Chapter 8: Invitation

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Childe's head rests on Lumine's chest. She picks him up and drags him somewhere. She pulls of his shirt and starts healing him. She closes her eyes as Childe's wound become blue wrong the healing, as soon as she's done she writes a note. She looks with him one more time before leaving.


Childe slowly opens him eyes, he had no pain anywhere. He sits up straight looking around. He finds a note. As soon as he picks it up his eyes widen.


I was drunk last night, I wasn't thinking straight, but I can't do this. I wont give up on my brother, and I think we're better of as friends anyways. And if ur reading this, I'm not in Liyue anymore, so don't come searching for me. Im sorry I made you feel like this. It was nice seeing you again after a long time. And take care!!

Regards, Lumine and Paimon ʚ(*''*)ɞ

He sighs. He stands up and throws away the paper. He picks up his phone and calls someone. "Hey balladeer, can you update the others that I'm coming back sooner? Thank you."


Its a while later, like 2 years. Paimon and Lumine have been in Mondstadt. "Ad as abyssosque! Here is your reward." Katheryne says handing Lumine some mora. "Thank you! Any more quests?" Lumine asks.

"Hmm.." Katheryne thinks. "Well i think Jean needed something from you." Lumine and Paimon looks surprised. "Okay thank you!" They walk towards the headquarters.

Knock knock

"Come in!" Jean shouts. Lumine and Paimon walk in. "Oh traveler and Paimon! Good thing you guys are here." Lumine smiles. "What did you need us for?" She asks. "Well.. I got a letter. The fatui had invited you to a ball?" Lumine and Paimon are shocked and look at eachother.

"Look.. you don't have to-" "we'll do it." Lumine says and Paimon looks at her. "Are you sure?" "Absolutely."

"Well in that case.. you're departing to Snezhnaya tomorrow."

Lumine and Paimon walk out of the office. "Why would you accept that!? You know that the fatui are searching for you!" Paimon shouts. "Then why would they invite me?" Paimon disappears. Lumine keeps on walking towards her appartement. She packs her stuff and goes to sleep. "Why would the fatui invite me?" She tought. She fell asleep.


Lumine wakes up, there's a package infront of her appartement. She picks it up and opens it. There's a note inside.

Dear Lumine,

Good luck on your way there. I forgot to say, it's a masquerade ball, a bit safer. Anyways, here's ur dress and mask. You'll stay there for a few days. And the letter was written by someone called the Balladeer? Anyways, Good luck!!

Kind regards, Jean. ()

"The balladeer?" Lumine thought "isn't that scaramouche?" She lays down the letters and pick up the dress and the mask.

The dress is long and white. The dress has little straps. That will be very cold. She puts on the dress, puts on her heels, knots her hair into a bun, and puts on some accessories. She bun is supported by a circle of white roses that matches her dress. She also has a necklace she put on.

She's ready, she takes her mask and leaves. Walking over the street she sees many persons staring at her, and whispering. She thinks nothing of it and continues to walk, at the other end of the bridge she can see a carriage waiting for her.

Next to the door there's a red-headed person with red clothing, it's Diluc. "What are you doing here?" Lumine asks. "I'm going to go with you in the carriage till we get to Snezhnaya." He said. "Jean requested that."

Diluc helps Lumine to get into the carriage.

They talk on their way towards their, and he eventually laughs. "I've never seen you laugh so much." Lumine mentions while smiling. Diluc scratches the back of his head. "Uhh.. yeah what can I say?"

Lumine looked outside. "Hey look! It's snowing. I think we've arrived in Snezhnaya." After a few more minutes the carriage stopped. "We're here.." Diluc sighs. Lumine steps out and sees a giant palace.

"Wow.." Lumine looks stunned. "Becareful okay?" Diluc says. "I do not have good memories with these people." "Ofcourse." Lumine said. "Bye Diluc!" "Bye!" The carriage took off.

Then suddenly Paimon appears. "Ooo! Were here!!" Paimon says excited. "Look how big it is! Paimon wonders how much food they have." She licks her lips. Lumine giggles and walks inside the palace.

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