8 - Trap

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Darth Vader's ship landed on the dusty surface and his rage simmered beneath his skin, the hatred for this wretched planet threatening to bubble over. He contained it, channelling the rage into something sharper. They had set a trap, that much was clear, from the carefully planted rumours and whispers of a rebel base on Tatooine of all places. In Hutt Space, it was outside of the Emperor's reach for now, but that would all change very soon.

Vader stood at the front of the ship, reaching out through the Force to the planet around them. Obi-Wan was here and Vader would find him. His old Master would pay for his crimes against the Republic, and he would pay for destroying Vader's life.

Seeing him on Doldur had made Vader's heart stop for a second, the realisation that Anakin's old Master and friend stood before him. Vader should have struck him down, and ended it all in a heartbeat. The Emperor would have been pleased, and Vader wouldn't have spent the next few days healing in a bacta tank from the lightning wounds from Sidious. 

Though strong enough now to deflect or even redirect the lightning on his own, Vader wouldn't dare turn the power on his Master. Not yet, not until he was sure it would kill Sidious. 

The Inquisitors around him buzzed with anticipation, stealing glances at each other as they prepared for the inevitable fight. Jedi hunting. They were good fighters, he had ensured that, but today would be a real test. For it wasn't lost Padawan's or washed out Jed Knight's that awaited them. No, it was the Jedi Master's of legend. 

As their scanners searched the surrounds for signs of their prey, something else twisted in Vader's gut and he sneered beneath his mask as he realised it was something resembling nerves. He flexed his gloved hands, reaching for the lightsaber at his belt.

Inside it, the angry crystal pulsed and raged with his own emotions, and Vader tuned into it as he reached out with the Force. Obi-Wan was here...

Their scanners didn't pick up on life forms anywhere nearby, but they did pick up on something else a moment after Vader. There.

Vader was thundering down the ramp before it even hit the ground, the Inquisitors hurrying after him.

He made his way forward, flicking his hand and sending tons of sand flying away in a gust, but truly he needn't have worried.

The gravestone may have been buried but the top half had been recently cleared. The sandstone was cleaned and dusted, to reveal the letters etched into it.

Shmi Skywalker

Stopping before the grave, Vader studied the weathered letters. It was a lifetime ago now, over a decade since Anakin Skywalker had found his mother killed by Tusken Raiders...and then slaughtered them. Perhaps after they rid this planet of the Jedi he would send the Inquisitors to finish what Skywalker started. 

Under the twin suns, his suit was stifling in the heat, but he had found what he came for. Laying atop the gravestone was a lightsaber Vader would know anywhere.


He lifted a hand and pulled the blade to him, catching it and studying the weathered handle. So he had been using it all these years, though for what?

'Lord Vader,' the Seventh Sister said from behind him. Without turning he could feel her bowing, and rising, one of her little droids hovering on her arm. 'We have found them.'

'Then do not keep me waiting,' he bit out, hating the speech modulator even more with its ever-calm voice.

'Yes, my Lord,' she nodded. 'This way.'

They returned to the ship, flying a short ways away to a cave system with an intricately carved doorway with pillars and arches, half collapsed with age.

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