Chapter 4 [Fear]

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Gideons pov:

I lay awake for hours wondering why this had to happen to me, I'd have rather been beaten by the orphanage director a thousand times than experience what I now have. My body panged with painful aches as I lay on the hard floor of the crate. I hated it here and I dreaded the thoughts that clouded my reason. What if I never got out of here, what if I die without ever seeing my 18th birthday, the time that I'd dreamt of finally being free?

Memories of the past invaded my mind as I tried to sleep. I used to be one of the children the director had faith in. One that she treated kindly and was never made to lift a finger to help out. I could play and learn freely. Now that I'm stuck in a cage those memories seem even more distant than when everything first changed.

Rather than let my reality sink in I'd been avoiding it and thinking of ways to escape. I was trapped by monsters of unknown origin and experimented on. By their appearance they don't look native to Earth, so they're probably aliens of some kind.

To think that mankind's first contact with alien life was when a 17-year-old nobody was caught by them.

Saying that, how do I even know if this is the first time that a human has met an alien? I was caught and taken yet no one made a fuss about their presence. What if they'd done this before but no one knew?

My spiraling thoughts were interrupted as an alien entered the room. Fear set in and I began wondering what was going to happen this time. I hid at the back of the cage once more and tried to make myself small, but it was no use.

The alien made a b-line for the cage I was in, and I unfortunately began to imagine what was going to come next. I was once again taken to that room with the metal table and strapped to it.

I don't want to remember what happened next, but someone has got to know. I was stabbed, cut, broken and had parts of me removed. All my teeth, except my fangs, were removed only for them to inject me and have them grow back sharper than ever. I know I'm missing a few of my organs however witch ones are missing I wouldn't know, I never got around to passing biology. There were also new things in my body now, things I don't know the purpose of.

The mutilation of my body only continued.

Why must it hurt so much?

Make the pain go away.

It hurts.

Save me...


I lay broken in my cage. I don't want to live anymore. Please someone just make it stop.

I am flung to the side of my cage as if there was an earthquake or something. It happened twice as alarms blared and I just lay still hearing it all happen.

I finally regained my senses when my crate was knocked off its stand and I hit my head, little red was already out of its cage as his was one of the first ones to fall. I tried to make my way over to him as I started to feel dizzy, I touched my head and I was bleeding, but the blood had a strange silver twinge to it. I almost reached little red, but my vision fogged over, and I fell a few feet from him.

He comes rushing towards me as the world starts spinning. The door opens and a different tall figure enters the room. It looked human but was far too big to be one. Red is growling at the new thing as he stood over me in defense, I saw it approach but I blacked out before I could get a proper look at it. All I remember was those bright, amber-colored eyes.

***** Pov:

We caught wind of a cargo ship filled with creatures from protected planets. The Fletcher race has been poaching races from protected planets to sell on the void market for eons. And no matter how many we take out there always seems to be more of them in another corner of our galaxy. We the Norgash take this matter very seriously as the planets that are under protection do not have the right level of advancement to know the existence of other life besides the ones on the planet they inhabit.

During the last 12 rotations we have been tracking this ship to see where it was going but its flight path was erratic, and we couldn't pinpoint the location. We decided that we were going to attack at the polar hour.

The cargo ships themselves haven't got great defense and if you catch them off guard then they won't have their shields up. We boarded the vessel easily and we started to exterminate the fletchers that were on board. I located the storage area and went to retrieve anything that was still alive so I could return it to its original world.

When inside, I saw that the room was filled with toppled over crates and cages a few animals had escaped from their prisons and were now scrambling around to find an exit. There were many animals I recognized as those from protected worlds but there were a few that I didn't too. Was this a new catch from a planet they hadn't visited before?

There was a wounded creature on the floor it didn't have fur, feathers or scales but instead wore clothing. There was an even smaller creature with fiery red fur and ears that looked like they were dipped into black paint. It snarled at me when I tried to help the wounded creature was it trying to keep the hurt one as lunch? The injured creature was awake slightly and made a noise like that of my own language. The fuzzy one stopped growling at me and looked towards the injured one. The furry one lay on its chest and looked at me.

I went to pick them both up carefully to not get bitten. This time the red one didn't fight until I tried putting them both in a carrier crate. The vicious noise the red thing produced stopped me from continuing my efforts, so I left the rest of the cleanup to my team.

I carried them to my ship and placed them in a children's travel cot I still had from when I had to foster a Drax after one of the teams' extractions. The red thing explored its surroundings while I patched up the injured one. Once I was finished, I placed it inside along with the red one. 

Thanks a lot for reading. 

This chapter has been done for a while but I forgot to post it. Sorry for the wait. 

Chapter 5 is currently in progress but I think writers block is getting to me.  

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