Something is off...

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I was on my knees in water, hands in as well. Looking up to see a crystal, floating above an obsidian block; as I look at the crystal something akin to Deja Vu hits me, I feel like I should know what this thing is. Other colored crystals jolt out of the ground in a multitude of different shapes.

I look down at the water, my reflection reveals that my bandana is no longer tied around my eyes; my left eye glows an eerie white while the right's sclera is black; iris an emerald color while my pupil is white and rhombus shaped. I should know why my eyes are like that but whenever I try to remember my mind just goes blank.

Lifting my hands, watery chains hold tight around my wrists. I pull and yet the chains stay strong. My breathing picks up and the water seems to boil; yet I do not burn.

"Oh please wake up! Wake Up!"

I look up, a voice that I can't recognize. Is it a Steve? Light? No, Light and the Leaders exiled me... No, that was a while ago, I'm allowed back into the kingdom. Green? No it can't be him, he's still at the village. I remember now, the leaders as an apology are making me my own home with Greens help; they told me to go on an adventure till they are done, they sent a few Colorless Guards with me.


My eyes fly open and I'm pushed to my side, coughing out water. Gasping for air I feel a hand on my shoulder. I roll onto my back again and take in salty air, am I on a beach? My eyes land on a... Violet Steve? The pale colored Steve smiles at me, hand still gently on my shoulder.

"Thank Origin you're alive!" The colored fella says letting out a shaky breath. "I was worried."

"Lavender!" A voice exclaims and my eyes land on a Green Steve wearing a cowboy hat. What? "Found possibly the- Oh, the weird guys alive." The now named Lavender glares at the Green Steve.

"Be nice Pepper." Lavender turns to look at me, helping me sit up. "Hello I'm Lavender and that," He points at the green one, "is Pepper. What's your name?"

"Sabre... I-" I sit up even more and Lavender gets concerned, "The Guards, where.."

"Easy now." Pepper says coming closer. Oh, he has a southern accent, interesting. "Are the Guards by any chance them." Pepper points, glancing over I see a Yellow Steve wearing an outfit that'd be better for cold weather leading two Colorless Guards in our general direction.

"Sabre!" A Colorless guard sprints over to my side. "Are you well?" I nod and realize out of the six guards I was sent with there's only two now. Did the other four die? Drown?

Why do things like this happen around me? I sigh and smile at the last two guards. "Are you two okay?"

One of the colorless guards looked over me at Lavender, Pepper, and the warmly dressed yellow before looking at me. "Who cares about our well being? What matters most is that you are okay." The guard looks down at me, seemingly making sure to make himself seem not threatening. The other guard scoffs a bit before pushing the other away to sit by my side.

"You are well, right?" The one at my side asks. I nod, jeez it's really complicated telling these two apart. "Thank Goodness, the Leaders would be really mad at us if we let you fall into harm's way." The other guard nods in agreement to that statement.

"Er, excuse me?" The three of us looked towards Lavender who spoke up. "Another storm is coming over the horizon, would you three like to come to our establishment?"

I stand up slightly dizzy as the colorless guard that sat by me helps me stay up. "Yeah, sure." How much more messed up can everything get?


Once we arrived at the Steve's establishment I noticed there's more Steves, all colorful; all fine living by each other. Did the darkness not come here? Have I actually not screwed up some Steve's lives?

"Wow." A colorless guard says, the other smacks the one that spoke on the head, "Ouch." :(

I really need to give these two nicknames.

The Comfy Yellow runs off and comes back with the rest of the Steves. Huh? 2 Orange, 4 Reds, 3 Violets, 5 Greens, 1 Yellow; the Yellow seems to be the only Yellow, so there's 15 Steves who live here. No Blues or Indigo's, but that's understandable.


"See, I told ya that there were odd people." Comfy Yellow, yes I'm calling him Comfy Yellow because he looks sooo comfy.

"Yellow..." One of the Oranges says, Ooh, this Orange is wearing farmer clothes and a straw hat, "Calm yourself..."

"Okie Dokie Tulip!" Yellow smiles at Tulip. Tulip slightly smiles at the energetic Steve... Something is off.

"Everyone!" I look up and standing on some stairs leading to a large house is a very pale blue Steve, with slightly darker blue cracks crawling up his arms; a crown made of ice lays on his head, frost creeps across his face. "Greetings Strangers! I am Ice Steve. It is a pleasure to meet you." He looks directly at me and stares before blinking and setting his hand on Yellow's shoulder; Yellow doesn't react but Tulip glares at Ice Steve. Yep, something is very wrong.

"Uhm.. Hello? I'm Sabre." I introduce myself, I see out of the corner of my eyes the two Colorless Guards get defensive. What is happening?

I take in the houses, all of them are color coded; and yet ice seems to crawl up the houses. I'm getting very, very bad vibes from this place...

"Make yourselves at home!" Ice Steve says walking away with Yellow close behind.

"Sabre..." One of the guards whispered, "Look up..."

Looking up there seems to be a barrier, welp that totally doesn't mean anything good! The Steves get back to what they were doing, but Tulip walks over and grabs my hand dragging me to an alley with the guards close behind.

"You can't trust Ice Steve, you must not." Tulip says. "He did something to Yellow and Yellow hasn't acted the same." I exchanged a startled glance with the guards. "Here." He pushes a strange crystal into my grasp, I can't help but flinch; crystals never mean good in my hands. "Take it please. Keep it hidden..."

Tulip then pushes past the guards and runs off. The Colorless Guards look to where Tulip ran off before looking at me. I open my hands and stare at the crystal, it was star shaped and looked as though fire was trapped in it; like the sun. I grasp it tightly and it disappears into my inventory.

"Guards, what happened before we arrived here?" I question.

"We were on a boat and a storm seemed to come out of nowhere. We seemed to have ended up here after." The non angry Guard answers.

"You passed out after you hit your head, we tried to control the boat." Angry Guard says.

"How hard did I hit my head..." I ask, putting my arms across my chest.

"Very hard there was blood!" Non-Angry Guard says.

"Then why is there no injury?" I shout breathing heavily, nothing is adding up.

"Excuse me?" A voice says and the three of us look to see who spoke, its Yellow, "Ice Steve wishes to speak to you."

"Alrighty then."Non  Angry Guard says.

"He only wants to speak to the Non-Steve..." Yellow says turning away.


[Look First Chapter of My First Book, Yay. I need help thinking of Nicknames for the Guards. Anyways, what do you think? How do you guys like my little funky color fellas? What do you think is going on?]

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