Xyz scum + meeting the partner

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Last night

Here I am, facing the door of destiny again.

"Whoever can open this door will gain a great new power, but know that such a reward comes great risk

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"Whoever can open this door will gain a great new power, but know that such a reward comes great risk. You would lose that which is most valuable to you."

This time nothing would stop me from doing what I had to do, I took the emperor's key and looked at it for a few moments and smiled.

"Time to meet my partner."

(Just watch when Yuma open the door)

I reopened my eyes and found myself back in my bedroom, everything was calm but next to me there was a blue light and looking at it better it turned out to be him.

I reopened my eyes and found myself back in my bedroom, everything was calm but next to me there was a blue light and looking at it better it turned out to be him

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Astral was really floating in front of me there was silence until I broke it

"Astral is that really you?"

"Yes it is really me it is nice meet you Yuma."

"Wow but why are you here?"

"To help you save the world."

"From Zarc?"


"Oh alright."

"But to Combat against Zarc's power, we need the power of Zexal."

"I know, but how do we get it?"

"The way it's been shown on the show."

"Does that mean you will actually become my partner?"

"Obviously, I also need to make sure your dueling skills are decent for what's to come."

Arc V: Zexal HopeWhere stories live. Discover now