Chapter 9: Rain-like Tears

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Today is cloudy again. It's been so cloudy yet it hasn't even rained. I mean, what the actual fuck weather?! If you're going to get this cloudy, at least rain like you should to make me feel better! Rain always seemed peaceful to me. The sounds of raindrops and the cool wind it would bring. Wait, what in the world am I thinking? Ugh.... Headache.... Stupid... Bananas, chocolate, ice cream, pizza, books... Teddy, Cat videos...

"STUPID MEDICINE!" I yelled out loud. I was already warned about the side-effects of my medicine but I hate hate hate, as in HATE the side-effects. The side-effects are the reason why I sometimes don't take my medicine. I noticed a lot of the students are looking at me with a mix of annoyance and fear. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!?!" I screamed to no one in particular.


"WHAT?!" I turned around to face whoever the fuck called me only to see one of the best people I know. "Marga!~"

My expression must've changed drastically because Marga looked at me like she I just pushed someone of a cliff. But she quickly dropped the look and her face went back to the neutral, no-emotion-at-all-look.

"I know I probably shouldn't ask," she asked with no hesitation, "but why the hell were you yelling in the middle of the hallway?"

My mental-illed brain processed everything she said and I began thinking. The medicine, my yelling, the headache, the side-effects, my mood, society, people, and the world in general, were all answers I could give her or even all of the above.

And that's exactly what I told her with a smile. All of the above.

I could tell by the expression she was giving me and by how much I know her that she didn't know whether to hit me or laugh at me because of my answer.

She did both.

First she gave me a laugh, then she dropped it so quickly that I didn't even process it that only when she hit me in the arm did I realize she dropped the laugh.

Man, is my brain getting monkey-slow?

But my right arm began to sting. "Ow! What was that for?" I pouted.

She didn't have to hit me, ow.... My poor arm...

"Pouting will get you nowhere." If this was someone I just became friends with, I would've contradicted/whined. But Marga would be an emo if she could be and has little faith in humanity.

Just like me! The humanity part.

"So, what do you want?" I asked at last.

Before any words left Marge's mouth as she opened it, a scream shot through the air as everyone turned to the direction of the scream. Two boys near the boy's bathroom had a look of shock on their faces. The taller boy, stepped back and began running away, while the other boy stood still, frozen in his place.

The curious/brave/stupid ones began their way towards the boy's bathroom. The staff were already heading towards the bathroom as well but the faster students and the ones that were already close beat the staff and saw what the two boys saw. But whatever they saw, it shocked and terrified them.

The staff began holding everyone back and told them to go back to their rooms as more of the staff began to show up.

"The shi-"

The boys started screaming again, cutting Marga off. More of the staff members started showing up, trying to get everyone away from the scene.

Wow, there are too many staff members here now. I hate it.

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