LDS invasion!

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I looked around. Nothing. There was only nothing around me apart from the path on which I stood.

"Great, just what I needed."

I sighed and walked down the path hoping it would lead me to the exit. The last thing I remember was that the You Show troop and I were in class, I was sleeping peacefully while the others were following Shuzo's lesson on tribute summoning. This is all I remember, I kept walking being careful because the path had become extremely narrow and I had to keep my balance, there was a sudden bright light that blinded my eyes making me cover up, a few seconds later I uncovered my eyes and what I found in front of me gasped in surprise.

 This is all I remember, I kept walking being careful because the path had become extremely narrow and I had to keep my balance, there was a sudden bright light that blinded my eyes making me cover up, a few seconds later I uncovered my eyes and w...

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I didn't want to believe it yet it was right in front of me.

"Whoever can open this door will gain a great new power, but know that such a reward comes great risk. You would lose that which is most valuable to you."

Then it happened that the eyes of the door lit up and so did my key, I was about to approach it to open it but what happened was that the path below me crumbled and I fell screaming from the void.

Did I crash to the floor? I open my eyes and I saw that I was on the classroom floor, everyone was looking at me with concern, surely about what had happened.

"Are you okay Yuma?"

Shuzo came over while I straightened myself.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just a bad dream."

"If you say so."

Shuzo returned to his place to continue the explanation while I thought about what I had seen. It was impossible this was a different reality, the door shouldn't even exist. I shook my head and decided to follow the lesson pretending that what I had seen was just a dream.

"This is boring!" Futoshi said

"Yeah! We already know how to Tribute Summon!" added Tatsuya

"Oh! So how about we let Yuma teach today?" Shuzo asked the others.


Everyone turned to me.

"Come on Yuma, you're an xyz duelist, why don't you tell us how to summon them." Sora said

"Are you sure? I'm not sure I'm the best to explain."

The chibi trio looked at me with a pleading smile on their faces, and not being able to say no I gave up and went to reception.

"Okay...but know that I don't just know xyz summoning, I know all main deck and extra deck summoning methods."

I quickly covered my ears to avoid going deaf. In fact I saw everyone's mouths drop as they surely yelled "what?". When I saw that the mouths stopped moving, I uncovered the ears.

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