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Kenny's POV:

I walk out the classroom, once the door closes, I finally exhale, I've been holding in my breath ever since I noticed Kyle was blushing. It was like he had me in a choke hold, when I was literally the one choking him. 

I hoist my bag over my shoulder, heading to class for once. I am so confused about what just happened that I literally don't know what to do. Why the fuck did he blush!? While thinking about why Kyle blushed, I start blushing myself. As soon as I notice this, I slap myself in the face. 

"Ummm..You good Kenny?"

I jump slightly, turning my attention to Craig. Did I just slap myself in front of him? Holy shit that is embarrassing dude, The amount of second-hand embarrassment Craig must've gotten from watching me do that shit is probably enough to make him wanna kill himself. 

"I'm fine, just needed to..Wake up a bit..?"

"Well if you want to wake up a bit, put cold water on your face. Don't abuse yourself."

And with that, Craig just walked past me, brushing his shoulder against mine as he walked by. I keep making my way to my classroom, surprisingly even though I don't go to class, I know where all of mine are. My mom is worried that I'll flunk out of college. I don't really care if I do though, what's the point? I literally forgot why I even came here in the first place.

While walking down the halls to my class, I think about what Kyle said, about us both going to college together. Is that really the reason I came here? Because Kyle was going? No..That wouldn't make any sense. Why the hell did I come to this place? Probably my mom forced me..

As I walk into class, the teacher looks at me with her jaw slightly dropped. I look to my left and see that the whole class is looking at me. Oh come on..Do I really not come here often?

"My my, McCormick, I didn't expect you to be joining us. Glad to know you're not dead!~"

The whole class laughs as she said that. I scoff and  hold back the urge to curse her out. I know what it feels like to die, I've experienced death over and over again. That joke was not funny at all. It fucking hurts to die. 

I slump my bag down next to my desk, pulling the chair out to take my seat. I look at the blank piece of paper on my desk, a pre-sharpened pencil sitting right next to it. Brand new..I can tell. That's nice, considering I hated getting the pencils with bite marks all over them in highschool. The feeling of your fingers rubbing against someones teeth indents? Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit everywhere.

As I try to focus on the lesson, my mind lingers somewhere else. Soon that lingering takes me to an actual place, a place that I haven't been in a..

Long. Fucking. Time.

(2017) Kenny's POV:

I smile, taking a deep breath, relaxing in the smell of..Fresh air. It's been awhile since I've left my house, the only smells you'll get in there is alcohol and cigarettes, I think I prefer the smell of actual air.

I glance at Kyle, gripping his hand tighter as we walk down the side walk. We're going to meet up with Cartman and Stan! We're pretty much just going out to eat something small and catch up! I noticed we all don't play as much as we did when we were seven, however, school is wayy more important when you're in the eighth grade! Math also gets really hard..

After a few more minutes of walking and chatter about random things, we eventually make it to the new small cafe that Wendy's mom runs. We walk in, still holding hands while I listen to Kyle ramble about the cheesecake they have here.

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