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[A/N: Lore Lore Lore Lore!!! Eat up peeps!!! Also there is a Cusswords! Like one repeated]


What am I meant to remember?

I am tired...


Life plays favorites but death does as well.

But how does one get trapped in the in-between. Between life and death, trapped in an endless torment. Like I have been trapped.


Something is wrong. Something is happening? But what is happening? My friends and allies.... They need me.


They do. They do need me. They are my friends. They gave me a name and a purpose.

What is my name again?'

I am... I have lost myself. My mind and my body. Both lost and were being puppeteered..The mirror show images of the world outside of my inner prison. How the person wearing my body heals itself.... It's not a him, it is not me...

I know it's not...

But it's clouding my judgement...

I miss my friends... I can't remember them.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

They are all I have. They are my hope, my hope to be free!

It's thoughts begin to mix into mine. I see a person who wasn't a Steve. I stare at the thought with wide eyes.


That person!

It fears him! This person scares the being in control! This person could possibly free me!

Perhaps I can watch over him? Protect him from it. For I can see that this Non-Steve is much more powerful than it thinks!

Hmm. I'm going to go to this stranger! Just have to figure out how to get out of here because I don't want to stay here and feel my body being puppeteered by my own creation.

You are thinking.

"I'm a person. I'm going to think." I tell it.

You are planning something.

"I always am! Because you took my body and my mind! You locked my memories away!"

I am keeping you safe.

"No you aren't..."

I.... You are thinking about the human... Of my catalyst... YOU ARE TRYING TO LEAVE ME! ARE YOU PLANNING ON RUINING MY PLANS FOR THE CATALYST?

I flinch and press my hands to my ears.

What I am doing is for the best. For the others and you!

Don't listen to it. Don't listen to it. Don't listen to it. Do not listen to it!

How did you awaken in the first place. I put you to sleep so that'd you wouldn't interfere. I wanted to wait till the new world was finished.

"Shut up!"


What am I doing.... I can't leave it... Right? We are one... I- No! It's trying to merge with me again. So that it can get power over the rest again.




I need to escape from it's grasp!


I don't want this. I never did.


I take off running through the shadows. I need to get out of this world. Out of the void. Out of its realm!

I run into someone- wait someone?

I look up a Yellow Steve, who was looking at me in shock. My transparent body was completely different from his solid form.

The black scars that inch up his face looked like darkness but he didn't feel like darkness.

"Are you okay?" The Steve asks me.

"We need to get out of here." I grab the Steve's and drag him with me. I was not expecting another Steve to be trapped in the void as well. "How'd you get sent to the void?" I question him.

"A portal dragged me here- wait the void?" He asks, shock is evident in his voice.

"Obviously! Void is nothingness! There is nothing here but you and I!" I explain. Accidentally sounding a bit mean. "Sorry, sorry. I've been trapped here for a very, very long time."

"It's alright, I'm just a little confused." He answers.  "Uh, I'm Bee." He introduced.

"I'm... I'm.. I can't remember..." I look at one of my transparent hands.

"Ah that's okay. I can give you a nickname if you want." His voice was soft. He's making sure he isn't threatening, how curious..

"Hmm, alright." I nod to him as we continue onwards.

"What about Azure?" He questions as he sneaks a glance at multicolored crack going up my neck.

"That will be adequate for now." I tell him, the void reaches out and grabs his foot, tripping him. "Let go." I order, and it listens.

I help Bee up. "It listens to you too?" He questions me.

"Perhaps." Is all I say as I drag him along again. "Now please help me leave this place."

"I can try..." Bee answers.



Azure is quite confusing. And he is worrying me.

His longish light blue hair that was mangled and knotted lay down against his back. That gives me proof that he's been here for a long time.

However he says this the place is the void... But it looks completely different to the void I'm used to..

Mine looks like a colorless world, but a world neitherless. This place is just pitch black, well beside the glow that is around Azure.

He keeps glancing back at me, even though he had one of his hands curled around my wrist, he continues to look back at me. Like he's worried that at any given moment I would disappear. He sometimes tightened his grasp on me.

He's very afraid.

The void under our feet begins to bubble and Azure begins running so I follow his lead. "We need to leave, we need to leave!" He shouts, voice quivering.

I scoop him up much to his surprise. "Hold on!" I tell him and he grasp onto me. Electricity crackles around my legs as I take off running with Azure.

Dodging as black spikes attempt to stab me. The air begins to become suffocating and frosty breath escapes our mouths. The air freezes.

Shit, shit, shit!

"It doesn't want me to leave! We aren't going to be able to get out." Azure starts.

"No! We will get out of here." I promise you Azure. I'm not one to give up easily. I've gotten out of worse situations... "Now hold on very tight. I'm going to try something!" I exclaim.

He listens and I focus on the liquid on the ground. Come on lead me to the exit, I flick a wrist and sparks fly off and I watch as the sparks make a path. I run along the path and the sparks brighten, keeping the black liquid away.

My eyes widen as I quickly skid to a stop as a portal appears, and the liquid cowers back. Azure looks just as surprised.

I nod to him and he nods back. Just like that I run through with Azure still in my arms.

As soon as I leave the portal I hear something before lightning hits me and I collapse. Azure shouts in worry before he too goes silent.

A voice speaks before all consciousness leaves me.

You can't escape me forever

Essence of The World [Favremysabre AU]Where stories live. Discover now