10 - Thrawn

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When he awoke aboard the Executor, Vader was in a bacta tank, and he jolted in surprise, and then anger. Who dared unmask and put him in here?

He got his answer soon enough as droids began pulling him out, settling him on the floor as they began assembling his suit. Before him on the medical screens he saw the reports of the damage his body had sustained in the collapse of the temple. The droids babbled about how it was a miracle he was even alive but he knew better. It was the Force. It was always the Force.

It had cradled him since before he could remember and it would not abandon him now. His arms and legs had been badly bruised and he had sustained a number of fractures in his ribs. Fortunately, his time in the tank had sped up the healing process, and he felt fine as the droids finished assembling his armour.

Unfortunately, he had been unconscious for the best part of six days. The rebels had escaped and three of his Inquisitors had been killed in the attack. Only the Grand Inquisitor remained. 

As he strode out of his rooms and down the Imperial corridors to the Bridge, Vader felt his fury bubbling. Whoever had been in charge of keeping him out of action for so long would meet a very swift end.

Arriving at the Bridge, he saw the familiar sight of blue skin against a white jacket.

Admiral Thrawn. Of course.

'Ah, Lord Vader, it is so good to see you recovered,' Thrawn said as Vader thundered towards him.

'Indeed,' was all he said. It would do him no good to make Thrawn seem anymore powerful than he was by insinuating the Admiral had somehow 'kept' Vader in stasis.

'Lord Vader,' Thrawn said as Vader brushed past him to the front of the command deck. Vader did not stop, forcing Thrawn to follow him. Standing before the soldiers around them in his imposing dark suit, Vader knew that reminders about who was in charge were never wasted. 'You have an urgent message, from the Emperor.'

It was all he could do not to whip around. Messages from the Emperor were rarely a good thing, and he had no idea how long his Master had been waiting. Not long enough for him to be replaced, he hoped.

Biting back a torrent of curses, he ordered the room be cleared out. Thrawn dipped his head mockingly but did not say anything as he too left the room.

'Darth Vader,' the Emperor hissed as Vader knelt before him, his voice crackling slightly through the audio channel. This far from Coruscant, his Master's touch was faint, but that didn't mean it was gone. Pain pricked him like thousands of needles and he gritted his teeth, refusing to react.

'You did not report in about your...mission to Tatooine. Fortunately, your Grand Inquisitor was incredibly forthcoming in his own account,' a chill spread over Vader at the words. There was something he did not yet know, something important. Otherwise, the Emperor would not be taunting him in this way.

'Of course,' Vader said through his modulator. 'He lives to serve you, as do I.'

'If only that were true,' Sidious sighed, and Vader looked up in surprise. 'You encountered multiple Jedi, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, and you failed to dispatch them. I am most disappointed, and you of all people know what happens to those who displease me.'

'There were complications,' Vader said before catching himself. Sidious did not care for excuses, only results. 'I will begin my search for them immediately.'

'You needn't bother,' Sidious said. 'Your Grand Inquisitor has already begun. Perhaps he will succeed where you have failed.'

Vader clenched his fists as Sidious tutted, 'You and Thrawn will continue sweeping the Outer Rim colonies for rebels and sites for new Imperial bases.'

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