6 - Lord Vader

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Ahsoka helped them all inside, where Plo immediately went to work, 'Get into the atmosphere, we'll have to jump to hyperspace as soon as possible.'

'Okay, but why?' Ahsoka asked as she walked with them to the cockpit. 'Those Inquisitor's TIE's are no match for your skill, and they can't jump to hyperspace. Can't we pick them off first?'

'Forget the Inquisitors,' said the red-haired boy, rubbing a hand through his head, 'Vader is down there!'

'Vader?' Ahsoka frowned, looking to Obi-Wan. 'As in, Lord Vader? With the Executor ship?'

He wasn't paying attention though, his eyes fixed out of the small window, looking down at the cliff they had just fled from. On it stood a dark figure, a cape flowing behind it.

'What is that?' she frowned. 'Is that Vader?'

He didn't say anything though, finally turning to look at her with an expression she simply could not place. Was it fear? Guilt? Horror?

Ahsoka could scarcely imagine something that would shake Obi-Wan so thoroughly. She reached out with the Force, hoping to get a better feel for whatever it was when an explosion rocked their ship.

'No, that's Vader,' Wolffe said, taking over Rex's position in the cockpit with Plo. 'Strap in everyone.'

Rex took off for the gunner and Ahsoka followed. When she got into position, she saw the modified TIE that was on their tail now, though she couldn't see who flew it.

Ahsoka fired back at it, as Obi-Wan called again, 'Don't engage! We need to get out of here now!'

So determined to run, Ahsoka frowned. This time, she reached out with everything she had, feeling through the Force for the cockpit of the TIE where she felt such power.

It was cold and angry and full of hate and pain, but there was something so familiar, deep beneath all of that too. Gritting her teeth, she pushed further, trying to see past the overwhelming suffering she felt.

She recalled a lesson Anakin had taught her about how to feel through the Force, allowing her to practice on him. He had instructed her on how to feel his heartbeat, his lungs, his very essence within the Force. It was a gentle moment, a short reprieve from endless battle on a hostile planet. The suns had been setting, she remembered, and everything had glowed with orange-pink light.

It was the first time she had ever understood what people meant when they said he was the Chosen One. Absolutely no other Jedi came close to matching the power she felt in Anakin. Not even Yoda. She remembered Anakin's trusting eyes, urging her to continue even though she found it difficult at first. His blue eyes, smiling at her...and then turning yellow.

'No!' Ahsoka slammed back into the moment, gasping at the vision.

Before her, she watched as the TIE closed in, and then Rex fired, his shot hitting the engine and sending the TIE careening away.

It slammed into the ground and Ahsoka cried out. Had they killed him?

She watched the flaming wreckage as they rose higher and higher into the sky.

Then, it exploded and a dark figure emerged, clothing on fire as he looked up at the retreating ship.


Or someone else?


The Rebellion Leaders were silent as the Jedi gave their report, and Ahsoka sat quietly on the edge of the table.

Silence continued as Rex finished speaking, recounting their escape and the destruction of the TIE fighter.

'So, this Lord Vader was killed?' Ackbar said hopefully.

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