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*3rd Person*


A wounded man was taken into another's arms, "Where do we go?" The person shouts, pressing their hands on the others wound.

"One of the outposts? Or another village?" Another questions.

"Well we must go now!" The first snaps slightly, "But would it be worth to move him? The first teleport was risky, will he even survive this one?"

The second sighs, "We have to try, I can't lose him too..."

"Fine, We must go now. I doubt that it's safe here." The first grumbles.

Lightning strikes around the three. They reappear elsewhere.

"Oh My! Are you three okay!?" A third voice pipes up when they reappear.

"We are but not him." The first answers.

The new voice gasps, "Come with me."

Fingers tingled, and a breath comes out in gasps. Eyes flew open and a person shot up from where they were laying.

The person lets out a pained noise, hand flying up to their chest, bandages wrap around their chest. Frost crawls across their limbs.

They sniffle, freezing the air around them.

"Ice! You are awake!" A voice exclaims happily.

Right, they; He... Is Ice Steve. He remembers now...

"Yellow?" He gazes up at the soft eyes of his companion, before he lurches to try and stand, "Tulip? My people, Are they okay?"

"Yes..." Yellow speaks, however he can see that his friend wasn't fully telling the truth, "The villagers are okay, but we haven't found... Found Tulip."

Ice frowns, ignoring the pain that twists through his chest, "Sabre?"

"They escaped before the storm hit fully, before the shield fell." Yellow explains, sitting beside Ice, "Do you need anything?"

'Yes' Ice wants to say, 'I want to take back everything.'

He says instead, "No..."

Yellow's eyes glint in sadness, "Okay, I'll leave you be for now."

Ice looks away, he doesn't speak again as Yellow leaves. His hands close against the blankets that settle over his lap.

How long has he been unconscious? How long was it since he's been stabbed?

He lifts his hand up to his wound once again, how come it wasn't healing? Why does it burn?

"Hey Ice, I know Yellow already came to see ya, but I had to come check on ya." Pepper enters the room, holding new bandages, some rags, and disinfectant.

"Hello Pepper..." Ice tries to smile but the frost spreads.

Pepper unwraps the bandages, throwing them aside. He dips a rag into some disinfectant, "Hold still," He wipes at the dried blood and wound, before freezing.

Pepper blinks before grabbing some of the cleaner bandages.

"How long?" Ice questions.

"Hmm?" Pepper hums gently wrapping the fresh bandages around Ice's stomach.

"How long was I out of it?" He winces when Pepper tightens the wraps a bit to tight.

"About a week, almost two." Pepper answers.

Essence of The World [Favremysabre AU]Where stories live. Discover now