Connections of All

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(*COUGH* Sorry about that! Anyways! Guessing Game I Guess? Most of these fellows are actual characters from the Sabre series and friends as well. But some are important people for later! Have Fun!)

Something warps and throughout the servers some people hear and feel it.


    A Shark Hybrid peaks through the angered waves of the ocean, scaled skin glistens as the sun shines down on him.

   He pushes himself down under the ocean once more, a frown on his face. His yellow eyes glow brightly. He wonders what is happening this time. A shark swims by and grabs hold as he swims alongside the shark.


    The sun sets over a forest and a Monkey Hybrid sits up fast as the sound rings around him. He fixes his blue bowtie before launching himself from tree to tree. Parrots fly around him as he falls with arms out wide; catching himself by grabbing a vine.


    Blue eyes open and wings unfurl, causing colorful beings nearby to startle. An orange haired woman looks at the man before nodding. He shoots upwards into the sky; a red man frowns looking at his green companion, worry crosses their faces.


    A red and purple being looks up and scoffs before vanishing in a display of lightning. After all, whatever is happening in the kingdom has nothing to do with him. However something in the back of his mind was urging him to go back, to protect, to help.

Why would he help after all the things he had to do just for everyone to screw up and ruin his plans. He just wanted to protect his people! Was that so bad?


A Shadowy figure giggles, as a sword glistens from a locked chest. Oh, he cannot wait for the chaos! He can't wait to watch as his other half suffers once more, however he can't help but feel like something is going to be different this time around.

How funny. What can his other half do, after all his other half is useless and weak without him!

Oh well, he can at least turn everyone against his other half, so that all his other half has is him. He won't allow his other half to run from him anymore.

He is the puppeteer here!

The New Darkness shall rise and there is nothing the Steve's can do about it!


Green eyes look up at the sky and grasp her hands together, sunflowers curl around her.  She wants to find her first friend. Her friend gave her sentience and protection. She owed him a favor.

She wanted to help him just as he had helped her.

A smile appears on her face as a portal appears before her, she eagerly runs through. 


Purple eyes flash open and electricity crackles; chains break from it. A purple colored being with splats of other colors backs up; fear, all it feels is fear. For once in its life it feels fear... It appears the others were right.

It's a fool for trusting this being...


Blue eyes glow softly with a slight chuckle. "It begins..."


A blue and gray being with chains rubs at his throat, were a scar from his Lord tearing out his vocals. His blue eyes glance at everything, from empty containers to shattered vials. He stood inside an empty lab; that was located inside an even emptier town. A notebook catches his eyes and he scoops it up; unfinished blueprints and notes lay inside, and written on the cover was:


It's in a language he has seemed to have forgotten, perhaps his Lord will be able to read it. He misses the other General, a shame the human cured him... Maybe he can get the other back.... Without his Lord's knowledge though... He doesn't want the other to suffer the feeling of his throat being ripped and torn apart just to be sloppily stitched up.

He likes the plan of kidnapping the other... And the Human... The Human is quite interesting... Wait....

He'll see if the human or the other can read the notebook. Screw his Lord... He's locked away somewhere anyways! He'll never know!


A crown sits upon an empty throne, awaiting the return of a creator; a person of many names, mostly called a King and a Savior.

The King has seen creation and destruction, peace and war, death and birth. He has made friends and enemies, all while not being a full power. While the sun burns, the King glows and burns like a supernova.

His people will wait however long it takes for him to place the crown upon his head once more.


In a world of light a being wanders aimlessly, nothing was around but ice and snow. He looks around. Where was he? This is not the world beyond, no matter how much it tries to look like it. After all, there is no one else here. No other souls... Just him. Alone like always..

No, that's not correct. He had friends. He made another before he had no choice but to destroy himself...

He wonders what would've happened if he didn't destroy himself, would he have been cured? Perhaps he would be able to assist his friends. Or would he have destroyed them?

Nope... He ain't staying here anymore. He ain't staying in this icey Limbo. He wants Out and he will get out, whether he ends up in the World Beyond or the World Below; he just doesn't want to stay here anymore.


A being sighs as he flips through a book as he sits outside a memorial for a hero. He looks up and his eye stares up at the statue he leans against; rainbow roots curl around the bottom of the statue, flowers are everywhere around the statue.

"I really screwed up when meeting you... and Rain hasn't truly smiled since you vanished. Illusion is trying his best to figure out where you went, a lot of us don't believe that you are dead. You can't be. You're not the type to just up and die on everyone. Even our enemies are trying to pinpoint where you are, we all may be against each other... but we all admit that you give this place a spirit; You're like the Sun and we are the planets that orbit around you... Oh what am I doing? Talking to a statue... Just... Just please come back..."

Tears fall as he sets the book down and practically curls into himself.


Oh NO! *Spills Lore* Gosh darn it :(   /J

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