Chapter 1: The Problem

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It is kind of obvious, that when you reach your high school days, you'll be introduced to a whole new world.

The school I attend is Senator Rene Memorial Science and Technology High School. Long name, I know. It’s a school for ‘smart and special’ kids who must have an average grade of 90 and above and the final scores on all your subjects must be the same as well. Sounds like a tough school, I know, because it is. Thus, we’re known as a ‘prestigious’ school.

What a bunch of lies.

The real name of this damn school is Senator Rene Memorial Asylum, a school for the mental. They just use the other name as a cover up. If you even have the slightest interest as to why they would cover it up, it’s because governments around the world are trying to figure out a way on how to cure mental illnesses ever since the rate of mental people around the world has increased at a rapid and alarming rate.

Instead of hospitals, they proposed that they’d convert schools into schools for kids who’re showing symptoms of mental illnesses to prevent any further development and to cure those who already have them. Of course, this hasn’t been approved just yet, and we were chosen as one of the test schools. If our school is successful in curing most of the students, they’ll propose their idea to the rest of the world.

If they are successful.

But I’ve been in this place for more than a year now.

Lunch time doesn't last very long, and in a world like ours, it's sort of expected. I mean, since when does a place filled with mentally sick people become happy? But I won't stay on this matter any longer.

"Hey, does today seem... I don't know... gloomy?" Maryl, one of my best friends, asked. Students in this so-called 'school' get free lunches from the government, and today we all decided to eat together. “Who knows what the staff put in our food. Besides, I don’t know if they’re even trying to cure us or what.”

Maryl has borderline personality disorder or BPD, which means she can get very emotional over something with a bit of a pattern… a bit too emotional if you ask me. Most likely because she didn’t get that much attention from any of her family members, and I guess that must be why she’s really independent and hates being told what to do unless it’s something she needs to do.

“Yeah,” Nhicola finally answered, “I can feel it too.”

Coleen Nhicola is bipolar, (she prefers to be called Coleen but we prefer to call her Nhicola) though it isn’t obvious at first, and it can sometimes get annoying, good thing it’s only mild. She claims the reason for her bipolarness is because she’s the one that does most of the chores in her house because her parents are always too busy or don’t know how and she once said she snapped because they put too much responsibilities on her and she didn’t get anything in return.

“I want to get out of here! We’re not that sick anymore anyway.” Trixie wondered aloud. She’s right. What’s the point of even being here?

Trixie has antisocial personality disorder. She may look gentle and sweet, but under all that gentle looks is a girl with no regards for anyone other than the people she’s close to. And I guess because she tends to get amazed by things she doesn’t normally see, she’s definitely someone strange. Maybe it’s because her parents were really strict towards her and they limited almost everything she wanted and needed to do.

“Pssh, they just don’t want to lose their petty awards,” Olivia spat. They also don’t want the truth about this place to be known.

Olivia is definitely something. Maybe it’s because she’s also bipolar, severely bipolar if you ask me. One minute she’s all happy and giddy, the next, she’s all offended and hurt. If there was a bipolar contest, Olivia would win the golden trophy. Maybe that’s why she and Nhicola are roommates. The cause of her illness might be because even as a child, Olivia did her best and got very high grades, but apparently that wasn’t enough for her superiors. Guess all those expectations made her who she is.

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