20 - Executor

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'Why Lord Vader, it's such a relief to hear your voice once more,' Thrawn trilled. 'We were growing increasingly worried that something terrible had happened to you. Perhaps dead...or lost.'

Sitting on board the Imperial shuttle he had taken to get to Felucia, Vader had contacted his ship, the Executor. Obi-Wan and Plo Koon sat in the back of the ship, as Darth Vader's 'prisoners'.

Vader and the other rebels had damaged the ship as much as they could while keeping it functional, and done the same to his suit and helmet. The ship could now only transmit audio, so using the salvaged voice modulator from Vader's helmet, Anakin was able to keep his identity a secret for now. He had only vaguely alluded to a mission that had changed plans suddenly, due to the appearance of a certain Jedi by the name of Obi-Wan. Fortunately, Vader's obsession with Obi-Wan Kenobi was well known, so the sudden, fanatical disappearance was more easily explained.

Vader ignored the jab, 'What are the Executor's coordinates?'

Thrawn took a pointed moment to respond, 'I could ask you the same. We cannot read any of your trackers on our scanners or maps. Where are you, Lord Vader?'

Vader waited a moment, hoping the Admiral would take it for some kind of embarrassment, 'My ship is...badly damaged.'

It worked, and his form on the hologram flickered with a smile, 'How unfortunate. Very well, I shall have my technicians transmit our coordinates via hologram. When should we expect you?'

Anakin received the coordinates and put them into his chart. Yavin Prime. Interesting.

'My hyperdrive will only sustain ten hours of space travel,' Vader said. 'I will likely make it to the base on Steno, but I will need a new ship before I can continue.'

'We can't have you waiting,' Thrawn shook his head. 'We will be at Stenos when you arrive.'

Well, it would make the trip back to Coruscant faster.

'Very well,' Vader said, then paused. 'And bring me a new suit.'

Thrawn's face shifted, his intrigue palpable, 'Whatever happened to yours?'

'You do not ask questions,' Vader growled.

'Of course,' Thrawn bowed his head. 'I'm sure your confrontation with Obi-Wan Kenobi was challenging, even for someone of your skill level.'

A bold jab from Thrawn, one that Vader would not have tolerated. Anakin realised he had hesitated too late, Thrawn was testing him, perhaps he already suspected Anakin's defection. So he did what Vader would do. He reached out with the Force, using the hologram to connect them, and squeezed at Thrawn's throat.

He gasped, his eyes wide, 'Forgive me, my Lord. I meant no disrespect.' Conviction burned in Thrawn's eyes, though Anakin could not tell if he had in fact confirmed Thrawn's suspicions of his defection, or if he had convinced Thrawn he was wrong.

'Stenos. Ten hours.'

With that he shut off the transmission, and took a moment to centre himself.

'Well, that was...enlightening,' Obi-Wan said from behind him. 'He's a friend of yours?'

'Don't.' Anakin began readjusting their controls, punching in the coordinates for Stenos so they could jump to Hyperspace. Then he paused, not looking at Obi-Wan or Plo, 'It's going to get worse. Vader is... It's going to get worse.'

'Then it is all the more important to remain centred,' Plo said, his deep voice measured as always. 'Lead on, Anakin.'

Anakin looked back, and nodded, only once. It was the last time he would respond to Anakin until the Emperor was gone, and Padmé sat atop the throne.

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