Chapter 18: Status

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We planned on talking to Richard right away after classes end. Simple, right? I said I would question him. Then Maryl suddenly said that I should play "bad cop" and Nhicola should play "good cop."

I ignored that. Because for one thing, being called a cop, would be offensive to me. So I tried not to hit her.

As soon as the bell rang, I got up to talk to Richard, I saw Maryl and Nhicola also head towards Richard's direction.

"Miss Salsev, Miss Garcia, and Miss Oko. Please stay behind, I have something to talk to you three about." Mrs. Daqil said suddenly.

It was so sudden, it made us all stop in our tracks. For a while, I just stood there frozen. She wasn't lying and just trying to cover up her intentions because some other students are still here.

But even if she wasn't lying, that didn't help in easing the fear away.

Does Mrs. Daqil know?

Swallowing a lump in my throat, I walked towards Mrs. Daqil who was sitting on her chair behind her desk.

The more I got closer though, the colder classroom felt. Though I guess, that's just me.

"Yes ma'am?" Maryl was the first one to speak, and her face showed her obvious anxiety.

"Miss Narmel is missing. Do you three have any idea where she is?"

And the room did get colder! But even if I felt that, I felt a sweat drop run down my neck.

And Mrs. Daqil said everything in a stern and professional-like manner. And that's never a good sign. She is in charge of us.

But wait... Demeter is missing... Then what did Richard do?!

"What?!" Nhicola blurted out, almost screamed. "B-But... how... she-she couldn't have just..."

"I know you three are her best friends. And I want to find her as well."

Yeah, but probably not for the same reason we have.

"So do any of you have any ideas, or clues, as to where she might be?" She asked, standing up and stacking her papers.

I hate lying and keeping quiet. But I know telling the truth is out of the question. Not only that, if we tell them the truth, they might confine Nhicola and Richard next.

We all looked at each other. I hoped they'd get that we can't tell her the truth.

"We don't know ma'am." I replied, steadying my voice as much as I can. "We tried to visit Demeter last night, but we couldn't because we were told that we needed a permit from you."

Nhicola and Demeter looked at me again, as if asking "Was that ok?"

I looked back, "it's fine."

"Oh really? Tell me, what time did you try to visit her?"

"Uhhh..." Nhicola thought. "Around sixthirty."

"I see. Did you see anyone else? Anyone close to the special rooms?"

Ok, now I'm getting bored. She's acting like some kind of interrogator. And I've already been put through one interrogation today, I don't want another one.

"Well, there were these three guys..." Maryl said in a small voice. "They looked older than us so I don't think they're in the same grade and class as us."

"Do you know their names?"

"Sky, Jeff... and Greg." Nhicola answered.

Ahhh yes, the annoyingly nice and shy trio. I would've punched them, or maybe kick them in the balls. Oh that would have been fun. And it would've lifted my mood too at that time.

"You don't know their last names?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

All three of us shook our heads.

She sighed. I can only assume in annoyance.

Then we all heard a knock.

"Excuse us."

My mouth dropped in disbelief. And I felt the familiar annoyance rise up again.

"You!" I said a loud, raising my index finger and pointing it at the two people in the doorway.

"It's nice seeing you too Trixie." Torine said, with what I call the 'pathetic smile.' Why? Simply because it is.


"Did you just call me Trixie? Who said you could call me by my first name?!" I yelled. He's called me Ms. Salsev ever since we first met. Why use my first name now?

"As feisty as ever, I see." He said that as if I amused him! That... detective bastard!

"I told you she wouldn't like it." Kamrieu said to Torine with a smirk.

Ugghhhhh! This has to be the worst day of my life! And no, I am not flattered or feel my heart warm up when he called me by my first name. This is not some cutesy developing love story!

"And you know what I also don't like?" I tried hard not to raise my voice, but my anger was escalating. "I don't like no good, foul, dishonest, hypocritical, bas-"

"Salsev!" Mrs. Daqil scolded me, just in time before I could finish my sentence, and before my anger rose further. And I don't know, if that's a good thing. I would've loved to tell those two detectives exactly what they are.

"I'm sorry detectives. Ms. Salsev usually knows how to control her anger." Mrs. Daqil said sternly, her eyes glaring at me with a warning.

"Its alright, Mrs. Daqil. We've had to interrogate Ms. Salsev this morning, so we know about it." Kamrieu said gently, stepping into the classroom, and Torine followed.

"Worse three hours of my life!" I wasn't afraid to say that, even if I got another glare from Mrs. Daqil.

"Anyways, why are you here detectives?" Mrs. Daqil asked.

"Ah yes." Torine looked at me for a few seconds. And I graciously glared back at him with my arms crossed. "We've found your missing student."

At the mention of a missing student, our heads snapped up. Me, Maryl and Nhicola looked at each other, wondering the same thing.

By missing student... does he mean--

"We've found Demeter Narmel."

A/N: Found this song recently so decided to add it^^ Trixie really is Feisty isn't she? ;)

Movie trailer voice: What really happened to Demeter?

Trixie is quite the feisty one

Will it really NOT be a cutesy love story? XD

And yes, the chapters will get shorter because Mind Wars is reaching the end in a few more chapters. So don't have any high expectations, m'kay?

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