Watch the Sun Bleed

314 10 33

A/N: There is murder in this Chapter. I mean a lot of murder...


The Guards have set up a camp in the woods for the night. I was brushing Sheepy's wool, not wanting it to be tangled. I look up and let out a chuckle as Angry pushes the Phantom away with a grumble.


Ah Ha!

Got Names!

Non-Angry can be Wisteria! Wisteria's are sometimes considered to be good luck! Wisterias as gifts can be a way of saying "Be Strong!" or even "I believe in you!" Which is perfect for Non-Angry or now Wisteria!

Angry can be Sage! Sages are both a herb and type of person! Angry is wise and knowledgeable.

After asking them if it was fine to nickname them, they were actually quite enthusiastic; mostly Wisteria, it's very hard to figure out Sage's emotions. Whenever Sage looks at me it feels like they are staring.

I help the guards set up the two tents, one for me and one for them. I tried to tell them I didn't need a whole tent for myself. But they insisted, with a Sir and Sire thrown in. Sage crossed their arms across their chest, before glancing at the darkening sky.

"We should sleep, if we are to set off again in the morning..." Sage says. I nod in agreement after all the three of them were just going to sleep, it's not like someones going to die.


Being curled up the sleeping bag doesn't make it go away, the chill that goes up my spine. I ignore it and curl up even more. I have this tent to myself, just go to sleep. I close my eyes before I open them again with a groan.

I sit up and bring my knees to my chest, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I rip off my grasp at my bandana that lay at my side. I look at the closed tent exit and frown. I begin seeing red as the shadows inch up the sides of the tent. I shake my head and close my eyes, hands against my ears.

'Guards do not let that man get away!' A scarred man shouts points at me, dried and fresh blood drips off of my cloak. I look up and a smirk appears on my face as I dodge an arrow.

I blink with a gasp. Can't be caught or I'm dead. I stand up and wrap my bandana around my eyes. Gotta kill them before they kill me... Can't bring the Brotherhood C̶o̶l̶o̶r̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶G̶u̶a̶r̶d̶s̶ into my mess.

I push past the tent flaps, and leave the camp; after changing. I didn't notice that I was acting odd, I didn't notice how my stance changed from a man who wants to have fun to a hardened trained killer.

*3rd person (With Sabre)*

The hooded man ignores everything, slashing at any mobs that even manage to spawn. Black hood that cast a shadow over his face. He begins running, leaving the camp even farther behind. Lightning strikes silently around him and he stands upon a wall, seemingly slinking in and out of the shadows. Watching as armored people patrol and interact with one another. His eyes glazed with something malicious. He would not let these people take anyone away from him again. Never Again will they take what is his....

He takes out a bow and places a poison tipped arrow on it, before pulling the string back and aiming it at a lone guard. The guards' silver and red armor glitched momentarily into detailed gold armor but the man shot the arrow. The arrow goes into the space between chestplate and helmet, lodging into the guard's neck. Blood splatters out and the guard can't do anything as the poison affects them faster than they could shout.

Another guard arrives but before it can run to help the other guard, a knife is lodged in their throat and they fall as well, all they see before death takes them is black buckled boots. The man looks at the two Templar Guards C̶o̶r̶r̶e̶c̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶S̶u̶n̶ bodies. He looks away and slides down the wall, into the camp before slinking back taking to the shadows once more.

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