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indiyahs pov

i got home at like 4 i was sleeping the whole time i was at home i woke up to my mum screaming she was probably cussing my brother in patwa i went down stairs to to get something to eat since i probably wouldn't be able to go back to sleep with this woman screaming and i smelt sexy ass food

"you have people kicking down mi door rakim what type of fuckarys dis is eh?"my mum said getting all up in his face

rakim just aired her and smoked his blunt

"that all you fucking do is smoke dat shit all up ina ya system i don't want no one knocking pon mi door rakim" she said going back into the kitchen cooking dinner

"hey indi"my mum said smiling at me i am her favourite child

"hey mummy what are you cooking?"

"oxtail and rice"

" it smells soo good"i said happy dancing

"mi can't deal wid ya brother na more he is putting dis family at risk he might haffa find him self a flat"she said seriously

i just shrugged what am i really meant to say to that

i walked into the living room rakim was putting on his coat to go somewhere

"we're are you going"

"i got business to do"he said nonchalantly

"you know i seen someone that looked so similar to that guy that killed yams"i said not really deeping it

i've never seen rakims head turn so fast

"WERE"he said in a scary ass deep tone

"chill i don't even know if it was him"i said trying to calm him down

"who's was he with indiyah i swear you should've fucking called me"

" chill out i don't think it's him he just looked similar"

rakim was getting angry he had been trying to find tyler for ever now

"i don't give a fuck if you think it could've been him"rakim said getting closer

before he could get any more violent frank walked through the door

"i'll deal with you later"rakim said rapidly walking out the door

"what's his problem"frank said plopping himself on my couch

"you see how today we saw that big group of boys"


"i just said one of them looked familiar to the guy who killed my brothers best friend and then he's getting all rude and abusive"i said annoyed

"he kind of does have a point to be mad"

"shut up why are you even here"

"cause your mum loves me and cause i want food"

"ima tell her your using her for food"indiyah said teasing

"she like me more then you she won't believe you"


reskins pov

i walked in fergs house and it was mad quiet i checked all the rooms downstairs and he weren't in any of them i then walked into his room and he was fucking some bitch he must've been pulling on her hair hard because one of her braids fell out

"bro what the fu-"i said covering my mouth it smelt like ass in there

ferg quickly pushed the girl of and told her to put on her clothes

i picked up on of her braids and gave it to her "yeah take your hair on your way out"

she looked embarrassed

2hours later

we was all smoking weed and shit and the thing that indiyah told me earlier randomly popped back up in my head

"you know inds told me that after school at the bus stop she must've seen someone that looks like tyler i must've been a lil hard on her but that's fucking Tyler we're talking about he been hiding for years"

ferg jumped up and started pacing back and fourth
"fuck that shit did she take a picture"

"nah but i feel like it's him the way she described "big group" i know he's in the area we just need to keep looking for him"

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