Chapter 5 [strange place]

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Gideons pov:

I awoke to little red sleeping on my chest while listening to a gentle hum of which I could not discern its origin. The surface I was laying on wasn't the cold metal surface of my cage but instead a soft and fluffy bedding. I sat up alerting little red to my awakening and he yipped at me. Looking around the room I found myself in what looked to be a mesh play pen that you use for infants and toddlers. Blankets, pillows, and even a bowl hung in one of the corners, it was the perfect environment to keep a new puppy only massively scaled up in size.

Just as I was trying to figure out why I was in here there was a beeping sound coming from behind me. I turned around quickly trying to see what was happening when I felt a sharp pain in my head and the left side of my ribcage. Suddenly I felt faint and fell onto the bed of pillows letting out a pained cry. There is a hissing sound as the door opens and I hear footsteps as something enters the room. Little red doesn't react in the way I'd expect him to. I thought that as soon as anything foreign entered the room he would start growling at it, but he didn't. Instead, as I felt the onset of a panic attack set in, he came over to me and nuzzled my hands to reassure me.

The new presence in the room began to approach us but due to being lay on my back I was unable to see what it looked like. It made a gurgling sound that sounded intentional enough to be considered speech. I turned my head with great effort to face the being that stood over our new enclosure. What greeted me was a humanoid creature with olive green skin and bright amber eyes with no visible pupils. I looked into its eyes as it spoke to me and felt myself relax into its gaze. I don't know what it was saying or why I was here but for the first time since I was taken, I felt at ease.

I suddenly snapped out of my peaceful trance when it made a move towards me into the pen. This time little red did react and started growling at it. The creature placed its clawed hands under my legs and my shoulders to lift me up from the soft mound I was previously laying on. Little red was yipping and growling at it the whole time even as it took me away. I let out a calm hum to little red to tell him I was ok to calm him, he quieted down then stopped just as the creature stopped moving. I now had a much better view of the room, it was very similar to that of a master bedroom, however once again everything was massively scaled up in size.

When it grabbed something from a shelf, I began to feel panicked. Thoughts of what this thing was planning on doing to me had me spiraling. By the time it had sat down I was frozen in fear, paralyzed by my own weakness.

***** pov:

I held the tiny creature in my arms, its friend the furry one was growling at me again when I picked it up. It baffled me how two very different creatures got along so well despite it all. The growling only intensified as I brought the larger creature away and I sighed thinking I'll just have to get used to it. Suddenly, something unexpected happened, the creature in my arms began to make a calming sound towards the little red one and it calmed almost instantly. Was this how they communicated? Did this creature communicate through sounds and emotion?

I snapped out of the curious spiral and went to get the medical kit to change the creatures' wound wraps. When I sat down with it, I noticed how quiet it had been and how pale it really was. I tried to make the same kind of calming sound as it had done previously for the furry one before reaching for its old raps. The creature was deathly still as I undid the wraps on its arms however as soon as I reached for its clothing to access the wounds on his abdomen it leaped to life diving away from me standing on all fours baring venomous fangs at me.

I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed such large protrusions earlier. He scuttled back over to the travel cot and lent against it for support to stand on its hind legs. The fuzzy red one started growling at me again. I sighed and tried to placate the two creatures talking to them just seemed to make it worse. I stood there stumped at what to do I needed to change the wound wraps on its body because they may become diseased if left alone. The little thing growled at me too, it was defensive and frightened I don't blame it. Taking a step back towards the room's couch I sat down and began wracking my brain for a way to fix this situation.

The humming that it did to calm the fluffy one.

Maybe a calming tune I knew might work. I started singing a lullaby I was sung as a child when I'd wake up from a nightmare....

The next chapter is being written and once the initial plot is done I'll start taking requests for things you would like to see.

Also if you have any questions for me or about the story I'm happy to do a q&a.

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