Chapter 6: [Wounds]

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Gideons pov:

The amber eyed alien began changing the bandages on my arms and legs, I was petrified. I didn't know what it was going to do to me or why it was currently tending to my wounds. When my limbs finished, it reached for my shirt to access the wounds on my back and chest but something primal in me lashed out and I dove out of his grip onto the floor.

I felt like a cornered animal and to him that's probably what I was. I wasn't in control of myself then and didn't know what would happen next. On all fours I bared my teeth at him and growled. If he saw me as an animal, I must defend myself as one.

Little red was growling at the alien as well I made my way over to him seeking comfort and safety. I used the pen as support to stand as I wasn't yet steady on my feet. The alien backed up and sat back down in defeat, probably thinking of ways to get hold of me again without getting bitten.

Just as I was about to run away and hide somewhere in the room, I heard a strange melody coming from the alien, I decided to call Amber Eyes (Amber for short). What's going on, I don't understand? The music calmly washed over me enveloping my mind like an ocean wave. I couldn't understand what was being said if anything was being said at all. The muscles in my body relaxed and the adrenaline, which was the only thing keeping me upright, left. I collapsed to the floor and as my head hit the plush carpet Amber got up from its seat still singing its song. Despite any logic I was calm and relaxed now being hoisted up and into Ambers' arms. It once again reached for my bandages. Cautiously and carefully the bandages around my stomach and chest were undone. The wounds were cleaned then rewrapped, but when it finished, it didn't return my hoodie, and I was left with only my boxers and the new bandages.

Why is it taking my hoodie away? Even though it was stained by blood from my wounds I'd still rather have it than be so exposed. Amber got up once more and placed me back in the mound of pillows, that I hadn't realized I'd begun to miss, and went to leave the room.

I lay there thinking about my new situation. I'd come so far in so little time I was God knows how far away from Earth completely separated from humanity and now I didn't even have clothes. Little red came over to me and lay in my lap. At least I have him, I don't know how I'd cope if I was completely alone.

I may only have a fox to call a friend but isn't that how it's always been? Ever since I was given up on by the orphanage, I was alone. I spent all my time just barely surviving looking after myself, making sure I was going to pass my exams and make a life for myself when I was finally thrown out. The humans in my life never did anything for me. Even when the school knew what I was going through they never extended a helping hand and continued to ignore my struggles. If there was one person, just one, maybe I wouldn't be on an alien ship with an unknown destination and future awaiting me.

I fell asleep with these thoughts plaguing me and of what could have been.

Amber eyes pov:

Once the little thing was treated, I noticed how filthy its clothing was, so I took it with the intent to wash it. A slight hint of distress came from it when it was set down, presumably because I had taken away its clothing. I didn't want it to be distressed but its clothes needed to be cleaned.

I left the room so I could send its clothing to be washed and maybe find something else for it to wear in the meantime. I didn't know how it felt about being exposed, but I thought it best that in this strange new environment I stuck to what I knew of its kind.

Clothing seemed important to it in some way so I will try to keep it clothed. But what would it wear I didn't have anything that would fit it. Then I remembered my brother Khurah had just had a nogi with his mate the clothing made for newborn nogi may fit this small creature as its anatomy closely resembles ours, at least visually.

I went to my brothers room to see if he had anything that might help after I had dropped the creatures clothing off at the wash room. I pressed the com button for his room and waited for a moment for him to answer the door. When the door opened, I was met by the sight of an exhausted Khurah.

"Hello Khurah do you have a moment to spare?"

"Oh, Katorn its you. Sure, come on in. What do you need?"

"I was wondering if you had any spare nogi clothes. One of the creatures that were rescued from this shipment wears clothing similar to nogi and wanted to see if anything you had would fit it as it seems rather attached to its clothing."

"Sure there's a few things that Narma hasn't worn because they were bought before we knew her gender. I'll get them for you now, one moment."

He came out with a maroon jumper and a pair of black shorts. Nogi need to wear thicker clothing than the adults of our race as they get colder faster. As an adult I can get by only wearing thin silks and wraps wear as nogi have to have specially made clothing items to keep them warm and prevent them from wriggling out of them.

The clothing seemed perfect, and I hoped that once the creature was covered up it would relax and feel more comfortable. I guess I'll find out when I put these on it. 


Thanks for waiting, gotta love the inconsistant pulishing and writing schedule.

Well we finally get to know the aliens name and if you didn't quite catch it he's called Katorn.

His brothers name is Khurah who has a daughter called Narma

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