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we've been at this party for a while now daniel scary drunk and i felt like i didn't belong there there were people having sex in the open like tramps and there was weird men coming up to me trying to you know

"daniel  i'm gonna step outside" is said getting up

"why baby the party only started"he was drunk out of his mind he didn't know what he was saying he was also touching my ass

"i'm coming back"

i went outside and decided to call tyler as it was ringing some old man with and spike around his finger was staring at me from the corner his eyes looked possessed? like he looked out of his mind i felt like i had to do a nervous poo he came up to me and i started backing away i was fast texting tyler to come and pick me up

he came up to me and poked the spike in my face "you know what i do to pretty girls like you"he said smiling at me he grabbed my boobs and squeezed them tight

"please" i mumbled under my breath

"i poke there eye balls out" he slashed the corner of my eye

i dropped down to the floor and held my eye "i also like to punish girls like you" he began unbuckling his belt "come here" he grabbed me by the wrist

before he could take me away a big bang went of and it was tyler knocking the guy out "HOLD on are you ducking dumb"

he looked at my face and saw that it was bleeding he grabbed the guy and pushed him up against the wall "don't fucking touch my bitch"

the guy looked out of it "HOLD ON are you made you pull down your zipper to fuck my property"tyler grabbed his gun from his pocket and pointed it at him "nigh night" he shot

i was in shock my "boyfriend" just killed someone i know he's done it before but it was in person

he looked at me and sighed "are you scared of me"

i nodded my head and bursted into tears he grabbed me by  my face and started kissing were the bruises we hugged for a while , Daniel then walked outside and saw what was happening "who's this"

"i'm her nigga what about you"tyler said standing in front of me

"bitch she's on a date with me"daniel could barely get out his words

"daniel go back inside"

"you said this was a friend date"tyler said looking down at me

"it is he's drunk out of his mind"

"come indiyah"daniel said reaching out his hand

"you best go back inside before i sock your ass"tyler said with and intimidating tone

Daniel didn't listen and kept on teasing

tyler punched him in his face and he stumbled a little

"you gay nigga that's why she went on a date with me while being with you"she spat

tyler was about to kill him

"ok baby let's go" i said holding my hand out to tyler surprisingly, he followed


i was on tyler's bed he got ice packs and all sorts "why's re you so tense"he said looking at me

i was really uncomfortable "i just feel so disgusting"

i bursted into tears "it's like why am i doing this"

he grabbed my face and started at me "your no were near discusting i love you and that's the only thing that matters"

those words i love you "why did you take so long" i cried in his chest

then my phone rang it was rakim when i tell you my eyes popped out of my head i awnserd quickly and told tyler to shush "hello"

"we're are you indiyah"

"i'm at franks i'll be back tomorrow just leave it i'm tired"

"don't be lying to me you know"

"no let me sleep"

"ight bye"


i let out i sigh "how am i gonna marry you in these circumstances" i said looking at tyler

"it will work out"

tyler washed and changed me my eye had a little scar on it we got into bed and i layed don his chest i was about to fall asleep until my mind went back to the words "i love you" tyler was about to fall asleep too until i said the same words back " thank you for saving me i love you tyler"

he looked down at me and let go "fuck" he got up looking at the wall i got up and went over to him "do you not feel the same what"

"nah i just never heard someone say that and i'm scared of hurting you"

i went up to him and hugged him from behind "you won't" i kissed his back

he smiled down at me that smirk turned into a very horny face he tugged on my shirt asking for permission i nodded my head he lifted up my shirt and saw hella scars "did that man do this"
i nodded

"fuck sake man"he cursed

he layed me down and kissed my scars he looked up at me "feel better"


after that we made out till we got tired and we fell asleep

me and frank was in the library revising for out maths tests "what the fuck is that scar in your face indi"

"long storey short at that "date" we'll it wasn't a date it was terrible i don't even wanna tutor Daniel no mo"

"he did this"frank said standing up"

"no but and old man did"i dragged him back down in his seat

"and u didn't do shit"

"no tyler did"i smiled at the thought

"what did he do"

"my man kills people"i blushed

some random white girl looked at us with a weird look "mind ya business" i said looking at ye rage quickly turned her head

"man?"franks aid looking at me

"i don't care he's miss judged i really want him and my brother to work things out but i know my brother would not let that man speak he would kill him"

"what's the age gap again?"

i was silent i the deeped it "i'm 15 he's 19"

"jail time" franks aid laughing

"this is bad"

kiyomi an luca walked up to us luca looked upset
"what's wrong kiddo"i said poking lucas arm

"leah cheated on me"

my jaw dropped "but you guys was just good"

"turned out she's a bitch"kiyomi said shrugging

"it's ok i kinda ship you and yara
more anyways"franks said

"omg word"i said jumping with frank

"i don't like yara in that way"

"shut up you know you would" i said looking at him

we all revised for the rest of the day

yams funeral was this saturday too

to be continued

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