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indiyahs pov

i turned my head around so fast "indiyah we need to talk"


"we'll you'll find out when we speak"

i got up and followed him

we went to a quiet area of the school i sat down and waited for him to speak "look i'm sorry about last night i was really drunk and you know that wasn't me"

i thought about it me and daniel was so close i technically told him some of my business about tyler and my brother so i couldn't really not forgive him plus tyler already done his punishment with him

"yeah whatever"

"ain't that guy you was with your brothers opp or am i trippin"

"um yeah but keep it to yourself"


"i mean it my man kills people" i tried to scare him

daniels pov
i watched as she walked away dumb ass bitch lead me on i'm excited to see what rakim will haft to say about this


indiyahs pov

it was yams funeral and we was all wearing balck frank sat next to me on my right and kiyomi sat next to me on my left there was thousands of people there yams must've known everyone

my brother started the whole thing of by playing a video of all the the memories him and yams had together even tyler was in one of them it made me tear up yerba's heart break played in the background

"this is not a good bye yams  this is a thank you for coming into my life and giving me joy i never thought i'd be up here having to right about your death the night you died i dropped to my knees and prayed for the first time "why did he take you away from us" i asked. now the only thing i have is memories the first time you came over my mum loved you we grew up innocent with eachother and came out dangerous which has lead you to die it makes me think why i do this shit i wanna quit but i know i need to do what's right so you can die in piece"

my stomach was hurting he doesn't know anything at all "i'm going to go to the bathroom" i said to frank


i looked in the mirror and cried i decided to face time tyler

"why are you crying babygirl"

"i'm at this funeral and rakims literally making indirects about you i can't even watch" i said stuttering

"calm down everything will be fine come see me later i'll pick you up send me the address"


"fix your face g"

he started at me making me laugh i fixed myself up and went back to the ceremony well everyone was done and it was the party i saw rakim with two of my aunties and they was staring me down so i know they wanted me to say hello

"hi aunty lena"

"hi baby you and your brother has gotten so big"she squeezed both of our cheeks


"how you doing in school have any boyfriends"

"yeah no aunty"

i forgot daniel was here too i was getting bored of everything i love yams but i need to go and see tyler i told him to pull up now because this was overwhelming yes i left kiyomi and frank at the party but they will be fine there used to my family

i saw him in his black tinted car and i quickly got in i heard a camera click and i started to feel paranoid

when tyler started driving further away i started to talk about it "tyler as i got in i heard a camera click"

"your probably just hearing things or being a scaredy-cat you are"

"mabye" i was just saying that i know what i heard

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