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The scene begins in a dark room with: computers, video cameras, microphones on a table full of dust, everything seemed to be abandoned long ago, left to rot.

Suddenly, however, the sound of a door opening was heard and from it you could see a figure who, obscured by the light behind him, had opened the door.

"Damn! We were only closed for a few months but it feels like years have passed."

The figure then flipped the switch to his right and the entire room lit up, revealing a recording studio. Furthermore, with the light the figure revealed itself to be a boy with a golden pendant who walked towards the table followed by other people.

"Ok, everyone. Everyone take their equipment, update it and everyone settle down at their own station." A boy with glasses and a scarf around his neck ordered the others.

Soon all the other people did as asked and took up their positions while the boy with the pendant settled behind the table and placed a pair of headphones on his head.

"Aaa......How I missed this job."

"Just 5 more minutes and we'll be on the air"

"Thanks Declan."

The figure, however, began to look around as if looking for something.

"Um... Declan, I see there's only half the entire main cast here, where are the others?"

"Let's just say some inconveniences showed up." he said it himself while looking the other way.

Synchro Dimension

On a street of a city divided into two social classes we can see it full of cars and motorbikes honking at full volume while they are stuck in street traffic, among them we can see a white motorbike driven by a boy while he has a cup of coffee in hand.

"Come on you bastards! I'm late for work!"

Then he proceeds to drink some from the glass but some of the caffee spills on his bike and on his new jacket.

"Oh! oh, this is perfect."

Back to the studio

"How can there be traffic there? And besides, he can't teleport here?"

"You remember that he doesn't control that power, right?"

"Right. And what about the others?"

Fusion Dimension

Inside a room of this imposing castle you can see a group of people in front of a machine that was being repaired by numerous men.

"What do you mean broken!?" A girl with a yellow ponytail in her hair yelled at one of the men.

"I'm sorry but after the holidays, the machine must have overloaded and fried the main mainframe. We're trying to fix it as quickly as possible."

A man with an eyepatch approached the technician.

"And how long will it be before it's functional again?"

The technician looked at the machine for a second and then looked back at the man.

"If we proceed at this rate we should be able to fix it in a few weeks otherwise we're talking about a few months."

"Month? Damn, today was supposed to be our big entrance. Patience, it means we'll have to wait." said a boy with cabbage hair.

Back to the studio again...

"I am... unexpectedly... surprised. I didn't think he would give them holidays."

"In fact he didn't."

There was an awkward silence.

"Anyway, we're ready to get started." Declan said moving out of the way.

"All right."

A duel links NPC with a video camera stood in front of the boy and then turned on the camera.

When one of the TVs in the study finally turned on it revealed that the boy was none other than Yuma Utadakara.

"Hello duelists of all ages and welcome back to the "The corner of the Numbers".

A sign was lit reading: "The corner of the Numbers"

"I'm so happy to see you all here again and this time I'm not alone."

Yuma waved his hand and the Yu-Gi-Oh! characters came out from the sides of the screen. Arc-V who joined him.

"As you can see, since I want to start again in a big way, I invited all of them to join me.

All the other characters greeted the audience in their own way.

"With that, I hope you guys are ready! Because..."

Yuma got up from the chair and then some blue particles came out of the key and then together they formed Astral.

"Arc V: Zexal Hope, Start Again Today!" Yuma and Astral said at the same time.

The whole cast cheered with happiness

"That said, I'll see you all in the next one. Yuma here and..."

"Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V cast here." they screamed

"See you in the next chapter."

"BYE!" everyone shouted

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