Past & Future Tradigies.

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"What...? But, how...? I thought you had been captured by the League, and I died."

Itzuka: "I broke out a while ago with some help. But, hey, listen, we need to talk."

Midoriya: "Talk? You want to talk? What is there to talk about? Do I need to refresh your mind about what happened three years ago?"

Itzuka: ", you don't. I know you're mad, but this is involves everyone."

Midoriya: "Why should I trust you? After what you did? Why should I listen to anything you say?!"

Itzuka: "Because this could end this war! This fight that's been going on for the past three years could end! But only if you listen to me! Look, I get your pissed off, but we don't need to raise our voices!"

Midoriya: "Shut up! Why?! Why should I believe anything you say?! After what you did?! I don't care if it could end the power struggle between the heroes and the villains; give a good reason before I blow you up!"

He violently shakes his hand.

"If I were you...I wouldn't do that. I need her."

Midoriya ignores the voice.

Itzuka: "I...I don't have a good enough reason. Izuku, I'm sorry for what I did. I know that won't fix it, but it's all I have. I'm tired, and I want this conversation to end as much as you do. So let's just calm down and talk, okay?"

Midoriya is hesitant, but he still puts his wand away. He lets out a painful breath of air before sitting down in the sand and looking out to the horizon.

Midoriya: "Well? Come on, let's talk."

She slowly walks over and sits next to him.

Midoriya: "What do you need to tell me that is so important?"

Kendo: "This could end this 'war'. It's about All For One. I found out recently that he's sick. Like, cancer type of sick. He's dying and looking for a cure, and he's paying someone to research a cure for him. I'm thinking if we stop whoever he's paying from making whatever medicine, All For One will be too weak to fight or do anything. He'll die, and it'll end this, or at least make it easier for the heroes."

Midoriya: "We? What do you mean by 'we?' There is no 'we'. It's just you."

Kendo: "What? J-just me? You expect me to do that on my own?"

Midoriya: "No, you can get help from some other hero, but not me."

Kendo: "Why?!"

Midoriya: "I can't trust you! For all I know, you could be leading me into a trap! You could be lying about all of this; you could be setting me up! There's no incentive for me to trust you at all!"

Kendo: "And what if I'm not lying?! What if what I'm saying is true?!"

Midoriya: "Then it's not my problem! Go find someone else! I'm not the person you're looking for!"

Kendo: "Are you serious?! You're willing to let something like this disappear forever?! Are you okay with living the way you currently are?! In that camp, living like a brute?!"

Midoriya: "Yes! It's so much better than when I was at UA with you! Everything went wrong because of you! I doubt any of this would've happened because of you!"

Kendo: "So this is all my fault now? This whole hero-villain power struggle is all my fault?! I told you why I did what I did!"

Midoriya: "Why should I believe anything you said three years ago?! If I just never met you, I would never be feeling like this—I, er, uh...wouldn't be having this-this conversation with you! I wouldn't be in this situation if I had never met you! If I had just never opened myself up, I would've never been here—I wouldn't be stuck here doing all of... ah, eh..."

He continues to stutter and forget what he's going to say. He yells out in rage and clenches his fists. He stands up and starts to pace around before he covers his face with his hands and starts to cry. He can't take it anymore.

Kendo: "Izuku...I didn't mean to pressure you like this; I didn't-"

Midoriya: "Didn't what?! Mean for any of this to happen—mean for any of this to affect me?!"

He continues to cry. He can't take it anymore; this is too much. The past three years have been the same; he only gets up and out of bed just to exist. He doesn't even want to be a hero anymore because it doesn't matter anymore. It never mattered.

Kendo: "Yeah...Izuku, look, I understand you're upset and you don't want to see me, but..."

Midoriya: "Don't want to see you?! Itzuka, it's been three years since you disappeared and told me why you did what you did. I've missed you! All I've ever wanted to see is you!"

Kendo: "Then why are you yelling at me?! Why are you acting like this?!?!"

Midoriya: "Because I miss you, I love you, and I want to be with you, but I know I don't deserve it, and I know I'll never get back what we had, and I know it's over!!!"

Midoriya yells out again before he just lets out a wave of tears. He can't stop himself from crying; he doesn't know how to feel, and he doesn't know how to react. He hates everything, and he hopes everything hates him. He doesn't know how to describe it, but it's just a horrible feeling. Kendo just looks at him as she realizes how much she's hurt him.

Kendo: "Izuku...stop, look at me. Just look at me."

Midoriya slowly stops himself from crying and looks up at her. He never realized until now how different she looked. Even though she's a little older, she still looks the same. She still looks like she has a little bit of hope in her eyes. That, and her hair reaches her jaw instead of her shoulders.

Kendo: "Izuku. I want you to realize that I never stopped loving you. I understand everything you're feeling. You're angry, you're sad, you're upset, and you're feeling so many different things. I know I hurt you in some way, and I'm sorry. But please, for the love of God, I want you to realize that I have never felt anything other than love for you."

Midoriya: " you mean that?"

Kendo: "Yes. It's partially why I came here—just to see you. It's been hard for both of us, I know, so why don't we just...take a break? Just for a little bit. How about that, hmm?"

Midoriya: "I...would like that. Please. Please..."


Nana taps her foot as she waits for someone to say something. It's been a while since Izuku left to deal with whatever came up, and no one has started a single conversation because Nemuri doesn't want to start without her son. They all finished their meals a while ago. She lets out a sharp breath of air before looking over at Nemuri and Hisashi. She can see her whispering and getting close to him while he plays with his fork; he doesn't look happy—neither is she. She decides that, to make things less boring and get the whole thing out of the way, she needs to talk to Hisashi about their relationship. She calls out his name and asks if she can borrow him, with him following her upstairs. They stand outside Izuku's room.

Hisashi: "You wanted to talk?"

Nana: "Yeah, about us. Look, Hisashi, I don't think I can keep this secret anymore. It's killing me, and I already told Izuku; we need to tell her."

Hisashi: "What? When did you tell him?"

Nana: "When he asked to talk to me at the beginning of our dinner, He...isn't angry, but I don't think he's happy about it either."

Hisashi: "Yeah, if I were him, I'd be pretty stuck as well."

Nana: "Yeah, so...he asked me to ask you this. Who do Or want to be together with?"

Hisashi, for the first time, thinks about what he's going to say. It worries and surprises Nana.

Hisashi: "I...don't know. I want you by my side, but Nemuri and I... well, I mean, we... I don't know."

Nana: "I need to know. I don't think I can just sit there and watch as she treats you like a...puppy."

Hisashi: "It kind of sounds like you're a little bit jealous."

Nana: "I'm not! What? It's just a little...weird watching. It makes me uncomfortable."

Hisashi: "Because you're jealous, yeah, got it."

She lightly punches him.

Hisashi: "You know, we're acting like Izuku and Itzuka right now. Remember how they would interact with each other?"

Nana: "Yeah, now that you mentioned it, it feels like I'm back in high school dealing with normal teenage problems."

Hisashi: "Yeah, but for us, that was a lifetime ago."

Nana: "Yeah..."

They're both silent. Hisashi clears his throat.

Hisashi: "How about we relive it? Me and you?"

Nana: "What about Nemuri?"

Hisashi: "I think we should forget about that."

He kisses her, and she leans into it. She opens Izuku's door, and they fly into his bed. Hisashi closes the door, and the two get "physical." Nemuri and Newt wait patiently. Newt looks around and plays around with his fingers for a while before getting up from his seat.

Newt: "It appears that there are multiple rooms and floors that your son has not shown us, so while we wait for him to return, why don't we explore a little bit?"

Nemuri: "Sure, why not?"

She gets up from her seat, and they walk up the staircase. They spend a good amount of time looking around and admiring the amount of work and effort that was put into this place. Eventually, they become bored once again, and Nemuri also notices that Nana and Hisashi have been gone for a long time.

Nemuri: "Where do you think Nana and Hisashi went to?"

Newt: "I'm not sure, and I don't want to know right now. I'm going back downstairs to make myself another meal. Will you come with me?"

Nemuri: "No, I'm okay."

Newt shrugs and heads back downstairs. Nemuri decides to look around for the two. She goes from the top floor to the bottom, looking for them, but they seem to have disappeared. Either that or she keeps losing track of where she's been, and she starts to get worried. She calls out their names, but they don't respond. Eventually, she passes a room labeled 'Izuku'.

Nemuri: "It won't hurt if I look at my son's room, right?"

She reassures herself, opens the door, and walks in. Light peers into the room; her eyes widen, and she lets out a gut-wrenching screech.


Midoiya and Kendo lie in the sand, looking at the stars, as they hold each other's hands. They're happy together.

Kendo: "So, are we a couple again?"

Midoriya: "I don't know. Are we?"

Kendo: "I'd say so."

Midoriya: "I don't know. I feel like after I started yelling at you and crying, I don't deserve to be in a relationship with you. I don't think I deserve to be in a romantic relationship, period."

Kendo: "Oh, don't do that. I get it. You were overwhelmed with emotions or...something. I'm not going to hold you against you; you're my boyfriend."

Midoriya: "I don't still doesn't feel right. Oh, wait, I forgot... I have a girlfriend. You remember Ochako Ururaka?"

Kendo: "Don't you think that would've been important to tell me before we started making out?! You cheated on her with me, oh no..."

Midoriya: "Yeah, sorry... I'll break up with her soon, though."

Kendo: "That's so wrong...but okay, fine."

Midoriya: "But, still! It doesn't feel right... I think we should start dating again after this whole thing is over. So we can focus on us."

Kendo: "Sure, that works with me."

Midoriya: " never explained how you escaped the villains."

Kendo: "Oh, one of the-"

Midoriya's eyes widen, and he quickly sits up.

Midoriya: "I completely forgot! Mom, Dad! Nana and...Dad, again! I invited my Mom and Dad for dinner, and it's been like an hour! I have to go!"

Kendo: "Wait, can I come?"

Midoriya: "I, uh...yeah! Come on!"

Kendo grabs his hand, and they suddenly appear in Midoriya's hut. Midoriya opens the door to his home, and they both walk in. Kendo is amazed. The whole place is beautiful, and it's gigantic! Midoriya looks around, but he doesn't see anyone.

Midoriya: "Mom? Nana? Dad and other Dad? Are you guys here?"

Newt walks out of the kitchen holding a tray of something. It's been burned too much to see what it originally was.

Newt: "Oh, Izuku, hello."

Midoriya: "I'll explain the deal with her later; where is everyone else?"

Newt shrugs. Suddenly, Hisashi rolls down the stairs. When he reaches the bottom, he quickly runs into the kitchen and hides behind Newt.

Newt: "Why...aren't you wearing a shirt? What are you doing?"

Hisashi: "Izuku! You need to protect me from your Mom, please!"

Midoriya: "What? Why?"

Suddenly, Nana flies down the stairs and slides into the kitchen. She groans in pain as Hisashi pulls her behind Newt as well. Newt looks behind him and sees that Nana is bleeding and is severely hurt.

Newt: "Oh, my...let me take care of her."

Hisashi: "Thanks, Newt..."

Newt: "At least she's wearing something..."

Midoriya walks over to Nana and kneels.

Midoriya: "What the hell? Nana, are you okay? Can you hear me?"

Nana: ""

Newt: "Don't try and speak; rest. Izuku, would you please help me prepare-"

They suddenly hear a screech that rings throughout the entire household. They turn back and see Nemuri slowly walking down the stairs. Her clothes have tears and rips, and she looks extremely angry.

Nemuri: "Izuku, Newt, I demand you don't help her! She's mine! It's over for her! It's over for both of them!"

Midoriya: "What? What happened? Mom, why are you doing this?"

Hisashi: "Uh, your mother found out about me and Nana...when we were spending time together your room."

It takes a second for Midoriya to understand what Hisashi just said, but then it hits him. His eyes widen, and he gives him a disgusted look. They did it in his room!

Midoriya: "You plowed Nana in my room?!"

Hisashi nods.

Hisashi: "Your mother found out and..."

Midoriya rolls his eyes. This is going to be hard to defend. He steps up and walks over to his mother, trying to stop her from getting closer to the two. She instead pushes Midoriya out of the way and into the dinner table. Kendo rushes over to him and helps him back up. Midoriya groans as his hero costume starts to smell like food.

Newt: "I suggest you step up and talk to your wife while I finish this. If you don't, not only will she attack me, she'll murder you...'partner'."

He rolls his eyes again. He could be doing anything else, but he chose to do this. Hisashi has no choice but to step up. He jumps in front of Newt as Nemuri inches closer to them. He raises his arms out.

Hisashi: "Nemuri, kill me! Don't take her life! Please, I'm sorry; I should have told you! I...I didn't mean for you to get hurt like this! This is all my fault, so take your anger out on me, not her!"

Nemuri: "You should have told me...? Is that implying that you've done this more than once?!"

Hisashi: "Yes! We were going to tell you, but we didn't know how to! She pulled me away so she could talk to me about it. She felt bad about it! She thought it was wrong! It is wrong; I should've told you—take it out on me. Not her, please..."

Nemuri punches Hisashi straight in the jaw, and he goes flying. The side of his head hits the sink, and he collapses onto the ground. Nemuri proceeds to beat up Hisashi. Midoriya quickly gets up and runs over to stop her.

Midoriya: "Mom! Mom! Stop! Please, stop! Don't hurt him anymore! Stop!"

He pushes her off him, and he quickly gets up, coughing up blood. His blood flows down the drain of the sink, and he collapses again. He lies next to Nana.

Newt: "And there was a second..."

Newt finishes brewing a potion; he makes Nana drink it, and she is instantly healed. She quickly sits up, feeling energetic.

Nana: "Where am...? How did...? Hisashi?! Are you okay?!"

Hisashi: "Yeah, fine..."

Nana: "She should've attacked me, not you! I'm sorry!"

Hisashi: "Don't wasn't your was mine."

They hold each other's hands.

Newt: "If it makes you feel any better, he jumped in front of her so you would be spared from death. I think it's clear he cares about you."

Hisashi gives a thumbs-up while Newt prepares the next potion. Meanwhile, Midoriya is fighting with his mother. She sends him flying into the diner table again. This time, with so much force, it breaks the table.

Nemuri: "I'm not done with you yet, Hisashi!"

Midoriy: "! Mom! Stop! Stop!"

Kendo helps him get up again, and he runs towards her. He jumps in front of her and yells out to stop. He pulls out his wand and sends her flying into a wall. She cries in pain. Midoriya quickly runs up to her.

Midoriya: "Sorry, made me do that."

Nemuri: "Stay out of this, Izuku! It's between me and your father!"

Midoriya: "No! Stop! How many times do I have to say it?! Stop! Look at what you're doing! You're destroying my home!"

Nemuri looks around and starts to feel guilty.

Midoriya: "Mom, please...let's have a calm and normal talk, okay? All of us. No fighting or throwing things at each other, just a normal talk, okay?"

She nods. He helps her up, and he starts to fix the damage she caused. Newt gives Hisashi the concoction, and he immediately feels better, and Kendo stands there trying to process what happened. Everyone sits down at the repaired dinner table. Nemuri sits by herself, Nana and Hisashi next to each other, Izuku and Kendo next to each other, and Newt by himself. Newt took on the responsibility of choosing these seats.

Newt: "Okay...we are all calm, yes? Okay, Hisashi, if you would care to give an explanation."

Hisashi: "Yeah...let me start by apologizing to Nemuri. I didn't mean-"

Nemuri: "Just get to the goddamn point."

Hisashi: "Okay, I and Nana are...together or want to be together at least."

Nemuri: "So you're cheating on me?"

Hisashi: "I...don't know. Nemuri, I didn't know where we were. The last time we saw each other was three years ago, and it seemed like you really hated me for siding with Izuku. Me and Nana have spent almost four years together, and now that we have physical bodies, it has become easier to become closer... I don't think it was going to work between us. I was a projection on a screen, and now... I'm not."

Nemuri: "So that's your excuse? Yeah, I'm convinced."

Midoriya: "That wasn't a very good explanation, Dad... I think what he's trying to say is that he's moved on. He has a point, Mom. It was never going to work out; he was a projection on a screen that you thought was an illusion at one point. Then, you spent three years away from each other, and you two left off on a really bad and uncertain note. Alongside that, Dad is still technically dead. He's just a soul; he's using my magic to manifest a physical body, he can't spend time with you outside of my home. I think it ended when he died, Mom..."

Kendo: "You're really defending your Dad?"

Kendo gives him a strange look.

Midoriya: "Yeah, because, like... I mean, well..."

Hisashi: "Nemuri, I think... you need to move on. I know I have. I still love you but in a caring way. You matter to me because of our past; that's never going to change. But you need to let me go because... I'm already gone."

Nemuri: "I think I let you go when I saw you take in and out of her while all over the floor."

Midoriya: "On my floor too? What the hell? Come on, guys..."

Nana: "Nemuri, I didn't mean-"

Nemuri: "I don't want to hear it. This conversation is over."

She stands up and looks for the exit, but it's nowhere to be seen. She looks back at Izuku and gives him a bubbly smile, signaling for him to let her leave.

Midoriya: "Mom, at least stay the night. It's late, and it can be really tough during the night."

Nemuri: "I can take care of myself."

Midoriya: "Sure. I have a spare room you can use; it's right next to mine."

Nemuri: "...Thank you..."

She quickly leaves.

Midoriya: "Man...what the hell were you guys thinking?! Doing it while she's here and in my room!? I should've let her beat your butt, Dad!"

Hisashi: "I know, I'm...sorry. I couldn't control myself."

Midoriya: " better next time, alright? You too, Nana."

They nod.

Midoriya: "I also should apologize... I missed dinner and probably would've been able to stop the whole fight if I had just been here...I ran into Itzuka, so..."

Kendo: "Yeah, my bad...shouldn't have kept him as long as I did."

Newt: "I thought the two of you hated each other? Where have you been as well?"

Kendo: "I'll explain in the morning; right now, I'm beaten."

Everyone decides to get some sleep. Midoriya switches rooms with Nana and Hisashi before he goes to bed with Kendo; he does not want to find a sticky surprise in his sheets.


"Hisashi, wake up. Wake up; it's late."

Hisashi: "Huh? What...? Why...?"

Nana: "We agreed to spend the day with Izuku last night, remember? We talked about it last night? We need to get up."

Hisashi: "But I wanna stay in bed with yoooou..."

He grabs Nana and covers her with the bed sheets. They get physical once more. Izuku wakes up soon after, but he sees that Kendo is gone. He gets out of bed and makes his way downstairs. He sees Newt drinking a cup of tea while watching the brooms clean up some of the mess left from the night before.

Midoriya: "Hey, Dad, have you seen Kendo?"

Newt: "Morning. I did; she asked to leave because she needed to do something. I lifted the spell you put on last night; she's likely to be outside waiting for you. know you could've convinced your mother to stay instead of completely removing the exit."

Midoriya: "I know, but I didn't want to argue with her."

He opens the door to his hut, and he sees the sky. It's ashy, but still slightly blue. It also smells like something is burning; there's smoke. Izuku looks around and sees that his hut has been destroyed. He continues to look, and his eyes widen. The camp has been destroyed. He quickly crawls out and starts calling out to Kendo. A large blast of fire sends him flying into another hut. He quickly gets up and sees an army of villains.

Midoriya: "No,'d they know? How'd they find out?! How?!"

It hits him. Kendo.

Midoriya: "No, no...not again. Not again, please, no..."

He calls out to 1A, to Nezu, and to other heroes. No one responds; he looks back at the villains and sees the inhabitants of the camp fighting. They aren't winning.

Midoriya: "I have to help! I have to-"

"Izuku! Izuku!"

He turns around and sees Kendo. She's covered in ash and smells like smoke. She has a violent cough and collapses. Midoriya rushes over to her and helps her up.

Midoriya: "What happened?! Are you okay? How'd they find us?"

Kendo: "I don't know...I don't think it was me. I made sure no one followed me, and I...Izuku, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Midoriya: "No, no, don't apologize; it's okay...we need to help! Come on, we can help them if we—agh!"

A knife enters Midoriya's stomach. Blood starts to flow down the knife and into Kendo's hands. She pushes Midoriya, and he collapses. He breathes heavily as he tries to pull the knife out. She twists it, and he yells out in pain.

Midoriya: ", why...? Why...?"

Kendo's skin starts to melt away. When it's all gone, a girl with blonde hair, a school outfit, and another knife waves at Midoriya.

Toga: "You fell for it so hard! You should've seen the face you made when the knife went into you!"

Midoriya: "Wh-who are you...? Where's Kendo...? Wh...why?"

Toga: "I'm Toga Himiko! I'm a part of the League, I know, a pretty exclusive club. We've been trying to find you and this stupid camp for months! You've been causing way too much trouble! I finally found it when I saw you. And Kendo? I dunno. She escaped a while ago; Shoka Todoroki helped her. Can you believe that? She's probably left the country by now, or she's dead. I dunno, and I don't care. She was one of your past tragedies, and me, a future tragedy!"

Midoriya: ", you''re! No!"

Toga: "But hey, not all is bad. I genuinely thought you were really cute and kind! So maybe, if you ever join the Villains, we could...go on a date...?"

Midoriya: "I...maybe if you help me...!"

Toga: "Just kidding! You'll be dead in a little bit, so... oh, I almost forgot I have to take this away."

She pulls away his wand and snaps it in half. She throws the pieces away.

Toga: "You ain't very strong without this, eh? Also...that wasn't Newt Scamander, was it? We've got our eye on him as well."

Midoriya: "Shut up...! Sh-shut up!"

Toga: "Guess it was...good to know. I'll let you have the knife in your chest as a friendly reminder of me! Bye-bye, Izu!"

She twists the knife again before leaving. Midoriya coughs up blood and starts to profusely bleed. He starts to crawl back to his hut, but he sees how far it is. He yells out for his family.

Midoriya: "Mom...! Dad! Nana...! Hisashi...! Help! He-help me!!"

He continues to crawl, but he feels himself slowly fading. He stops and reaches for the wound. He's losing too much blood. He's not going to make it. It's game over. He breathes heavily as time slows. He hears footsteps approach him; it's a villain. He's going to kill him. It's the end. Someone stands above him.

Scamnder: " No..."

Midoriya: "Oh, yes, yes, yes."

Scamander: "What are you doing here...? I thought I got rid...of just come back...? Why now...?"

Midoriya: "I came to see you die. Honestly, if I were you, I would've fallen for it as well. She played Kendo really well. If she wasn't a villain, she could be a great actor. I'm not going to lie; I didn't see that one coming, haha."

Scamander: "So...what? You're here to taunt me while you...wa-watch me...die? it?"

Midoriya: "I mean, I could if it wanted to, but nah. I have to pass that up. I have a better idea. If you let me take control, I will save you. I will deal with the knife, wound, and villains. You need to trust me, though, or else you're dead."

Scamander: "I won't...get m-my body back...will I?"

Midoriya: "Maybe, if I feel like I'll need it again."

Scamander thinks about it; he doesn't have much time, and this seems like his only way to survive. He hates the idea, but he has to. He has to give in.

Midoriya: "Well? Give me an answer; you're on the clock here, tick-tock."

Scamander: "Fine...! Fine! Take over...!!"

Scamander reaches for Midoriya's hand.

Midoriya: "You made a damn good choice."

Midoriya grabs Scamander's hand, and Scamander blacks out. He suddenly wakes up again, and he sees that he's still lying on the floor, and Midoriya is nowhere to be seen.

Scamander: "No! No! Where did he go?! No!"

Midoriya: "Shut up...I'm right here. Goddamn, this hurts..."

Midoriya, now in control of Scamander's body, stands up and pulls out the knife from his stomach. He groans in pain. He takes the knife out and puts it in his pocket. He puts his hand over the wound and reaches for the two broken pieces of Scamander's wand.

Scamander: "How are you going to fix that?"

Midoriya puts both pieces of the wand in the palm of his hand, and the wand starts to float and reconnect. The wand falls back into his hand, and Midoriya uses it to stitch his skin back together.

Midoriya: "The wand isn't fully reconnected, but it's good enough. I'm feeling better already!"

Scamander: "You can do that with that kind of magic...?"

Midoriya: "Yes, and so much more. Why don't I demonstrate?"

He sways the wand, and his hero costume changes from what it was before to a black vest, white undershirt, black pants, black shoes, and black gloves.

Scamander: "What is it with you and the color black?"

Midoriya: "What else did you expect? It's not like I'm going to wear green."

He turns around and starts to walk towards the fighting. Scamander can see the wand starting to charge and build up energy. Suddenly, a villain jumps in front of Midoriya.

"Where do you think you're goin', buddy?"

Midoriya points the wand at the villain, and a beam of green light emerges. It goes through the villain and far into the distance. Midoriya slices them in half and has a smile that goes from ear to ear.

Scamander: " just killed that guy?! Holy crap! Stop! No! I know what you're going to do! Stop!"

Midoriya ignores Scamander and starts to spin around; the beam of light cuts hundreds of villains in half. Scamander can't watch anymore; it's horrible. He closes his eyes and just listens to the screams, the sounds of the wand, and Midoriya's evil laughter. Eventually, he stops.

Midoriya: "And we're done...that was quite fun."

Scamander: "You're insane! You're psychotic!"

Midoriya: "Thank doesn't look like we hurt any heroes, though. Lucky for you."

Scamander: "Can I have my body back now?"

Midoriya: "Wait..."

He goes silent. He pulls out the knife and looks around. He quickly turns around, sees nothing, and goes back to looking. Scamander can't help but think that this guy looks like a child pretending to be a hunter. Suddenly, he turns around again and throws the knife. The knife flies straight into Toga's stomach.

Midoriya: "It's not fun having a blade in you, is it?"

Toga: "No, ugh...crap, crap!"

She drops something before a big puff of smoke appears. It quickly dissipates, and he sees that Toga is gone.

Midoriya: "I'll get her next time."

Scamander: "There won't be a next time! Give me back my body!"

Midoriya: "Okay."

Scamander: "Wait, what...? You're giving it back to me just like that?"

Midoriya: "I'll use it later."

He blacks out again and is in control of his body again. He has a sigh of relief. He sits down and lifts his shirt. He touches the wound. It hurts when he touches it, but he feels fine. He looks at his wand; he can see where it snapped. He puts it in his pocket; he'll get a new one later. He sits down for a while, and the forest starts to become foggy. Suddenly, he sees someone approaching him. It's Ochako; he quickly gets up.

Midoriya: "Ochako! Are you okay? I thought you might've-"

She slaps him and pulls out her phone.

Ururaka: "What the hell is this?"

Midoriya stares at the photo; it's of him and Kendo sleeping together from last night. He lets out a sharp breath of air.

Midoriya: "How did you get that...?"

Ururaka: "A random number sent me this; I don't know who it was, but now I know you're nothing but a cheating bastard. Have fun with Itzuka."

She turns away and leaves.

"Maybe I should've encouraged him to take out Toga..."

Midoriya makes his way back to his hut. The only thing that survived was the door to his home; at least he still has that. He opens it and jumps in. He immediately starts to feel pain, and he hits the floor with a loud crash.


All Might breathes heavily as he straightens his back. He's had a long day; from attacking heroes to... doing nothing but attacking heroes, it takes a toll on him. He walks into a house and sits down on the couch.

Toshinori: "What do you want to talk about, uh...?"

Toga: "Toga...Toga Himiko. Remember how you said to be on the lookout for a guy with curly hair, British, and a blue coat? I think I might've found him..."

Toshinori's face suddenly becomes very serious.

Toshinori: "Where is he?"

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