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A few weeks have passed since the League of Villains nationwide attack, and everything seems to be getting worse. They continue to recruit more and more members, take more territory and take hundreds of thousands of people hostage. Rumors have it, they've started enslaving people. Hero's are trying as hard as they can to do something but to no avail. Midoriya has spent the last few weeks fighting crime as a vigilante under the name Arcrus. He walks out of his room and into the white void. He sees Newt and Midnight with a concerned look. They look at him.

Midoriya: "What's going on?"

Newt: "It seems that this situation has become...a little chaotic. It has started to get out of hand and your mother is suggesting we..."

He looks at Midnight before looking down at his wrist. Midoriya knows it can't be good, it never is.

Midnight: "I want you to leave the country."

Midoriya: "What?"

Midnight: "Until this is over, I...I want you to go far, far away. For your safety."

Midoriya: "What about you?"

Midnight: "I have to stay here. You...I can't risk you being in danger. Newt has agreed to take you out of the country and to the UK."

Midoriya: "What? No way! We-we should be helping! We should be doing something, I should be doing something!"

Newt: "Doing what? Yes, you can help stop innocent people from being hurt but this is so much larger than that. You must stay out of this and leave it to the trained professionals."

Midoriya: "They need help! Have you stepped outside and seen what it's like out there? They're losing and losing horribly."

Newt: "Which is why we are leaving until this ends, or until they have a stronger grip on the situation."

Midoriya: "! People are being hurt out there, maybe even killed! If I don't help somehow, the villains will continue to kill! They'll never stop."

Newt: "And what if you're killed? What if you're injured? We are not going to take that risk."

Midoriya: "You don't feel like you have a responsibility to these people, Dad? You don't feel like you should do something?"

Newt: "No, because I have enough to worry about. We're not discussing this any further, pack your things, we leave in a few days."

Midoriya: "No."

Newt: "What?"

Midoriya: "No. I'm not leaving my home, I'm not going to let it be destroyed! And you aren't going to take me away to just hide!"

Midnight: "Izuku, you don't have a say in this. You're going whether you like it or not, young man. We're not doing this because we don't think you should help, we're doing this so we can protect you."

Newt: "You're still a child with little to no magical experience. Yes, you can fight and defend yourself, but sometimes that isn't enough. Please, don't make this harder than it has to be."

They have a point, but Midoriya was a hero in training. He knows better than to just sit there and do nothing, he needs to help. He sighs, he doesn't want to say what he's going to say.

Newt: "So, please, if you could start packing your bags? It'll only be for a few months, maybe even a year or two but we will come back and-"

Midoriya: "No."

Midnight: "Izuku, don't do this."

Midoriya: "If you aren't willing to help me, Dad...maybe we should split ways."

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