2years ago

217 6 2


Tyler was coming home after picking up some weed 2 blocks down from him,as he was walking up the steps to his house he noticed the door was cracked open and he heard screaming "weird" he said low to himself. He walked inside to see his mum on her knees begging for her life one of Tyler's rivals had a gun to his mums head "what the fuck" Tyler said pulling out his gun in shock

but before Tyler could do anything the guy slowly pointed the gun towards Tyler's head "i know you know about tonight Tyler and i want you to shoot yams i'm not asking for much if you don't i'm shooting your mum dead fucking ass "he said pointing the gun back at his mums head

"fuck fuck fuck i can't"Tyler said putting hands on his head

yams was a very close friend of Tyler's and rocky the plan was for them to kill of  kalid and his gang as they have murderd left and domo but kalid is smart he sent one of his followers to threaten Tyler

"ok then" he said about to pull the trigger

Tyler could see the fright in his mothers eyes he couldn't let her die like this he loved her to much

"ight ight don't do it ok"tyler's voice cracked

the guy smirked slowly brushed passed tyler out the door Tyler punched the wall and fell to his knees him and his mother were both balling there eyes out


"you ready bro" rocky said eyeing tyler

"yeah bro" he replied bluntly

you could see on Tyler's face that he was paranoid

hodgy made a right turn and they was on kalids block Tyler and rakim jumped out of the big black Benz  which they stole and got to work

tyler and rakim was walking through diffrent allays and blocks trying to get to them before they could get to them as careful as the could

"shit there other there" rocky said pulling out his gun

tyler paused

"bro are you actually good the fuck"rakim held tyler's arm

tyler ignored him

rakim closes the gap between him and the others hodgy, jasper and ferg continuously throwing bombs at the kalids people

"wassup niggassss"rakim shouts blazing his gun in the air

one of kalids people shot at hodgys leg and he fell on the ground bari went to pick him up and take him back to the car

rocky had an evil smirk on his face since they were winning but it didn't faze kalid because he new what tyler was about to do

"here ty" rakim passed the gun to tyler

tyler was shaking

"nigga you good"rocky was concerned

"yeah bro"

"stop being a pussy and fucking hurry up i'll be back there with hodgy and them lot"

most of kalids people were on the floor bleeding out
except from Kalid  himself he was just smirking

rakims pov

"fuck is he smiling for like he ain't about to he put to rest"rocky said talking to the rest of them

tyler first points the gun at kalid "you remember our dealll"he said doing a happy dance

tyler then pointed the gun and yams

"WHAT THE FUCK TYLER"the group said in union


yams lifeless body hit the floor he was bleeding out so bad

tyler just looked at him breaking down into tears

"what the fuck tyler"rakim said angry as the group held him back from fucking up his shit

seconds after a multiple police cars came and they all started running


now they have all separated tyler has his own gang with all the people he was closer with from there previous group and asap with the rest instead of killing people together they all want each over killed

*yams nine night*

rocky was on the balcony with ferg smoking heavily he was depressed "i swear i should have known he was being weird that nigga was acting suspicious"

"i don't know but all i know is i want him dead this is fucking war"ferg said looking into the sky

they got interrupted by indiyah  opening the balcony door "um mum said we're doing the balloons now"

yams was rockys best friend so the whole family really cared for him

"i'll be down in 20"rakim replied with no emotion

"i'm sorry for your loss bro"indiyah said walking out

rocky then broke  down crying into fergies chest you new it was serious because rocky never ever cries

"it's ok bro there will be no peace till tyler is dead"ferg said rubbing rockys back


"you know not only was yams a friend that was my real brother you know i just don't know why you had to be the one-" rocky started to cry

his mum held him by his head and told him that he got this

"My sincerest condolences for you at this time. You have my deepest sympathy and unwavering support. Wishing you peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this time of sorrow. My heart goes out to you at this difficult time" rocky said the last bit passionately

" 1 2 3" everyone realesed the balloons and clapped some cried some didn't even know who he was but still tried to show sympathy

*2years ended*

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