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2 days later...

2 days have passed since that night, and with what happened, luckily there were no complaints for destroying the park and no policeman who came to arrest us, really. I already know for myself that prisons are not a good place to end up because you have to watch your shoulders and squeeze your butt very hard to avoid receiving free colonoscopies without medical certification. But knowing that in a certain dimension which I won't name, there is the possibility of ending up inside one as soon as we arrive there, I can only say that what happened was a stroke of luck.

Ah! However, the two Yu-boys I defeated, Yuya and I eventually took to his house, we also saved time thanks to Yugo's D-Wheel pilot by Yuya. When I asked him where he learned to drive, he replied that he didn't know but that strangely enough he already knew how to do it.

Now hearing this I think that my theory from some time ago was correct, that is: this Yuya is slowly assimilating all the skills of his manga counterpart. I mean: he already has the counterpart of the four dimensional dragons, it wouldn't surprise me if he also acquired the abilities. But what I'm wondering now is... will he assimilate the memories too?

Answers to which I will only receive answers over time, for now it is better to observe and see how things will develop.

Leaving this aside.

I was with Yuya almost all the time after defeating Yuto and Yugo, I did it in case he had difficulty managing those 2 when they woke up and in fact when they did the first thing they did was fight in the corridor but luckily with a good knock on the head and a red bump on their heads we were able to stop them, and between us, I hurt myself a little by hitting Yugo's head, it made me realize how hard his hollow noggin was. Now I understand why Rin always hits him in the stomach.

To summarize in short after calming them down.

Yuto explained about the Four Dimensions and Academia to Yugo. Also, he told us that Ruri was kidnapped by someone from Fusion Dimension who has same face as him. He thought Yugo was the one who kidnapped her because he spell his name wrong.

And as I said before, if it weren't for the berserker issue and the possibility of waking up Z-Arc, their fight could have passed for a comedy short.

"I'm was my bad...about what happened last night." Yugo apologized to Yuto."I'm sorry too for jumping in conclusion so easily...and for spelling your name wrong." Yuto apologized to Yugo."So you two good now?" I asked as the boys nodded. 

Maiami Stadium

I currently at Maiami Stadium. I trust Yuya could handle that emo and rider. After last night, I want to rest before facing the bullshit that called a plot.

After a while the others arrived too, followed by Yuto and Yugo who decided to stay.

"Thank you for waiting! The next duel will be the runner up from last year's junior youth division from Ryozanpaku Duel School, Kachidoki Isao! And he will be taking on the top Synchro Duelist of his class from LDS, Todo Yaiba!" Nico yelled as the two duelists walked up onto the field.

Needless to say, the duel was truly brutal. On the one hand if I ever ended up facing that bastard I would have OTKed him with Utopia board not even giving him time to play. But on the other hand I would have preferred Yuya in Berserker state to defeat him with Dark Rebellion as per canon but it was certainly better to avoid it and I also don't think it's possible anymore given that Yuto hasn't been absorbed, and maybe it's even better that way.

"All Duelists who has advanced to the next round, please put your registration cards in your Duel Disk." Nico announced and we all did it.

"My next opponent is Tanegashima Yuzo from surprise School." Gongenzaka said.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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