The Beginning of the End (Part 1)

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A maelstrom of emotions warred within Anakin as Obi-Wan followed him from the council chamber.

He hadn't expected the Chancellor to do something so...forward, nor for the Jedi to actually allow Anakin a space on the Council. Obi-Wan was certainly under no illusions that Anakin was even remotely prepared to be a Master, but everything was happening too quickly, and with little time to explain anything, Obi-Wan worried that this might finally tip Anakin over the edge.

His former Padawan had been so happy to see Ahsoka again, and after their success in their mission to rescue the Chancellor, even if Dooku had escaped. His location remained a mystery for now, but Obi-Wan knew the Count would not stay hidden for long.

In spite of everything, Obi-Wan had been glad to see the spark return to Anakin's eye but the denial of the rank had dashed it immediately.

'This is absurd,' Anakin argued as he walked. 'They put me on the council but not make me a Master? It's never been done in the history of the Jedi. It's insulting.

'You have been given a great honour Anakin. To be on the council at your age – it's never happened before.' A pause, 'The fact of the matter is, you are too close to the chancellor.' Even as he said it his stomach twisted. Obi-Wan always wondered about their strange relationship, and wondered even more if he should have put an end to it far earlier. 'The council doesn't like it when he interferes in Jedi affairs.'

'I swear to you, I didn't ask to be put on the Council,' Anakin's face became earnest.

Obi-Wan knew that, Anakin might hope for it in secret, but he never would have demanded it. 'But it's what you wanted. Your friendship with Chancellor Palpatine seems to have paid off.'

'That has nothing to do with this,' Anakin shook his head.

Politics...Obi-Wan cursed them, and himself as he sucked in a deep breath, 'The only reason the council has approved your appointment is because the Chancellor trusts you.'

'And?' Anakin frowned.

'Anakin, I am on your side,' Obi-Wan hedged. 'I didn't want to put you in this situation.'

'What situation?' Anakin's annoyance was becoming something darker.

'The council wants you to report on all the Chancellor's dealings,' Obi-Wan's gut twisted. 'They want to know what he's up to.'

'They want me to spy on the Chancellor?' Anakin's jaw dropped. 'That's treason.'

'We are at war, Anakin.'

'Why didn't the council give me this assignment before when we were in session?'

'This assignment is not to be on record.'

'Why are you asking this of me? He has looked out for me ever since I arrived here, he's been a mentor and a friend,' Anakin asked in disbelief.

Obi-Wan felt the words like a physical blow. Have I not looked out for you? He wondered. Have I not been your mentor and friend?

When he didn't respond immediately, Anakin stalked off.

'Anakin, wait a moment!' Obi-Wan called, but he did not even slow down, and Obi-Wan jogged to catch up to him.

'Oh come on,' Obi-Wan huffed as Anakin ignored him. 'It will come in time; you need only be patient.'

'Yes, patience,' Anakin muttered under his breath and Obi-Wan cast a worried glance over him. Perhaps it was the stress from the past few days, or perhaps the years of war, but Obi-Wan noted the dark circles under his eyes, the fatigue in his gait.

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