Chapter 5: Friends

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Lumine was taken in at Tighnari's again.

"I still can't believe you guys let ur eyes of her!" Tighnari shouts and Childe and Dain.

Lumine hasn't woken up from that moment, it been a few months. "I'm so sorry Lumine, please wake up." "Stop doing that, it's pathetic." Dain says.

Childe mocks Dain silently. "I'm not blind. And by the way, she's here because of you." Childe wants to attack but then an green person holds him by the collar.

You know what's pathetic? To fight." Alhaitham says, he pushes Childe back.

"Alhaitham! Did you find the plants?" Tighnari asks him overjoyed. "Of course I did." Alhaitham takes a seat and looks at Lumine. "So.. how long?" "Maybe.. three months?" Tighnari mentions. They all remain silent while Tighnari makes a new medicine.

"This should work." Tighnari gives Lumine the medicine. "And now?" Dain asks. "We wait." They all watch for movements. Suddenly her finger twitches. Tighnari notices that Alhaitham is reading, he rolls his eyes.

"Ae.. ther..?" They all seem disappointed that those were her first words. Lumine opens her eyes, they're all watching her, except Haitham.

"That medicine of yours.. it's like magic." Dainsleif says. "Incredible.. I've never seen something like this." "What can I say? I'm an expert." Tighnari says full confidence.

Lumine starts to sit up straight. She looks around watching them staring at her. "Why are y'all staring.. did something happen?" "Oh, since when did you wake up?" Alhaitham asks. "Lumine!" Dain says. "How are you feeling?" "Alright.. I think?" Lumine says.

Childe scoffs and walks outside. "What's with him?" Lumine asks. "Don't mind him."


"Paimon was so scared that you wouldn't wake up! What would Paimon do then?" Paimon feared. Lumine laughs a bit. "But.. for how long was I gone?" Lumine asks. Nobody answers, until someone silently speaks. "A few.. months? But you're here now!" Paimon says. "Shall we rest here?" Dain asks. "Sure.." Lumine says softly, being ashamed of being gone for so long.

Childe walks into the woods and Lumine follows him. "Childe.. wait!" She grabs his hand. "What is it? Are you hurt?" He asks. "You haven't even spoken for the last days, what's wrong." They stand in the middle of the woods, Lumine lets go his hand.

"It's nothing, don't worry." He smiles softly.

"No! Tell me."

"If you insist.." He sighs. "I was the one that never gave up searching for you in those months. I was the one facing one of my biggest fears, the abyss, for you. I was the one that stood by your side all those months."

"What about Dain.. and Paimon."

"They have been to Sumeru city."

Lumine stares at the ground. "I care for the people that don't even care for me, but I push Childe away, who does care
for me" Lumine tought.

"Im sorry, I didn't know."

"Hey it's alright."

They stand in the middle of the woods, fireflies flying around them. Lumine holds her arm, feeling embarrassed for not noticing.

"I didn't.. mean what I said. I care for you. As a friend, that's what friends do right?" She smiles.

"I know.."

"What, how..?"

Childe looks at Lumines leg.

"Ohh right.. well I don't regret it."

Lumine hugs Childe tightly and she starts crying.

"Hey hey. What's wrong?"

"He doesn't care for me.. he let the abyss herald hurt me.. he just walked away! And and.. he was just gone when he slashed me."

Childe remembers and feels guilty of what had happened.

"I'm sure he didn't mean too.."

"He did! Twice!"

"But he wanted to protect you."

"He failed.."

"Hey, ur better than that. U know that."

Lumine holds his hand, smiling.

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