Chapter 9: Run, Aaron, Run

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Driving alone felt like a breath of fresh air, despite the wintry weather and icy highway. It wasn't just the middle of December, but also the end of the semester. I was ready for a month-long Christmas/New Year's break. At this point, though, I wasn't even sure if I'd return for the next semester, my final one. Maybe, maybe not. It did sound silly because of how close I was to graduating college, but after Buff's smothering confession, along with losing my protections outside of his company, leaving the mysterious college town of Port Pelle was suddenly in my best interest, as long as no one could ever find me.

Buff wanted to be by my side at all times, proving just how clingy he really was. I didn't get much privacy at all, and I'd even had to argue over my right to use the bathroom with the door closed and with no one in there with me.

The price to pay for a wealthy life.

My ex had already been a psychotic twink who'd driven me to move far away, and now, a hot jock was on the verge of becoming similar. It was like I was meant to be single, or maybe I didn't know how to pick the right guy, not that I was looking for love.

My phone rang, and I reluctantly answered it as soon as Buff's name was on the screen. "Hey..."

"When are you coming home, Aaron?" That annoyingly impatient tone for the millionth time.

I rolled my eyes. "I literally just started driving, like, a few minutes ago."

"Actually, it's been almost a half hour. And where are you, anyway? You said you needed to clear your head."

"I still do, Buff."

"Why, though? I don't like the sound of this. Remember, now that you're no longer a student at Port Pelle College, I have to look out for you even more."

I lowered my eyebrows. "Wait, what? No longer a student?"

"Yeah, you said you didn't want to enroll again, remember?"

"Oh, my god! I meant that I was thinking about whether I would or not, but I hadn't made up my mind!"

Buff sighed. "If you had clarified that, then I wouldn't have talked to the dean to get you permanently blacklisted."

"What?! Blacklisted? Buff, what the fuck did you do?"

"Don't worry about that. It's not like you're in legal trouble. And if it's any consolation, you're fully protected now because you have nowhere else to go."

This wasn't happening...

"Welp, Buff? Congrats because you just owned the god yet again."

He chuckled as if clueless or just plain obtuse. "I don't own you. You own me. You're God, remember?"

"Not when you do shit like this."

"I'm protecting your life, Aaron!"

"More like running it for me." Why was I getting bolder all of a sudden? Maybe after a few weeks of being glued to Buff almost 24/7 got to me, and this drive was like regaining the sanity I didn't want to lose.

"Aaron, seriously, you should come back home now."

"I'm not done yet. I need more time."

"Well, I need you home now because I miss you. I don't like going this long without you by my side."

I wasn't even sure where I was headed at this point, but I had enough money saved up to go far. My stuff was still at Buff's place, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I had nothing to lose. I still had my keys and wallet, and I always stored my legal documents in the glove compartment and some extra clothes in the trunk. I could go anywhere, really. Port Pelle College no longer wanted me there, thanks to Buff. Yet in some strange way, he'd kind of set me free without even realizing it.

"So, Aaron. Why are you going up the Upper Peninsula?"

I lowered my eyebrows. "How do you even know where I'm going?"

"Your phone, Aaron. What, did you really think I was stupid enough to risk letting you run away from me? You can run, my love, but you can't hide."

Great, just what I needed to hear.

"So, I suggest you turn around and come back home if you know what's good for you."

"What if I don't, Buff?" My heart raced from how bold I was to challenge him.

"You know, this is exactly why I'm all for marriage. The idea that we'd be legally bound to each other reassures me so much because I fucking feared something like this could happen. You're mine, Aaron. You can't escape. So, again, turn around and come back home. Or else, you'd be sorry."

What had I gotten myself into by coming to Port Pelle? Everyone there seemed a little crazy, and I couldn't catch a break no matter how hard I tried. This wasn't what I'd signed up for, and it never would be.

Fuck this bullshit drama!

"Okay, Buff. Whatever you say." I ended the call, then carefully pulled over, parked on the curb, and got out. Circling around the front of the car, I quickly factory-reset my smartphone to leave no trace of my account. Groaning through clenched teeth, I repeatedly threw the device hard on the ground, shards everywhere, until it was damaged beyond repair. I let out so much pent-up frustration and anger over a psycho trying to run my life to the ground like I ran this stupid phone to the ground.

It was my life; no one owned me.

Sighing, I stared at the broken phone on the ground, wave after wave of the greatest relief I'd felt in a long time, a relief that told me I was going to be okay as long as I kept to myself from now on. My family couldn't know about my sexuality, or else, they'd disown me. Even then, living with them in the closet was still a risk because of my crazy ex. It was finally time to hit the reset button in my life and trust no one for as long as I lived.

I circled back into my car and continued the drive up north until I crossed the Mackinaw Bridge and headed west toward Wisconsin for more hours of a drive. As much as Michigan would always be home to me, it just wasn't safe here anymore. Maybe I was being overly paranoid since the UP was vast enough for Buff never to find me, given how spread out the small towns were and the lower population, mostly rural throughout. Plus, my damaged phone was still in the Lower Peninsula with no proof that I had even made it up here. Honestly? As long as I was good on gas, I could go past Wisconsin and straight into Minnesota, go as far west as life would take me.

The snowy environment made me smile as field after field greeted me the farther I drove down the narrow highway. I was actually doing this, and I couldn't believe it. My heart pumped with energy and hope, and there was no turning back now. I'd just taken charge of my life again, and it felt great. In fact, given my situation back home, I hadn't felt this way in a very long time.

I was finally free.

The Peach-Pounding Peters of Peterson Hall, #2 [Wattpad Edition]Where stories live. Discover now