Final duel for the qualification

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After beating Shun without a scratch, I went back to Duel Show while whistling.

"Hey everyone. I'm back!"

"Yuma where have you been?" Yuzu asked me.

"In short: I went to do some shopping and then on the way back I was challenged by an Xyz duelist who I beat with no problems."

"Xyz? Hmm...Could it be that assault duelist?" she wondered

"What do you mean?"

"At school, Sawatari told us that several LDS teachers were attacked by a man who uses Xyz Summoning. Maybe he's the same person who attacked Sawatari!"

"I'm sorry but he's not who you think he is. He was his partner and he's more brutal than him."

I then explained how I won against Shun.

"And that's how I beat him. Well guys, I have to go, I have some business to attend to."

I got up from my chair and walked towards the exit.

"Oh! Before i go."

I pulled a card from my holster.

"Yuya take this."

I tossed him the card and he took it. He stood watching her for a few seconds and then his mouth dropped open as he quickly turned his head towards me.

"Yuma! Where did you find that!?"

"I found it in one of the packs I bought, when I found it I immediately knew I had to give it to you, it wouldn't fit well in my deck since I don't have the same cards you do."

"I do not know what to say."

I went back to the exit door again

"A simple thank you is enough, and I am convinced that this card will open your 'eyes' to new horizons."

I walked out the door and then Astral materialized next to me.

"I hope that card can give Yuya an extra boost for the tournament and maybe keep Zarc from waking up for a bit longer."

"For now what we can do is wait and see how the situation develops, if things take a bad turn I will intervene and try to fix it."

"I hope so."

The next days...

These days I saw Yuya duel Michio Mokota and Eita Kyuando and win, the duels seen live were much more exciting, I also noticed that he used less action cards and I took it as a clear improvement even if I noticed that every now and then when he tried to take an action card that was high or far away and he didn't have time to move he put his hand on his pocket as if he was looking for something and then when he noticed it he immediately stopped doing it and after the duel we asked him why he did. He answered with "I don't know" or "it came to me instinctively", this confused me too slightly but when I thought back to his stunts and his movements I remembered something I had "read" and left me slightly dumbfounded even on the theory what I did about why he did it. Astral also noticed this change and when I explained my theory to him he agreed because he couldn't think of any other possible explanation.

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