And in the end, they were three

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We walked for a couple of minutes and then the man led me to the door.

"Come inside, the president is waiting for you."

He opened the door for me and I went in and then he closed it.

I looked around and recognized the room, also thanks to all the screens there and the poor lighting.

Then the three people inside took their attention away from the screens and turned it to me.

Then the three people inside took their attention away from the screens and turned it to me

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(The third you already know who he is

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(The third you already know who he is. And i don't want to place the picture again because i'm lazy.)

"There he is, Reiji Akaba." Astral said.

"So... are you this "president" who wanted to meet with me?"

"Yes, it's me. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person Yuma Utadakara."

And here he is, I know exactly what he's going to say. And to give myself a little patience I decided to tease Shun a little since he was next to him.

"Oh! Bird Brain! How's it going? Sorry I didn't notice you before, but I'm having a hard time remembering all the birds I've shot down."

"Oh you son of a bi..."

He didn't finish the sentence because Reiji put his hand in front of him, surely because he didn't want Reira to hear his swearing at him.


I returned my attention to him.

"I know who you are Mr. "President".

He brought his hands together in front of his mouth in the same way as when he watches a duel.

"Really? Then prove it to me."

My expression turned serious as I looked him straight in the eyes.

"You are Akaba Reiji. The current president of LDS and the youngest certified duelist in history for the duel on the professional circuit at the age of 15. Not that one of the best duelists there is."

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