The road to recovery

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Its been a hectic past few rotations, first when we're making a stop for supplies Omega gets captured by a bounty hunter, so we go after her and after a few close calls we were able to get her back. Then we go to Ord Mantell to talk to this Cid informant that the jedi used quite often before the fall, then in order for us to prove our worth essentially we had to rescue a kid from slavery, I'm sorry a Rancor Child from enslavers. Now we are returning from a failed mission of retrieving a tactical droid head. I understand why we decided to give the Martez sisters the intel, but I know it's not going to stop Cid from popping off at us for failing the mission.

"You all had one job and that was to bring the Droid head here!" Cid scolds us "Technically it was a Tactical Droid head" Tech pipes up with his finger in the air matter of factly. Cid glares over to Tech "I didn't ask for a fact check goggles" she pauses "Now get out of my office before i show my ugly side" Cid remarks. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I walked out of her office to the bar, "I hate that we have to do this" I sigh with frustration in my voice as I notice Echo taking a seat next to me. "I know, but what choice do we have right now Wid?" Echo asked me calmly, "I know, we don't really have one." I sigh as I turn in my seat seeing Omega and Wrecker coming up to us. I shake my head and laugh slightly knowing what they are about to ask "Let me guess You guys want your post mission Mantell Mix huh?" They both look at me with huge smiles on their faces, I chuckle and look towards an approaching Hunter, "Well what do you say Hunter?" As I was looking back I couldn't help but notice two hooded figures in the distance keeping their hoods up, I was unable to see their faces but I couldn't pinpoint why I got the feeling of uncertainty from them.

Once I was able to look back towards the duo I heard "I don't see why not even though the mission wasn't successful" Hunter says as he has a half teasing and half serious tone to his voice. I smile as I get up from my seat. "Ill go with you guys to make sure you aren't getting into any trouble." I playfully nudge Omega, earning a laugh from the child, I look towards Hunter with a soft smile. "We'll be back" I smiled at him "Don't take too long!" I hear him yell back as we are leaving the bar. "Hold up, I'll come with you!" I hear from behind us as I turn my head seeing Echo rush up to us before we make it to the stairs. I noticed from behind Echo that one of the hooded figures was about to get up but the other stopped them before they could move any further. "Keep an open eye out here" I whisper to Hunter, he looks at me questionably but nods his head.

We make it up the stairs to the surface Omega and Wrecker are chomping at the bits for Echo and I to follow them to get their treat. Echo extends his arm to me "Shall we?" he asks teasingly, i smirk and take his arm as we follow the two down the road of people everywhere "Why thank you sir" I say teasingly, I notice a chuckle that came from his lips. "Its nice to have you back Echo, I felt so lost after everything with fives that I feel like part of me died when you both Died on me." I pause "I feel like I have a part of my old self back and I couldn't be happier having you back" I smile as I squeeze his forearm. "Well, I'm glad I was able to help get some of the old you back. Having you here with me while I'm still readjusting to everything has been a huge help." He pauses "I feel like this road to recovery would have been more difficult if i didn't have you with me" I look up to see him smiling genuinely at me, feeling him return the squeeze on my hand.

We finally caught up to the two batchers ordering their Mantell Mix, I heard the merchant ask for payment. Shifting my head as I looked over to Wrecker to see how he would pay "Just add it to Cids tab" I heard him tell the merchant. Echo and I let out an audible laugh as we turned away from the stand to head back to the bar "So that's how you guys have been paying for your treats?" I laugh while asking as I see Wrecker put a snacking Omega on his shoulders. "Yup!" I hear Omega say as she's snacking "That's definitely something you and fives would've done back in the day" Echo states laughing to himself quietly "Oh absolutely" I couldn't help the smile to appear on my face. We made it back to the bar, Wrecker and Omega were the first ones in as Echo stopped me on the outside before we went back in. "Hey you okay?" I ask him, "Yeah, I just can't shake this feeling." he explains "Ive had this feeling since we left with them to get the Mantel mix, which I may add is extremely delicious" I try to end it with some humor before we go in.

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