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indiyahs pov

frank had taken me to the location well we went on bus "be careful babygirl"he said looking at the apartment infront of us

"i promise i will" i kissed frank on the cheek

"don't get pregnant you know"he looked me up and down


i walked through the door that was meant  to be locked but it was not it was open i walked up the stairs i texted tyler what door number was it and he said he would open the door then i heard a door open it was tyler and some over bitch

i stood there in disbelief if bitch was a look that's what my face looked like "bye tyler" she eye fucked him

we walked downstairs and went in his car "hey baby"he slowly rubbed my thighs i was pissed of so i kind of twitched becuase you need to not touch me nigga who was the bitch like i won't just get my brother on you right now

"what the fuck is your problem"

i shook my head and looked out the window

"we'll then i gues we're gonna be here all night till you tell me what your having a tantrum about


"um so your just gonna walk out the house with some bitch looking like she just got fuck out" i said angry

he laughed

"if i was gonna cheat why the fuck would i bring you to the address i have common sense"

he has a point

"i don't care she looks like she wants you"

"she does im not interested though i like someone else" he paused and looked at me

my face went from screwing to blushing


we got to his house and the only guy that was there was hodgy i thought it was gonna be a nod head thing but he spudded me "we're guys now" he said walking up the stairs going in his room

"ok" i smiled

"not to fucking much"tyler muttered under his breath

we got to tyler's room and i placed my uniform on the chair

"look at my underaged girlfriend going to school"

"ew pedo"


"what did you mutter under your breath earlier"

i can't lie i was going to tease him becuase i was ready


"you said something like not to much or something what are you jealous?"i smirked

he cornered me into a wall and made me look at him "i could never be jealous when i copped one of my enemies sister and you went along with it too"

i grabbed shoulders and started kissing him


we actually done that

i layed in the bed and started to feel a wave of sadness i started to cry becuase i just lost my virginity and it hurt so bad i decided to call frank

"no frank"i said crying

it was a face time and frank got up fast when he saw that i was crying

"what did he do i coming"

"no he didn't do anything but like i think his thing was abit to big"

"what you talking"

"12 inches"

"you pum pum must be stretch out"

"it hurts so bad"

"did you use protection"

"yes"i started crying i felt so nasty


tyler dropped me to school i was about to get out when he locked the door "no kiss?"

i then kissed him "why you moving so funny"

i stayed silent "oh so when you fuck a nigga you start moving funny"

"no i just never done nasty mess before"

"whatever you know we're locked in so you best get used to your emotions or whatever you have"

we both laughed i got out and saw the group in the lunch hall we had 15minutes till first period i saw yara and luca hitting it of to they all paused and looked at me laughing "um what the heck is funny"

"why you walking like you got a hunch back"

my heart dropped "i i i i" i looked at frank and frank was smilling dickhead

"i was staying up play fighting with frank"

"no way you guys done that"

"no stupid idiots we was play fighting"

i sat down and we just talked as usual until the room went silent it was kind of awkward i could feel a presence too i turned around and saw Daniel behind me with a guilty sorry face on him

to be continued.....

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