23 - Sidious

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'All is ready for your departure, Lord Vader,' Thrawn kept his voice icy, though Anakin imagined the Chiss Admiral was as nervous as he. It still nagged at him that Thrawn might yet betray him and their plan, but it was too late to pull out now. 

Vader did not say anything, stopping in front of the ship that would take him and his party to the surface below. 

The hangar was filled with Imperial officers all pretending to be busy with their work as they kept their eyes on the Admiral and the mysterious Lord Vader. Since he had returned from his sudden disappearance with two unconscious Jedi Knights and the supposed rebel leader, Vader had spent much of his time resting and barking orders at officers on the bridge, forcing them to hurry up their return to Coruscant. Naturally, Thrawn kept up his usual taunts, and acted as the reasonable alternative to Vader's outbursts.

No, the most difficult part of all of this was Padmé. He couldn't bear the thought of keeping her in a cell, but it's what Vader would have done. She hadn't complained, and for the most part, she had been able to keep her demeanour cool and collected. If she was afraid, she didn't show it. 

Vader had begun his 'interrogation' of her, which was in reality, an hour where the recording devices in the cells were halted. Instead, Anakin and Padmé went over their plan for killing the Emperor. It hadn't changed at all, and thankfully, she did not remind him of that. Instead she was patient as they ran through it again and again, not mentioning how nervous he was about it all. She didn't like him wearing his helmet all the time again, but Anakin only had to be Vader for a little while longer, and then they could bury him forever. 

'Do you require anything else?' Thrawn prodded. 

'No, have your escort return to the Outer Rim at once,' Vader said. 'The Emperor will not be pleased if the rebellions are not dealt with soon.'

It had been a masterful move on Thrawn's part, half-inciting, half-fabricating widespread rebellions all along the Outer Rim planets. Padmé had helped of course, contacting the groups and calling them to action. Thrawn then used his brilliant tactical mind to cause as much havoc as possible between the Imperial forces, making them all but chase their own tails. 

Even this far away, Anakin could feel the confusion. His newfound strength in the Force was staggering, and still had him reeling at times, but he used it to fuel the chaos, pushing his own disorientation onto the Imperial fighters. His fear too.

Obi-Wan and Plo Koon were pushed onto the ship within their transportable cells, still asleep or pretending to be. Then Padmé was escorted onto the craft, cuffed and silent. 

Thrawn gave him a pointed nod, and Anakin recalled the prediction he had made earlier. An awful idea, but one that Anakin had not considered. At least now, if...no, when the time came, he would be ready. Because he now new the depths of the Emperor's cruelty and wickedness, and he knew that the Emperor would do anything to crush Vader's hope.

Vader stepped aboard and they took off shortly after, making their way down to Coruscant's surface. As he predicted, they did not stop for long, and were ushered immediately onto an airspeeder directly to the Imperial Palace.

Anakin began to meditate, leaning into the Force and drawing on its strength. The Emperor would know immediately that something was off, if he didn't already, so he prepared what he was going to say. He only hoped Ahsoka and her team would arrive soon, because things would turn ugly fast. 


'Darth Vader,' the Emperor said as Vader and his prisoners stalked forwards, surrounded on all sides by Stormtroopers. 'You have returned.' There was a hint of surprise in his voice, though Vader sensed the taunt. 

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