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i was walking on the pavement when a black tinted car pulled over my heart started beating because my mum told me if i ever see those cars start running i just stopped and looked at the car

then tyler came out the car walking up to me my heart kind of slowed down "you can't stop watching me can you" i said crossing my arms

"yeah i got a nice view last night"he said lowly


"i wanted to take you home"

"nah i'm good"

"get in the fucking car"he said opening the door

"ok sir" i said sarcastically

the car drive was silent again and i told him to pull over in the same spot "why do you do this" i said looking at him

"no reason"

"no there's must be a reason i know your planning something"

"you didnt call me"

"i was busy"

"yeah that's not an excuse get out"

i wasted no time and got out

tyler's pov

hodgy got out from the back and gave me a weird look "bro what are you gonna do with her"

"fuck her"he said smirking

"nah bro your mocking it"

"it would be nice knowing i fucked rakims sister"

my phone then started ringing it was indiyah

"oh look who decided to call" tyler said chuckling


indiyahs pov

nobody was at home and i decided to do some homework i couldn't think straight all i could think about was tyler i hate to be a snake but i liked how he has that power over me i don't know i like his face his height i know it's so bad nobody was home so i took it as an opportunity to call him

he answered straight away "why did you want me to call you again" i said acting clueless

"i wanted to hear your voice"

it went silent

"i don't wanna hear yours"

"i know you want me" his deep voice echoed through the phone

"bye tyler"

i hung up the phone and thought again that didn't help the situation was i crushing on him even if i was i new i couldn't do nothing about it



my mum was throwing a barbecue today since it was getting hot and you know how Jamaican moms are they see a slight bit of Sun and get gassed i decided to invite frank and kiyomi since my mum loves them and there will be more food to throw away

i still weren't talking to rakim and he was acting moody and shit i don't care though until he apologises he can suck himself

"frank put these containers outside please"my mum said overloading franks hands

"mummy chill out on frank"

"that's mi second child"

frank laughed

more people was starting to come you know aunties uncles cousins all that "let's go to my room guys"

the two nodded and we ran upstairs


"you went in the guys car again are you out of your mind"kiyomi said falling of my bed

"yo i don't wanna die he has guns"

"you don't learn"franks said laying on my bed

"ok but that ain't even the worst part i feel like im developing a slight crush on him i don't know what it is and i feel so guilty i hate it"

"INDIYAH"they both said at the same time

"i know i know i just can't tell my brother i hate myself for this"

we heard smile Jamaica by chronix play downstairs and we all looked at eachother and smiled this was our song

"smile girl smile smile for me and Jamaica" we all danced

we was having the time of our lives frank was dancing with my grandma and kiyomi was trying to get rakim to dance but he was being moody as always

"my mummy let's me eat fizzy drinks"

"i don't care"frank said to one of my cousins

my little cousin was being so annoying i just wanted to punch him

"i'm gonna go and tell my mummy"

"lol go on then" i said stepping in

"you too are po po heads"

"you look like poo"frank said to my cousin Frank was close with my family like that, so he could joke around saying stuff like that

i then felt my phone vibrate i looked at it and it was tyler why the hell is he calling now i looked at rakim sleeping on the couch

"i'm gonna go outside for some fresh air i'll be back" i said to frank he already new


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