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2years later

my brother was in jail for the next 10years and me and me and the group had left school yara and luca started dating

it was summer and my mum decided to throw a party she had a big ass bouncy castle outside so i told frank kiyomi yara and luca to come

i looked at a picture with me and tyler on the side of my bed "another day without you"

i brushed my teeth and had my hair curly because i realised i always be straightening that bitch

i haven't even been me these past two years not really washing being moody and stuff bringing it out on my friends tyler's death effected my grades not only did i loose tyler i lost my brother i lost both of them i even started self harming i wonder how tyler's mums doing

i went down stairs and looked at all the food my mum was making  "and your going to eat all of this indiyah look how skinny you've gotten" my mum looked at me

frank and the crew was now here and a couple family members "who would've thought you and yara would end up together" kiyomi said

"i remember saying i ship them but everything i say doesn't matter"

"shut up because i agreed with you"frank slapped me

"we need to get you a man now"yara said looking at indiyah

"nah i'm good i'm waiting for my person"

"i can't believe we're going university we can be roommates"

"yeah let's all share a dorm"luca said

"what to hear you guys fucking"frank said sipping on his juice

everyone started to laugh more people came

that girl by jah cure started playing and me and frank slow danced "this song is memories"

even franks grandma was hear our family had gotten closer over the years "hey indi"franks grandma squeezed me "hey grandma"

"i actually wanted to speak to you come ere" she literally stole me away from frank

we sat on my stairs "frank likes you girl"

i nearly chocked "nah i don't think so"

"no he's liked you for years now i think you should try something"

i've always seen frank in a brother way so it's like no but now that i think about it i have had a little crush on him are whole time being friends but no

"hmmm" was all i could say

i walked back in the living room and nun of my friends were there they i walked in the garden and there they were jumping on the bouncy castle like idiots and am i going to join them yes

luca dragged kiyomi down and they start to play fight frank gave me that look that he was about to do some bull "don't even think about it frank"

he came up to me and yanked me on the ground everyone started to play fight

we jumped up and down doing star jumps and backflips frank done a back flip and the bouncy castle broke we all bursted out laughing i felt like a kid again being with frank makes me feel like a kid again

we let the bouncy castle deflated on us "a wadi backside who da puss gon f up my tings" we heard my mum say we all ran around the bouncy castle and hid

we was holding in our laughs because of her accent


me and frank was on the rooftop looking at the sky "i can't believe we're going to be young adults now in uni"


i felt frank staring at me "you have been the bestest friend ever you know that"

i wanted to appreciate him

"yeah i know" cocky much

"but your grandma told me something earlier and it made me change my whole perspective"

his face went to a paranoid look "what did she say" he said it a low tone

"you like me"

he started smiling "i have for a while now"

we started at eachover  for like 2 seconds before we leaned in and kissed we must've been kissing for long because we heard awes

"yayyyyyy omd i new it" kiyomi said jumping

"dam frank" luca said laughing

we laughed and watched the stars and talked for the rest of the night

i layed on franks shoulder and took everything in "don't leave me" i whispered "lol never"he kissed my forehead


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