The Art Of Seduction

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Widow and the Bad batch have gone on several missions since her reassignment to the Batchers. It took a while before they all had fully welcomed her on to the team, mainly it was Crosshair who had the issue. He didn't like the idea of reg much less a civilian joining them, but after a few successful missions due to Widows training in espionage, Cross learned to accept and quietly grumble to himself that she still didn't belong.

Widow had given all the guys training on stealth, undercover work. The batchers spent their time on each topic to fully grasp what was expected of them if they were to be put in said situation, little did they know that widow has a new lesson for them planned. The Art of Seduction, in widow's opinion it's fun to watch whom her target was in the field squirm.

Widow had no idea why she was so excited to see how these men would handle seducing her, she made it no secret that she wanted them to try their best with it. Maybe it was the thrill of not know what to expect? Or maybe it's because she's grown to have strong friendships with all of them for the most part, so naturally she wanted to see how this would play out.

She wasn't blind, Widow knows that Clone Force 99 doesn't look like a standard clone. They look different which was a refreshing change, not that she doesn't still have friends who are regs but it's nice to switch it up. Widow had been flirted with many men throughout the clone wars, each approach have been different from the other, so she was excited to see how these men would approach her.

First was Wrecker, Widow honestly had no idea what to expect from him.

Wrecker makes his way to the red headed espionage specialist, just as he's about to speak up and try a pick up line he freeze's. Wrecker had a whole plan to use a cheesy pick up line to make her laugh, to casually lean against the wall in a sly manner. But when it came to his turn he froze looking at Widow with wide eye.

It doesn't help that Widow was leaning up against a wall with her arms crossed against her chest, she's watching him with a small smirk on her face. She saw the brute clone freeze up on her and she slowly made her way to him, once she was in front of him she glances up at him.

"Wrecker you're overthinking it and putting to much pressure on yourself." She pauses "Think of it this way 'less is more'" she casually rest her hand on his forearm. This doesn't go unnoticed by Wrecker.

"Yeah, well it's not like I'm ever going to need this type of thing." He looks away from her. "I've never been good in a stealth thing, plus it's not like anyone who looks like you would even try to flirt back with someone like me."

Widow moves her hand from his forearm up to cup his cheek leading him to face her again.

"Hey, don't doubt yourself. You're just as skilled as your brothers are, you just have a different skill set " she smiled lightly at him.

Wrecker looks at her with a nod, he's still not feeling confident but he is feeling better about himself after she assured him of that. Widow pleases her hand that is on his face onto his shoulder, as she uses said arm to support her weight as she stood on her tip toes and whispered "what I need you to work on is confidence and not overthinking it."

Widow leans away retracting her arm from Wreckers shoulder. She goes back to her position on the wall leaning against it with her arms crossed once again. Nodding towards wrecker to take it easy as he sits down on one of the seats in the main part of the Havoc.

She looks towards the three remaining men to pick her next target. She glances over each of them carefully, determining who would be the most entertaining for her. Her eyes land on Crosshair.

With a smirk towards the sharpshooter Widow says "Alright Cross, show me what you got."

Crosshair walks over to widow, and he puts an arm above her head since he is a bit taller than her, leaning in closer to her where his lips are almost on her ear lobes.

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