Figure it out along the way

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Later on, we make our way into town just Cut, Hunter and myself, thankfully, the couple had such a clothing for us to change into, so we would not stand out as much. After all we are wanted people, fugitives some will call us, and I was okay with that. I knew this was a cause worth fighting for and I could not let anything happen to my team. I had already lost one of my family members. I couldn't do it again I had to make sure I could protect them at all possible cost.

"Troops should be pulling their forces, not securing a post. The war is over." Hunter says as we pass by troopers who are listening to the comm chatter. I noticed Cut pulled his hat down slightly infront of his face to conceal his identity. "Heh well it doesn't feel that way." Cut stated "These are confusing times, im not so sure they are even aware of the big picture here." I quietly stated as we continued down the path to the city.

Once we arrived to the city we notice many vendors, we stopped in our tracks when we saw a shuttle confiscating an aircraft "They started seizing ships about a week ago." Cut explains as we stood there watching "Military Ships" Hunter asks once we looked at each other once more "All ships. They're tagging them inside that impound lot." Cut responds, "The stall's up ahead. Let's book the shuttle before we're spotted." Cut urges us as he motions us towards the stall.

"So, where will you and your family go next?" I ask walking besides Hunter interwinding our fingers together "I suppose find a remote piece of land on a distant planet. That's all we really need." Cut explains to us, I nod my head in understanding "That's the key to not being found?" Hunter asks with a puzzled expression. Cut halts to a stop in his tracks, he looks over to us as we walked a little ahead turning our attention to him, we make our way back to stand in front of him "You wanna know how to disappear?" Cut asks us as he leans in closer to us "Put being a soldier and an spy behind you both and make a new life for yourselves" Cut states "You both have the chance to be together and raise Omega together, its almost as if you both can actually become her actual parents" Cut finishes, I look up towards my counterpart as Cut walks away "I mean it's something to think about" I told him as I urged to follow Cut so we don't lose each other in the crowd

"What do you want?" The shop vendor ask "I need to book passage on the next shuttle out of here." Cut request as he pulls out credits from his pouch handing them to her, she shakes her head at his offer "Those credits won't do you any good without a chain code." she states not missing to confusion on all of our faces "New galactic policy." We look at each other still highly confused "My what?" Cut ask as he looks back to the vendor "Your chain code" she spits out once more as she turns her attention to the announcement system. "...your individual chain code, every citizen can exchange their invalid currency for Imperial credits, thanks to the generosity of the new Galactic Empire. The war is over. With peace comes opportunity and prosperity for all."

My eyes widen with fear as I firmly squeeze Hunters hand him returning the gesture. My heart broke as I overheard people complaining about not having a chain code, and then being denied transport off world. I look back over to my two companions. "This is not good." I state firmly towards them as we walked away from the vendor "we need to get back to the house now to figure out a new plan, Cut cannot have a chain code. He'll be arrested immediately for being a deserter." I firmly suggest to the men, Cut sighs "Getting off planet is going to be harder than I thought".

We make our way back to the house seen that the kids were still outside playing, we noticed wrecker, wearing new entire as well with a hat "Heh nice hat Wreck." He cackles at the comment I gave him. "we need to figure this out. They have to have chain codes to even get off planet now, new imperial protocol." Hunter states with a sigh as he takes the chair next to mine, and lets out a sigh. "The next shuttle leaves in a few hours, codes or no codes we need to be on it" Cut stresses to us. "Well le-" I was cut off with Shaeeah running in screaming.

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