talking about.

Kendo: "You ready?"

Tomura: "Yup, the diversions have been made, blow it!"

Kendo ends the call and calls the number she entered before. She waits a few seconds and then boom. A few feet away from them, a building near UA exploded! Everyone quickly turns around to see what happened and heros start to rush over. Kendo stands up and starts to head for the exit.

Kirishima: "What was that?"

Kaminari: "Imagine it's the League again."

Ururaka: "Don't jinx us!"

Tokoyami: "Why would they attack? They wouldn't-"

Behind them, there's a loud crash. The Nomu is kneeling while looking at the students, it stands up and starts to walk toward them.

Tomura: "Whoa, whoa, not yet. In a second, you'll be able to in a second."

Midoriya: "It's you! I'll take you out this time!"

Tomura pulls out a remote.

Tomura: "Not unless I blow the stadium."

He presses a button and the exits close. Kendo tries to kick it down with the help of others but she can't, they're stuck.

"We can get out through the top! Come on!"

Tomura: "Okay, now you can let your anger out."

Tomura hops off and the Nomu jumps toward the civilians that are using their quirks to try and fly out of the stadium. Other audience members are trying to break down the door and are in hiding.

Mic: "Calm down everyone! Heros are on their way!"

Tomura: "Hey! Mic! Can ya hear me?!"

Mic: "What do you want?!"

Tomura: "The cameras on? Am I live?"

Mic: "Yeah, so what?"

Tomura: "I've got a message for the people of Japan. You think that your heros are great people who are willing to protect you no matter the cost, you're wrong, dead wrong. They're nothing but greedy arrogant bastards that want nothing more than to be worshiped by everyone. Look at All Might, he was a prime example of this. But what I'm trying to say is...

Don't fear us, accept us. We will eradicate these heros and make this country a better place, join us, and together we will be able to rule this beautiful land together! If you think that we're just a bunch of crazies that want nothing else than to take over Japan, you'd be wrong again, and if you aren't willing to join us because of that, you can turn out like them!"

He points to the Nomu, it's grabbing innocent people and eating them whole. It's tearing them apart, slamming them against walls, absolutely destroying them. Their screams echo throughout the stadium, they have no one to tell since a large majority of the heros are dealing with the nearby explosion and the diversion.

Tomura: "That goes out to you too, kids. We'll accept anyone, and go everyone else! We are not weak, we are the future! We are everything that is correct in this country, we are pure, and we are perfect! We are going to eradicate the in-bred trash starting today! Make your decision quickly!"

Mina: "They'll never join you! They're better than you!"

Tomura: "I suggest you don't piss me off, I'm the one with the detonator."

Midoriya: "I'm stopping you!"

Iida: "Midoriya, no!"

Kaminari: "That's a death wish!"

Ururaka: "It's suicide!"

He jumps toward Tomura but is slammed into the floor. The floor loudly cracks, Bakugo is standing on top of him

Kutskui: "Nice seeing you again, Scamander! It's been a bit, hasn't it?"

He grabs Midoriya and throws him toward the audience. Midoriya flies and quickly hits the ground, he gets up and pulls out his wand.

Midoriya: "Yeah, it's been a while! Glacius!"

A white beam of energy flies toward Bakugo by a large wall of fire stops it, it's Todoroki. He jumps toward Midoriya and freezes him in place.

Todoroki: "Where is she?"

Midoriya: "Where's who?"

Todoroki punches him.

Todoroki: "Where Izumi!? I know you know where she is! Tell me!"

Midoriya uses Apparition to make his way out of his icy prison, he points his wand toward Todoroki and casts Incindio. It hits him and burns his back, Midoriya prepares to cast another spell but his wand is kicked out of his hand by Kutsumi, she pushes him to the  side where Shoka trips him. He hits the back of his head and winces in pain.

Midoriya: "Hey! You mind helping?!"

Tomura: "Unless you want this whole place to blow, they are going to stay right there! I am enjoying this little show."

Midoriya quickly gets up and lunges toward his wand. He points it at Tomura but Todoroki makes a wall of ice in front of him, Midoriya turns to Todoroki and casts Incindio again, Todoroki takes the ball of fire and grabs Midoriya's hand.

Todoroki: "Tell me where Izumi is and maybe I'll consider not killing you."

Todoroki punches Midoriya and he is sent onto his back, he gets up and tries to punch Todoroki but is quickly punched in the gut. He kneels and uses Apparition again to make his way to the other side of the stadium.

Midoriya: "Ow...that hurt...agh...gotta play this smart..."

Nana: "You gonna start listening to us now?"

Midoriya: "Shut up..."

He points his wand at the four and plans out an attack plan, he sends Glacius at Shoka, who blocks it with a wall of ice, then at Shoto, who also blocks it with a wall of ice. He sends Incindio towards Kutskui and Kutsumi, who block it with their explosions. Midoriya uses Apparition to hide in between the seats and casts a spell. One of the seats turns into a cauldron.

He brings back his journal and using his magic again, he brings ingredients from his book into his hand.

Midoriya: "Okay, red and an ice pop...where are my notes?"

Bakugo: "You're hiding just like Deku!"

Kutsumi: "Hey! Don't mention him!"

Bakugo: "Shut up! Get out here and fight like a man!"

Tomura: "Looks like your beloved start student has run away, what a sad moment."

Midoriya: "...Heat the potion when it touches the whirlpool by using the bellows until the path goes directly through the center of the potion...okay, okay..."

Midoriya quickly makes the potion and pours the liquid into a small bottle that he puts in his pocket, he jumps back into the arena and throws a fireball at Bakugo. Kutskui takes the hit and falls onto the floor.

Kutskui: "Goddammit, that hurt! You're dead!"

Kutskui gets up and flies toward Midoriya. Midoriya jumps out of the way and Bakugo flies toward a wall, Midoriya throws the potion toward the wall and it explodes. He made a volatile imploding potion. Kutsumi is sent flying into the ground where he's covered in debris.

Midoriya: "Glacius!"

He traps Bakugo in ice.

Kutskui: "No! No! I should be winning! You're not better than me!"

Midoriya turns around and is punched by Shoka, she grabs his arm and throws him to the ground, and Todoroki burns his chest.

Midoriya: "AGH! STOP! STOP!"

Todoroki: "Where is Izumi?! I know you know! You have to know! This is the last time I'm saying it before I kill you!"

Midoriya: "Why would I know where she is...?! Stop! Please, stop! I'm ready to listen!"

Hisashi: "Can we help now?"

Midoriya: "Yes!"

Nana: "There we go, throw some of the debris at them."

Midoriya uses his magic to throw some of the debris Bakugo is stuck under to stop the pain that is being inflicted upon him. Light blue trails of magic follow the debris, Todoroki jumps up out of the way while Shoka and Kutsumi are hit, he slowly gets up and points his wand at Shoka.


Midoriya gets the urge to cast a new spell.

Midoriya: "Imperio!"

A long yellow strand hits Shoka and she hits the ground, her eyes go black and her skin goes pale white. She finches, she's like a corpse.

Kutsumi: " killed her! You're worse than us! First All Might, and now her! Die!"

She flies toward Midoriya and tries to attack him but he protects himself with Protego. He parries her attack and casts Stupify on her.

Nana: "Behind you."

Midoriya jumps to the side as a wall of fire flies towards where he was standing. He quickly gets up and tries to cast Stupify on Todoroki.

Todoroki: "What did you do to my sister!?"

Midoriya: "I...I don't know!"

Todoroki jumps toward Midoriya and sends fire toward him, Midoriya casts Protego and slides away, Todoroki sends spikes made out of ice toward Midoriya which bounces off the shield.

Midoriya: "Why are you doing this?!"

Todoroki: "So I can find Izumi! She ran from us because of you! I know she did, she tried to give herself a chance! She wanted to forget about me!"

Midoriya: "You can't do anything to fix that! That was her choice! She wanted to fix this!"

Todoroki: "Then why didn't she take me with her?! Why?!"

Midoriya: "Why do you expect me to give you an answer?!"

Todoroki: "I'm going to kill-"

Todoroki is encased in ice, he turns his head and sees Shoka with her arm raised. She sends fire toward Todoroki who starts to burn alive. He yells out in pain as his face starts to tear.

Midoriya: "No! No! Don't kill him!"

"Let her kill him!"

Midoriya: "No! Please stop!"

"What are you doing?! They are nothing but a problem! Kill them! End their lives! Rip his face off!"

Midoriya grabs his head and starts to shake it. Who else lives in his head? He looks up and sees himself. He's holding a jacket, and wearing a nice black suit. He pulls out a chair from behind him and sits down. Midoriya studies his face, he looks exactly like him, green eyes, hair.  He has scars on his face and dark spots, he looks like he hasn't slept in days.

Midoriya: "Who are you?!"

"Oh, I'm you. Ain't it obvious? Let me ask the questions, why are you trying to stop her from killing him?"

Midoriya: "It isn't right...we're heros...we don't kill!"

"We're not heros, we're Wizards, kid. We don't follow their rules, we do our own thing, they are below us."

Midoriya: "You sound exactly like him!"

He points toward Tomura. The Midoriya sitting on the chair kneels and grabs Scamanders face.

"Except you know I'm right. Think about it, they are just regular humans, we are God's. Literal Gods, the only reason they're winning this fight is because you're holding back. We shouldn't be treated like this, after everything we've been through. Don't you agree?"

Midoriya: "'re insane!"

Midoriya slaps Scamander. He felt that, is this a hallucination or an illusion? Or is it real? The world starts to spin for Midoriya, bright colors start to surround the two, and they're spinning insanely fast.

"Wrong answer! I'm not insane! You are! We're the same person! I'm just the Izuku that you've never wanted to show anyone! I'm everything you hate! I'm your failures, you're insecurities, your worst nightmares! You know why?!"

Midoriya: "Why?!"

"Because Izuku Midoriya is nothing but a failure! You shouldn't exist! You're a mistake! You're nothing! Without this school, your girl, Newt, you are nothing! You serve zero purpose!"

Midoriya: "No! No! Stop! You're wrong! Let me go! I need to stop this!"

Hisashi: "Break free!"

Nana: "You can do it Izuku, fight it!"

"Fight me all you want, kid. I'll be back, and I will make you into everything you've wanted to be. You will be, not a God, but God himself. Bye, bye."

He grabs Scamanders wand and points it at himself.


The ball of fire goes through Midoriya and hits Shoka, she stops burning Todoroki and is knocked out. Todorokis face is mangled and his skin is melting away.

Bakugo: "Todo! Holy shit! What did you do?!"

Tomura: "Jesus, what the hell did your sister do?"

He turns his head and Iida kicks the detonator out of his hand, Tomura turns back around and starts to run away, he calls for the Nomu, which stops eating civilians, and picks up Tomura. The Nomu grabs Shoka, Kutskui, and Kutsumi before jumping out of the stadium. Iida looks at the detonator.

Iida: "Wait a minute! This is just a metal bar with buttons painted on top of it! He was lying, he tricked us!"

Jiro: "Scamander? Are you okay?!"

Midoriya: "Guh...guh..."

Ururaka: "I think he's dying...we need to-"

Midoriya: "GAAAAAAAH!"

Midoriya yells out, not from pain, or from what his other self told him but because of Newt. He broke his promise. He was Kutskui. He wasn't a hero.

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