19 - Fulrcum

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The twins' message earlier about a surprise for her on Felucia had been incredibly cryptic, and Padmé wasn't sure what to expect when her ship touched down on the planet.

She had been visiting Bail and Mon in secret, their news of life in the Empire growing increasingly concerning. Rumours were spreading that Lord Vader had gone missing while others speculated he had in fact gone rogue. Regardless, his disappearance had already created waves in the Imperial command structure, as the Grand Moff's, Admirals, and Inquisitors all vied for the top job as the Emperor's right hand.

In addition, the Emperor had become increasingly volatile, raging at the disappearance of his right hand and top enforcer.

Padmé did not tell them about seeing Vader on Scarif, nor his sudden...transformation? It wasn't as if he had become less violent or dangerous, but he had protected her at the cost of his own people. What did it all mean?

She pushed all of it from her mind, the twins would be able to tell if she was stressed out, and she wanted to enjoy seeing them again.

As her ship landed and the door released, she stepped outside into the sunlight, heading towards the little farmstead house.

The front door opened, and Obi-Wan stood watch as her children ran out towards her, 'Mama!'

Padmé smiled as she knelt to catch them both, pulling them in close for a hug. 'How are you?'

They shared an excited look, 'We have a surprise.'

'You mentioned,' she said as she stood up, allowing them to pull her forward when movement at the door drew her eye. Padmé looked up, expecting to see Obi-Wan or Ahsoka, or perhaps one of the clones when her world stopped.

He looked the same way he had the last time she saw him, though slightly older now. His face was a little more gaunt, though he seemed taller, larger somehow. His hair was shorter, like when he was a Padawan, not the longer hair he wore as a Jedi Knight. He wore a simple black shirt and pants, his dark boots so similar to...

It all clicked at once. Why Vader had been so protective of her, so intent on finding her children.

He stepped forwards and Padmé pulled the children behind her.

Shaking his head, he raised his hands in surrender, 'I'm not going to hurt you.'

Her jaw dropped, 'How...how are you...Anakin?'

His eyes lit up slightly, 'Hello Padmé.'

'See mama,' Luke tugged at her sleeve. 'Surprise.'

Padmé couldn't look away from him, noting every part of him. Was this real? Was this a Force ability that her children had learned? Perhaps she was hallucinating.

Anakin took another step towards her, advancing until he was three feet away.

'Mama?' Leia's voice was tinged with concern.

She shook her head, 'How?'

He smiled at her, 'I could ask you the same.'

'I don't understand.' Real or not real, Padmé couldn't tell.

Anakin frowned, 'You aren't happy to see me.'

Padmé wasn't sure what to feel. Anakin. There in front of her. She advanced a step, slowly bringing her hand up to his face. Her fingers grazed his skin, moved along his jaw, through his hair. Solid. Real.

'Anakin,' she breathed. And then crumpled, throwing her arms around him as fear and worry and grief and love warred within her. It was too much. Right now, all she could do was hold him.

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