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All characters are 19 or older! Ages might be specified later in the story! (College AU (Also my first time writing a story story, like an actual story and not a oneshot!))

Read the story description or this wont make sense lol

Kyle POV:

I walk out of Principal Victoria's office with pride, knowing that I have a job and I will not fail it! I swear on behalf of this school that I will bring back the old Kenny! This job shouldn't be that hard, I mean, all I gotta do is just convince him not to do bad shit, easy enough! I don't know why anyone else can't do that, it's very easy to tell someone not to do something bad!

I skip down the hallways, searching for where Kenny might be, we have L.A together in the mornings, although he never shows up, like ever. He doesn't show up to math either, man, does he show up to any of his classes? Probably not.

Principal Victoria said that he likes to hang out alone, so where in the school could he be most alone? The bathrooms? No, someone is always in there every minute..Oh I know! That one classroom that no one uses or goes to! That's it!

Kenny's POV:

I sit against the wall, scrolling through my gallery, I'm all the way back in 2012-2013. There is mostly just pictures of boobs and other shit, but I sometimes come across photos of me, Stan, Kyle, and Eric. Those are what I truly wanted to find and look at. We were all so happy back then. Jesus what happened..Oh right, Stan moved away 11th year, then Kyle couldn't take the bullshit of Eric anymore and I sure as hell wasn't staying in a duo with just me and him, fuck that.

I scroll through more photos and find pictures of just me and Kyle, doing random shit. Sitting on the stairs, hanging out on the roof of some place, going out places and eating, or just simply sitting in my room or in his room. Most of the photos are so goofy, but then the other ones are just, nice to look back on. 

I remember having the biggest crush on Kyle, but then he started dating Heidi, so I suppressed my feelings for him. Plus, who knows the harassment we would go through? Tweek and Craig still get harassed daily by Cartman and Heidi. Heidi is someone that I'd never expect to be homophobic, but ever since she's become "besties" with Cartman, she has been saying and doing some pretty fucked up shit.

I don't really want to think about this anymore, or anything in general. I pull a small plastic bag out of my coat pocket, bingo. I'm so glad I pre-rolled these. I open the bag and pull out a blunt.

"Just what I needed.." I say, grinning.

I put it in my mouth and pull out my lighter, but before I even get to light it the door opens and a boy who looks oddly familiar walks in and jumps anxiously as the door shuts behind him. I eye him up and down. The door closes behind him and he jumps a bit. I take the blunt out of my mouth and roll my eyes.

"Did they send another student to make sure that I wasn't smoking? Well ya caught me, what are you gonna fuckin' do?"

The boy just stares at me awkwardly and laughs. I stand there confused, questioning on why he just randomly started laughing. I take the blunt and put it in the plastic bag, I guess I'll have it later. I put the bag back in my coat pocket and pull out my phone, scrolling through Twitter to see what is up with everyone, instead of just normally leaning against the wall, I put my foot against it, to give myself a more stable grip to the wall, I don't wanna fucking slide down the wall in front of this kid, that'd be so embarrassing.

"Kenny, I'm surprised you don't recognize me, did I really change that much or do you just have bad memory?"

I look up from my phone and at the boy, who is now leaning on these two desks in front of me. I study him closer and..- Wait a second. That hat is so familiar, and those red curls, there is only one curly red head I know.

I can fix him. || K2 STORYWhere stories live. Discover now