Flicker and Wither

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Angst and Lore, Like a lot!

* Sage (With a slight third person to convey some things)*

As soon as my mother walks off with Sabre, I turn my head towards the house where my companion lays, injured.

Blinking, I turn away and walk down the stairs. Ignoring the chattering from inside and around me.

Heading towards the Elder Tree, stopping at a pond, I stare at my reflection. Yellow glares back up at me instead of white, turning my head away. I must continue on my path.


"Y'know Solaris? I'm quite glad I found you." My friend speaks from the chair he sits on, he sits up on it like it was a throne.

"Truly?" I tilt my head towards his direction.

"Indeed! However, I tend to wonder Why? Why is it that you were so very interested in joining my endeavors?" He asks, a thoughtful expression crosses his face.

"I'm not a fan of the... Leaders to say." I answered immediately.

"How come?" He leans forward in interest.

"They think they are so much above us all." I say the words with as much venom as possible.

He laughs, and I feel like I said the right thing.

I'm glad to have met him.


Shaking the memories away with slight grunt at the headache that spawns. I had to foolishly run into a fight and get hurt.

Walking past the Forest Steves who go about their days. I wonder if I was created as a full Forest Steve, would I be as peaceful as they are?


"Remove these so-called leaders from this place, take upon your freedom, people of the kingdom!" My friend points at the shocked leaders, all who stare at the two of us standing on a stage before all of their people.

"What? Hold on-" The Blue Leader tries to calm the people.

"Hold on? Oh, come on! Your people have caused enough harm." My friend snaps down at the Blue Leader.

The horrified eyes of the Blue Leader brings upon me hesitance as I see before me, my brother. I mentally shake my head and take a threatening step forward.


A hand settles itself on my shoulder, flinching I turn to attack, freezing at the sight of Caolan.

"Now, Now, Sapling. Calm yourself. You seem lost in your thoughts." Caolan, Grandfather, says calm despite the danger.

The danger of the man he sees as his grandson.

"Caolan." I nod my head, "It's good to see you."

Caolan smiles, "Indeed. Are you headed to the Elder Tree?"

"..." I hesitate, "Yes."

"Hmm, well, may I join you? I was planning on heading that way." Caolan removes his hand from my shoulder.

"Alright." I nod, and he walks past me. I stare at his back before following.


"He turned his back on me! ON ME! I was by his side! I did everything for him!" My friend shouted, "I did everything, I listened to him."

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