Chapter 2 [monsters]

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Pov: Gideon 

I am startled awake by a loud noise; it was the sound of a cage door slamming and being locked. I sit up and begin to look around the room I'm in, full of different crates stacked on top of each other. The crates were filled with many types of creatures, and it appeared that I was also trapped in one as indicated by the cold metal flooring I had woken up on.

Sounds of various animals filled the room, from chirps to growls, the whole range. I crawled to my gate to look around when I saw something I didn't recognize, green with fur covering most of its body except it didn't have a mouth on what I assumed was its face. Its feat reminded me of the old pictures of dinosaurs, it had an incredible likeness to them. After studying the odd-looking creature, I moved on to look elsewhere in the room to see what else was in there. Bears, wolves and a lion there were many animals I recognized with a lot I didn't too.

It took me a while, but I found him the red fox that I was trying to save from the trap before getting trapped too. I called out to it hoping it would hear me over all the noise, it did. The fox turned to me and yipped it wasn't that far away from me. I spent what seemed like hours talking to it and listening to its yips until the monsters that captured me returned to the room. 

The animals in the cages either went silent or started going crazy as the long tube-like creature stepped further into the room.I moved to the back of my cage and tried to appear invisible so as not to be noticed by the monster in front of me. 

It went to one of the cages and looked at what seemed to be a note board, but I wasn't sure, it did this a few times as it moved from cage to cage. When it finally stopped in front of my cage I hid as much as I could hoping that it would move on like it had with the others, but it didn't, it stuck it head down towards the grate to look for me. 

The next thing I heard was the sound of my cage opening before a clawed hand began reaching in, I flinched and tried to run but there was nowhere to run to. I was ripped from the confines of my crate by the very same creatures that had trapped me there to begin with. It restrained my futile struggles with ease and took me away. 

Its grasp was painful to be encased in but as I didn't have a choice I stopped fighting to see if the monster would ease its death grip. It didn't.

I was led away to a different room with a metal table, cabinets filled with strange bottles and vials filled with substances I couldn't make out and a countertop littered with dangerous looking instruments. The reason for me being here began to make itself known and the reality was frightening. They were going to run tests on me, but I doubt it's for my wellbeing. 

I am set down on the table and the one who was carrying me hissed and then left. It seems that while I was taking in my new surroundings these creatures had been conversing in whatever language it is they use. The creature that remained was moving about the room and collecting things from the various drawers and boxes scattered around every part of the space. When it had gotten everything, it needed it approached me holding an impossibly large, needled syringe filled with black liquid.

As it got closer, I tried to get away but there was no way I'd be able to get down from the table, not without breaking something and impeding any chance at a future escape plan.

I'm pinned down and injected with the black substance, my consciousness slowly fading away as I couldn't bear the pain I was feeling.  


And that was chapter 2. This is the first time ive written something like this and so far I,m finding it quite enjoyable.

Chapter 3 will be updated soon if things go to plan. :) 

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