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indiyahs pov

i had english with kiyomi the whole morning i was in a bad mood i was being rude for no reason

"indiyah do you want to awnser this question"the teahcer said looking at me

i was in a trance i couldn't stop thinking about after school i kind of wanted him  "ugh" i said getting up and leaving the school

"indiyah?"kiyomi said running after me

i jumped one of the fences and sat in the car park i unblocked tyler and told him to come and pick me up now

about 30minutes later he pulled up "why you not in school"he said rolling down the window

"i didn't feel like doing today"

i got in the car and rested my head on the window i felt his hands rubbing up and down my thighs he saw that i flinched and stopped "no keep going"
he looked at me shocked and started to do it more passionately

he pulled up at his house i already new what it looked like from the party i got out and followed behind him as we walked inside i just looked him i don't know what was getting into me "tyler" i said in a seductive voice

he came up to me and cornered me into a wall rubbing himself on me i put my arms around his neck and started kissing him he slipped his tounge inside and we started french kissing "don't be kissing me like that unless you want me to fuck the shit out of you"

i smiled and carried on he lifted me up and brought me upstairs he rubbed on me and kept eye contact he was about to take it out but he stopped himself "yeah no this is wrong" he said getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed  "what's wrong did i do something" i said putting my arms around him

"no your perfect i just don't think this is the best time to fuck"

"i mean this is a beautiful place to fuck" i said looking at his pretty room

"nah but i just feel fucked up now"


"rakim you how i took advantage of you"

"may i ask why you did what you did"i said now moving to his lap

he sighed and looked at his door while explaining

"we'll i didn't really have a choice me and rakim was good friends and we were meant to end of a guy that killed our friends a while back but i got home from collecting weed one day and one of his followers threatened me by putting a gun to my mums head saying if i didn't shoot yams he would've shot my mum and i can't kill my mum if i let him kill my mum i would've basically killed myself i don't even wanna apologise or nothing because they won't fucking listen everyone could see i didn't wanna do it but whatever"he said looking upset

i grabbed his face and kissed him "i believe you"

"you should get back to school and stop talking to me i'm a dangerous guy"

"no i will take risks i wanna talk to you i like you"i was saying this still half naked lol

"you wanna take risks"he smirked

i nodded my head he kissed my neck and went into his bathroom he placed me on the sink  and kissed me on my lips "put your clothes on i'm gonna take you back to school"

"ok" i smiled at him

he looked at my naked body and smiled "i'll deal with you another day" he bit his lip

i then bit mine i looked at my phone and i had 30 miss calls from kiyomi "ugh shit i forgot i completely walked out"

tyler dropped me back and i kissed him on the lips my mood completely changed now that i new the truth about him it was completely different let's see what bullshit i have to deal with now

it was now lunch i saw my freinds at the table and they made eye contact with "girl were the hell did you go the school called the police"kiyomi said

"your lying"

"bitch no"

"i'm fucked my mums gonna woop my ass"

"no one never told you to leave to do disney land world"

i bit my lip at the thought of what happened frank noticed and shook his head smiling

luca then came up to me dragging me away from everyone else "hey luca" i said smiling

"um you know that daniel bitch"

"he's not bitch"

"oh you defending him now"

"not one bit"

"so he in my art class and he was talking about some date and how he's gonna ask you to be his i just thought i'd let you know"

shit i completely forgot about our date dammm

"umm thanks for telling me luca for real" i said stressing out

"why are you stressing you've never been moved to before"

"no it's just things are complicated and mind your business go back to leah"i said pushing him back to leah


we all got pulled back for an assembly but there were police there "as you know a party that many of our students attended to turned very tragic loads of our students have been injured and all sorts we would all like your to give a statement we don't want you to lie either this is very serious we want to find the peopel that did this crime

me and frank looked at eachother "what the fuck am i gonna say

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