Chapter 21: Challenges

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Ever since Rosanne's death, the death toll in this school has been going up.

Cleve Jane Garcia was found dead in the garden with her face mutilated.

Julie Magrem was found dead in the Chemistry lab, her throat slit. Saddest part of her case, is that her ex, Sean found her first. He's still a suspect, but I think it's obvious to anyone who knows him that he isn't the killer.

Next was Eduard Quiam. He was found dead in the fourth floor bathroom in the school. Strange thing is, Eduard doesn't like going to the fourth floor, for his fear of heights.

Then there was John Chris Lusero. JC for short. He was found hanging upside down by some rope. His mouth, eyes and wrists were duct-taped.

Next death, was one that shocked all of us. The death of Roberto Davies Plantil. He's one of the prominent figures in the Student Government Council. He was found hanged by his neck with a rope similar to that used in JC's murder. Some think Davies commited suicide for the grief of losing his best friend, JC. If I didn't see the stab wound on his nape, then I would've thought that too.

With all these deaths, I assumed the killer went only after students from our batch, my batch, since there hasn't been any other deaths from other batches.

But then I was proven wrong by the next murder.

Myrene Drestel. A lower year. I didn't even know her, yet she ended up on the dead list.  She was found buried in the parking lot gardens.

She's the latest murder, yet she also has the most mysterious murder.

All of the other murders weren't buried or looked like the murderer tried to hide what he did. Even with Lekasha and Adie, they didn't try to hide it at all, as if they were proud of their work.

But Myrene is a lower year, and was buried, like the killer really tried to hide what he did to her. Almost as if they didn't intend to kill her.

And that's what made me think there's a second murderer. However, my instincts are telling me that there's no second murderer. But I have no proof. I have proof for a bunch of other things, but that one thing I want to find out, nothing.

And do you know how much it stinks in the boys' dorm? Richard hid me in his room and I luckily wasn't raped by anyone there. I know, hiding me in his room wasn't the best idea, but I couldn't complain. Richard did his best to keep me hidden, even not telling my friends. But even he knew that I'd be found out if I stayed for too long.

So I let myself get discovered. The detectives Trixie hates, interrogated me for hours on end. They even found out about my logic, which helped them discover things they missed. I answered all their questions with as much as I know, without getting anyone I know in trouble. But they probably knew I was hiding more, so they isolated me away from everyone else. Just like Olivia, just with more annoying security.

While I'm left alone, I thought of everything that happened. I thought of all the murders and every piece of evidence. The detectives shared all the clues, so I was able to help them.

That was when I thought of Olivia and her place.

And a thought hit me. It was something ridiculous, something a normal person would laugh at. Yet, it was completely possible.

The next day, the detectives told me there was another murder.

Frances Violetin was found in my classroom, the main homeroom classroom and the main classroom everyone stays. Her case is a bit of a mystery. Her cause of death was poison, which is the first among all the other murders.

Another thing was that Frances was seen eating dinner with everyone else, and the Staff was sure that nothing was in the food they served for dinner.

Except for some dull medicine.

The time of death was somewhere between 9:30 to 10:00 pm. The time after the curfew bell rings and there were witness accounts saying they saw Frances go to her room.

So why was she found in our classroom?

This was my chance to talk to Olivia. So I became a bit demanding and stubborn, and just a little bit manipulative in order for all of us to reach an agreement.

If they'd let me see and talk to Olivia, I would tell them everything. And by that, I mean everything. Including my friends' involvements in everything. I know I'm a horrible friend, and I know they'd hate me for this. But this is the only way I see that I can do that will work with my plan.

It took a lot of convincing, but they finally let me, and I was able to see her.

She got paler, and seeing her in a straitjacket shocked me a bit. But I was glad that her personality hasn't changed and she's still the Olivia we know.

I couldn't tell her much. And I was able to let out a lot of tears and all the frustrations I've been holding in. I almost forgot how comforting she is. I wanted to stay there more, but I was given a maximum of one hour. I wanted until I felt like leaving, but I had to settle for the one hour.

There was so much I wanted to tell her, yet, I could only apologize for what was about to come. Olivia won't be the only one though.

The voices of course, did their best to mess with me. Hell, I even let them do what they wanted when the detectives interrogated me. That was fun. But I couldn't let them take over completely, or else I wouldn't be here.

Right in front of the supply room of the school. Where most of what I need us in there.

Unlocking my room was easy, getting past the Staff members on duty was harder. I spent hours analyzing their movements and personality/reaction patterns to different things, preparing myself for this grand ninja mission.

I'm alone this time.

And the hardest part? Getting everything I need and leaving the room without getting caught, and back to my room.

A/N : I feel so ashamed! I haven't updated in a month T_T I'm REALLY SORRY!!! Anyways, I know this chap is boring, and there's no dialogue, but I guess you can call this a summary chapter or a small sneak peak for what's about to come.

Again, I'M REALLY SORRY!!! Its late here and I need to sleep, so sorry for any errors in the story. I'll edit them tomorrow.

Thank you again everyone!

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