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rakims pov

i was speaking to kiyomi  that girl sexy it's just her age and whatever "ok but would you talk to kiyomi if she weren't her age" frank said sipping on his juice he's always sipping on something

"no comment"

kiyomi side eyed but she knows she loves him of

then daniel came up to us smilling "yo g"

"do i know you"i said looking at this funny middle haired ngga

"nah but your gonna love  me bro"he pulled out his phone and showed a video of indiyah in a car with tyler and tyler putting his hand on my sisters thigh

"what the fuck"

"oh myyy what"kiyomi said shocked

franks as silent he new

a wave anger rushed through my body i started smashing up the whole place and punching everything my knuckles was bleeding i started laughing in disbelief this bitch ain't blood

frank and ferg came over too me "frank did you know about this shit"

"no calm down bro"

"what the fuck do you mean calm down"rakim said very physo

"ferg tyler bro he's fucking my sister i new it she's been out almost every other day oh he's gonna get it now prick"


rakims pov

"so what are we gonna do" ferg said inhaling his blunt

"she nows i'm not dumb i have a plan"


indiyahs pov

i woke up and felt that tyler's grip wasn't around me i new he was in the shower cuase i could here the water i decided to call frank

the phone connected and i saw his beautiful face "frankieeee"

"omd your ok we're are you"


"you need to stay there for a while babygirl"

"we're staying here for a couple of weeks i'm gonna really miss you though it's just shit because my mothers probably gonna hate me now i'm not gonna see you guys and it's just so shit" i started crying

"i told you this was wrong"

"but i love him frank"

he understood

"was he mad"

"he's on killing indiyah this is serious please stay in la for now"

"i really want them to work this out"

"indiyah i don't think you understand"

i started getting stressed tyler walked out of the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist "why you so worked up get ready we got stuff to do today"

"i'll call you back later frank"

"bye babygirl"

"bye love you"

"sorry did i just hear babygirl"

"it's a brother thing"

" i don't think i like frank anymore"

"tuff he's not going anywhere"

this is what i was wearing to the concert

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this is what i was wearing to the concert

and this is what tyler was wearing this is the first time i've seen his wear something you know not gangstery and he looked so cute

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and this is what tyler was wearing this is the first time i've seen his wear something you know not gangstery and he looked so cute

"you look nice" i said kissing him

"you look ight"

"ok tyler"

i looked in the mirror and fixed my hair abit

"nah i'm playing" he came behind me

we looked cute so i took a quick pic i put it as my lock screen

i looked at tyler and started getting emotional "i really don't want you to die" i hugged him

he looked so innocent "ima be right here"

"ight but of the sloppy stuf let's go to this concert

to be continued....

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