our clique

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A bunch of ladera high schoolers were all up at the bus stop sounding like there at an aunties cookout making a bunch of noise

"man, hurry up and go up to her" frank laughed
"bro the fuck am i supposed to say?!" luca exclaimed, with his hands in his pockets getting mad nervous. Everyone started getting onto him, teasing and pushing him around "ight!ight!" luca shouted, trying to get everyone to shut up "i'll go up to her but -" before he could finish his sentence, indiyah pushed him fully to wear the group his crush was at.

lucas thoughts
dam i ain't know she was that close

as he got pushed towards them, the first person who turned around was his crush, leah , staring at him as he slowly walked closer and closer. Everyone started cheering like dickheads behind him "yo you good?" she questioned, awkwardly smirking
"who is that ?"her ugly friend asked  coming out of nowhere

"man mine ya Bizness, ugly ass yo braids look like they been in for 7 years g" luca said getting irritated

"alright, shaniqua, can you move please?"leah interrupted, shoving her friend away as she rolled her eyes.
"sorry about her, watchu want?"she laughed

"ight you tryna go to damsons party saturday night ?" he said keeping eye contact scratching the back of his head "oh yeah dams-" before she could say yes or no lucas face went from smiling to some what scared? He looked behind leah and her friend group just staring in confusion

there was a group of black figures, walking towards the bus stop where everyone was at.some of them were pulling up there pants ,whilst walking rapidly on badness whilst others had their hands in there pockets and heads up like they was going to pull out a gun "hey you good again" leah said, concerned as she turned around to look at the group of boys walking towards them, after she turned around luca took it as an opportunity to go back to his friend group , he motions his eyes to look behind him to Frank, since he looked at him first after frank finally got the memo. He looked behind Luca and the other people at the bus stop and saw the gang coming closer "oh shit!" Frank shout whispered getting everyone's attention

"what" kiyomi turned around, looking at the group
most of them were wearing balaclavas and hoods up so nobody could really see their faces, but there was that one person who didn't who stood out who was the leader of the group Tyler, then there was another He was wearing a black bandanna over his mouth, but his high eyes were taking over the whole world, hodgy as they got closer and closer to the students hodgy noticed something and they all stopped "woah, woah ain't that rakims sister ?"hodgy said with no shame just saying it out loud for everyone to hear

as soon as he said, the name, Rakim Indiyah whipped her head around and looked at hodgy as they made eye contact then she quickly turned back around to her friends "how the fuck do they know my brother?" slowly, whispered indiyah felt a lump in her stomach and started hyperventilating everyone then everyone started muttering and looking at the group of boys Tyler got infront of everyone and made eye contact with indiyah and stared at her for a good minute that minute felt like hours for indiyah felt herself in a trance but he just smirked and walked of with his group once they were far enough the group let out a big sigh "that was mad weird" kiyomi said gripping onto franks arm "you know him indiyah i know that eye contact very well"frank looked at indiyah who was still trying to process what just happened
"NO not at all he just looks a lil familiar"

the bus came right after that and they all went there separate ways home

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